Pluto's plan fell in the flaws left by Lin Lang.

The Pantheon is the strongest magic weapon of the Pluto, but now, the Pluto has penetrated into the temple, but is calculated by the surrounding Lin Lang, and layers of seals are placed. It is impossible to get out of the pantheon in a short time.

This is exactly what Lin Lang wants to achieve.

Layers of seals restricted Pluto's space for action, making it difficult for the latter to free up his hand to deal with Lin Lang in a short period of time. With this method, Lin Langfang was able to stand in front of the Ten Thousand Demon Hall and block the many demon monks behind.

At the same time, Lin Lang passed orders to the entire fairy palace in the name of Jietianjun.

The vast divine voice instantly spread throughout the entire fairy palace area, including those outside Universe Greats who were hiding in the fairy palace, and could clearly hear Lin Lang's order.

"I am the Heaven Jietian Lord. I will seal the Immortal Palace with supernatural powers to isolate the passage between the two realms. The emperors will return quickly after hearing the news."

It is such a simple word, at this moment, it has been transmitted to the ears of every creature in the fairy palace. Those great emperors who had been hiding for several months couldn't help but feel moved when they heard Lin Lang's voice.

They have been trapped for a long time, suffering from being unable to get out. The moment they heard Lin Lang's voice, they immediately got up and headed towards the area where the fairy gate was.

Lin Lang's words are still somewhat convincing to them. What's more, they are trapped in the fairy palace, and there is currently no way to get out. Either believe in Jietianjun, or have been lurking under the command of the Immortal Palace Demon Clan.

But the latter is not the answer after all!

Having been hiding in the base camp of the demon clan, when Lin Lang really withdrew from the immortal palace, the demon clan would definitely investigate the immortal palace thoroughly, and it was only a matter of time before they exposed. Many emperors still chose to believe, and went straight to the location of Lin Lang.

And a few people are still hesitating. After all, for them, they don't have a deep interaction with Jietianjun. Who knows if the latter has already returned to the Demon Race, deliberately because they had used it in the past.

A few people stood still, but most of the monks of the Great Emperor went straight to the location of Lin Lang at this moment.

There are still many demon gods in the periphery, but they can't stop the many great emperors of the outer universe who are desperate to flee for their lives. They quickly broke through the blockade and arrived at Lin Lang's location.

"Jietianjun, what I did before was a bit wrong."

Emperor Yan Luo's gaze fell on Lin Lang, and he apologized.

On the other side, a different universe emperor also stared at Lin Lang deeply. Before he could speak, he was interrupted by Lin Lang's voice: "Don't be too slow, I don't have much time for you!"

Lin Lang's hurried voice came out, saying: "Although I rescued you out, I didn't want you to go out and continue to dominate the demon army. You still need to clear out the demon army that is running away from the outside world."

"This is natural."

Tiandi Zhou's gaze fell deeply on Lin Lang, saying: "As the emperor, we naturally have the mission of protecting the tens of thousands of people. We were blinded by the chance of the fairy palace before, and I asked Jietianjun not to commit crimes. ."

As he spoke, the figure of Tiandi Zhou had already withdrawn, time was running out, and now it was not a time when he was a mother-in-law, he still knew which one was lighter and heavier.

A light flashed at the position of the fairy gate, and the figure of Emperor Tian was bathed in layers of fairy light, and smoothly left the area where the fairy palace was located.

On the other side, seeing Emperor Tian escape smoothly, many emperor masters who were trapped in the Immortal Palace no longer hid. At this moment, they also showed their true bodies, breaking through the barriers of the demon army, and passing by Lin Lang.

Lin Lang was imposing a seal for the Immortal Palace, while on the other side he was constantly attacking the position of the Demon Army near the Immortal Palace, making it impossible for the latter to gather a formation to attack these human emperors who came later.

He was not worried about Pluto's counterattack, but the one in the fairy palace.

So far, the supreme existence of the Demon Race-Yuanshi Demon Emperor has never taken action!

This top power in the Demon Race, in the past, was able to talk to Zu Hao. Even the Palace Lord of the Earth Palace would be weaker than the Yuanshi Demon Emperor.

Faced with the existence of this series, Lin Lang dare not care, although the two have never met, but in Lin Lang’s speculation, the top master of the demons is probably close to the realm of immortals infinitely. I'm afraid he is far from an opponent.

But what makes him full of doubts is why this demon great power has never appeared since the opening of the fairy palace until now. The immortal palace opened such a master, it must be enough to alarm the Yuanshi Devil Emperor to make a move.

With such thoughts in his heart, Lin Lang didn't dare to be careless, and kept blessing the seal on the Pantheon to prevent Pluto from escaping. This has indeed won enough time for the emperors of the outer universe.


However, Lin Lang deeply underestimated the power of the Ten Thousand Demons Hall.

It is true that the Pluto was trapped in the Pantheon Palace under his care, but this does not mean that he has lost the ability to resist Lin Lang. On the contrary, he has fully operated the Pantheon internally.

Hearing a voice that sounded like an ancient instrument slowly sounded, this ancient palace that had existed a few years before Yuanhui finally showed its power at this moment.

"As long as it can seal the Hall of Demons and move the Hall of Demons to the position of the Immortal Gate, perhaps it can be used to block the intrusion of the masters of the demons."

At the same time that such thoughts flashed in Lin Lang's mind, the seal was already formed in his hand, the nine colors of divine light were intertwined, and the nine bans fell lightly in the sky above the Pantheon.

As if communicating with the real seal avenue, at this moment, purple fluorescent lines are flashing in the sky above the Pantheon, which is more like an electric current flowing inside, connecting the end to the end, and it is like an incomparably long tie rope. Firmly shrink the power of the Pantheon Palace inside.

