The crowd set their sights on the source of the sound, and the speaker was a middle-aged man in a sweatshirt with bare arms.

"Zheng family, Zheng Lixing."

The middle-aged man made an appearance, and made a look of people from rivers and lakes to exchange names.

The boy still didn't mean to answer, but just silently shifted his eyes to these people as if looking at them.

"It is estimated that among the immortal practitioners in the entire universe, only the talents of the earth are so polite, and they should report to their families before they start." Lin Lang smiled, and replaced them with other immortal stars. Life is not enough to kill opponents.

The prosperity of Xiuxian Star has evolved gradually in the killing. Leaving aside the term of the end of the Dharma era, it is estimated that it will take 1,800 years for the warrior consciousness to fundamentally change.

Lin Lang's attitude made Zheng Lixing have a feeling of being ignored, his cheeks were hot, and he hummed a cry, "Please enlighten me", carrying his tiger-like momentum down the mountain and punched him.

The power of this trick is really not small, and it is faint to let the wind whistle. This is the master's biography of Zheng family, born from Muay Thai, and combined with several well-known boxing tactics such as Huaxia's well-known Tongbei Boxing, King Kong Luo Han Boxing As a result, the Zheng family in the entire martial arts circle did not dare to compete in front.

"Do you say Zheng Lixing dealt with this kid?"

Chen Qing whispered to the warriors around him, he always felt that the young man's strength was definitely not as simple as he saw on the surface.

Otherwise, it is safe to survive in a place like Yunwu Mountain to this day.

After speaking, Chen Qing immediately attracted a lot of sarcastic eyes in the vicinity.

"Chen Qing, are you crazy?"

"Zheng Lixing has been among the top warriors three years ago, and it is not enough to deal with a junior."

Yujia martial arts looked at Chen Qing strangely.

"I don't think so." Chen Qing frowned, staring at the two with sharp eyes.

At this time, it was seen that the fist had approached Lin Lang's face. The strange thing was that the fist was enough to penetrate a few centimeters of steel. At this time, it fell on Lin Lang's body but fluttered, as if the breeze was blowing over the hill.

The young man's clothes fluttered, looking down at this powerless punch, his sleeves twitched lightly, and Zheng Lixing immediately suffered a severe blow on the other side, and he stepped back a few steps.

"This ... how could this be?"

Zheng Lixing was so frightened that he would lose half his life with a punch in the same rank martial arts, but now he is easily removed, how can he not be surprised.

What's more, he felt that his strength was relieved. In the end, there was still a terrible energy to knock him out. If he hadn't trained his fists by his boxing skills, I'm afraid this trick would be enough. Other peak warriors lost half their lives.

The energy is released, the master's logo!

"Strange, isn't Zheng Lixing just a temptation, not using all his strength?"

A lot of martial artists were extremely puzzled. They were far away and naturally could not feel the energy that rushed out at that moment.

In their eyes, the fight between the two was like a pat on the shoulders between friends, without using any power.

"Is Zheng Lixing regressing your kung fu? Even a weak junior can't deal with it." Of course, the warrior who had quarreled with Zheng Lixing would not let go of this opportunity, and laughed out loud.

Others also set their sights on Zheng Lixing, but what they saw was that Zheng Lixing's face changed in vain, and everyone could clearly see a trace of bloodshot on the corner of his mouth.

It was Zheng Lixing himself, and it was only now that he found that Shicai's strength had penetrated his inner belly and wounded him.

"Hurting people with vigor, are you a guru ?!"

Zheng Lixing made a horrible noise. Except for his master, he could not imagine that anyone could do that.

As soon as the word came out, there was an uproar all around.

Which one can reach the level of the master of the realm is not a figure with a high level, but a genius such as Deng Ai, and it is already a half-aged age to reach the master's realm. How can such a cowardly boy?

It is because he is practicing in his mother's womb. It is not easy to do this step.

But then again, Zheng Lixing was indeed injured by the young man. This is not a fake, and there is no need to fake it.

For a while everyone was hesitant and looked at Lin Lang with dread, and no one would take the initiative to provoke a suspected master. Even the masters of the Jade family were a little hesitant.

Lin Lang glanced at this group of people and saw that the hostility had disappeared, so he did not let go of the thought of slaughtering a group of the weak, and turned to prepare to leave.

A cold voice suddenly came from behind him: "Stop, can I let you go?"

The speaker is Deng Ai.

The people were shocked, and the reason why the master was named ‘guru’ means that the martial arts had already entered the room, and there was a gap between the world and the martial arts. The means were far from ordinary martial arts.

The only people who can deal with the Grand Master are the strong men of the same level. Naturally, Deng Ai's voice made them very pleased, and standing on the side had a great meaning to stand on the wall.

"So what do you want?" Lin Lang frowned.

"It's very simple. Leave what you got in the Taoist temple, and I can give you a way of life." Deng Aidan said.

As early as when he entered the backyard, he found that there was nothing in the house. The baby who could provoke a thousand kilometers of sword gas was missing. How could he not let him think of it to Lin Lang.

"You're going to rob me?" Lin Langyan wondered.

"Yes, geniuses, treasures, and virtuous people. The things in Taoism cannot be swallowed by a junior." Deng Ai arrogantly said.

Lin Lang's heart was so funny. He always had only his own robbery, but he did not expect to be robbed today.

"Did you mean this thing?"

As soon as his heart moved, Shangqing Jian appeared in his palm like magic.

The treasure was overflowing, and the aggressive sword air poured out, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

baby! Absolute baby!

Everyone was moved, and their faces were filled with something called greed, and even some strong men who had blind self-confidence in their strengths were eager to try and rush over Deng Ai to **** treasure.

"This kid is not easy. Let Deng Ai get started first, and then I will sit and collect the fisherman's profit. Then the baby will be mine." The master of the Yu family secretly said.

"Give it to me, and I can spare you today." Deng Ai licked her lips, and from the appearance of Xiaojian, she knew that it was not unusual.

If this thing can be controlled in his hands, the Da Deng family will not be at his disposal.

"The Shangqing sword is indeed a good thing. It has the power to make wars easier for all armies." Lin Lang nodded, but his tone suddenly became cold: "But you are not worth it!"

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