The Way of the Great Seal!

So far.

Lin Lang applied layers of seals on the top of the Pantheon. In a short period of time, Pluto had no chance to get out. Unless he can smash the seals under the Wanmon Hall and Lin Langbu at the same time from the inside.

But this is impossible.

The main body of the Wanmo Hall is also equivalent to a half-immortal artifact, and it has almost condensed the ultimate meaning of the magic way, which can't be broken overnight, and so is Lin Lang's seal.

In the follow-up, Lin Lang only needs to move the Ten Thousand Demon Hall to fill the vacancy in the position of the Immortal Gate.

With such thoughts, Lin Lang held the Temple of Demon in one hand, and flew backwards.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred!

Before Lin Lang flew to the front of the fairy gate, an extremely terrifying and tyrannical aura was transmitted from the depths of the fairy palace, and it seemed that there was something terrifying evil being resurrected in it.

At the same time, the devil energy in the entire fairy palace was affected. At this moment, it was violently boiling, visible to the naked eye, and the dark devil energy scattered around the world like a horse.


The immortal palace trembled, an extremely condensed, and even the pressure that made all living beings afraid of it suddenly fell, sweeping the entire world in an instant. .

Many Allahs of the Demon Race have knelt down tremblingly while feeling this coercion, looking respectfully into the distance, more like worshiping the monarch.

There is only one person who can make many demon gods like this!

That is the number one master of the Demon Race, the terrifying Demon Race ancestor who was born out of nothing-Yuanshi Demon Emperor!

With the revival of Yuanshi Demon Emperor, the whole world of demons bowed their heads, not daring to look directly. From the depths of the fairy palace, a nine-tailed beast arrived instantly from a distance, surrounded by an extremely tyrannical aura, and slew in the direction of Lin Lang.

This is not Yuanshi Devil Emperor, but the beast under his seat, but even so, this nine-tailed beast has already left the category of ordinary God and entered the realm of mystery.

In terms of adult combat power, it is comparable to the existence of the eleventh eternal catastrophe!

And standing on this nine-tailed monster is the real Yuanshi Devil Emperor, the only existence near the immortal in heaven and earth!

If Lin Lang and other ancestral realm masters are already masters standing on the top of ancient and modern times, then this Yuanshi Devil Emperor is an existence standing on the shoulders of many ancestral realm masters.

His power is enough to defeat the ancestral realm and rival the immortal!

Originally, although Lin Lang had a rough estimate of the strength of the Yuanshi Devil Emperor, he concluded that the latter was very likely to be an existence that was slightly stronger than the Ancestral Realm.

But it wasn't until this moment that he really met before he realized that he had far underestimated the Yuanshi Devil Emperor!


The Yuanshi Devil Emperor spoke softly, possessing the power to speak freely, and he saw that the sky was instantly filled with countless magic thorns, including the location of Lin Lang, and the sharp magic thorns were out of thin air. The transformation directly penetrated Lin Lang's body.

Just with a magical power, Lin Lang was injured, the battle strength of Yuanshi Devil Emperor was evident.

Lin Lang was injured, but he didn't dare to stop. While setting up a new round of seals, he quickly approached where the fairy gate was.


The Yuanshi Demon Emperor made his second shot and directly anchored the immortal gate. At this moment, the Yuanshi Demon Emperor pulled into countless small pieces at a short distance, and Lin Lang could only break them one by one.

It was also at this time that Yuanshi Demon Emperor shot again, waving layers of demon flames, melting Lin Lang's body into nothingness. Three shots have already seriously injured Lin Lang!

This situation seems to be very unfavorable for Lin Lang, he is equivalent to fighting with two ancestral realms at the same time. The most terrifying is Yuanshi Demon Emperor, the latter's magical powers actually have the illusion that he can't defend him.


Lin Lang thought, and at this moment, he carefully discovered that although the ancestor of the demon race still possessed monstrous combat power, it also had subtle flaws.

Sanity doesn't seem to be very bright!

If it were other masters in the Ancestral Realm, it would probably kill Lin Lang directly at this moment, but Yuanshi Demon Emperor did not do so. On the contrary, the previous series of attacks gave Lin Lang the feeling of throwing a rat-in-arms. Yuan Shi The devil dare not really kill him!

"No, it's not that he didn't dare to kill me, but he was jealous of the Pantheon."

Lin Langmu's focus flashed, but at this moment, he didn't care about thinking, and directly resisted with his body, blocking a series of magical powers of Yuanshi Demon Emperor.

Until this time, he finally rushed to the position of the Immortal Palace, and the Wanmo Palace was hit by him heavily, and it was falling at the position of the Xianmen gap. At the same time, Lin Lang began to arrange a series of formations.

Although Lin Lang is already at the end of the battle, he must do this seal!

The Hall of Demon is not just an immortal weapon, but also a thing that condenses the beliefs of the demon race. Who dares to damage it easily?

In this way, a situation in which the three parties contain each other is formed. If Pluto wanted to break free, he had to break the pantheon that had been refined by himself, and Lin Lang and the masters of the demons would naturally not allow it. And if Demon Gao wants to enter the outer universe, he must leverage the power of the seal of the Wanmo Hall and Lin Lang.

In this case, it is impossible to achieve.

The three parties competed. At this time, a delicate balance was formed. Everyone wanted to break it, but no one could break it.

"Perhaps this will make the outer universe stable for a few years, but I can't leave easily anymore." Lin Lang shook his head slightly, this is the limit he can do.

The rest depends on whether the sentient beings in the outer universe can defeat the demons in the subsequent countless Yuanhui, and a large number of powerful men have been born.

Of course, if an ancestral realm master is born, Lin Lang's pressure will be reduced a lot, and he can even counterattack the demons. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1353), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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