"I don't deserve it, do you deserve it?"

Deng Ai's complexion suddenly turned dark. From his clenched hands to the trembling fist, it was not difficult to see that the anger in his heart was about to be vented.

"The guy who toasts without eating and drinking, it seems that Deng Aijiu lives in Deng's house, and no one has paid attention to me."

Deng Ai stepped heavily on the ground, and his master's momentum was undoubtedly revealed. The broken Qingshitai was even overwhelmed. As Deng Ai stepped forward, he cracked quickly.

Everyone was ashamed, and a guru was hard enough to deal with, and what would happen to offending an enraged guru? I am afraid that most people have never seen it. Almost subconsciously, the crowd flashed aside, giving way to the two people at the center of the battle.

"I want you to die."

Deng Ai suddenly drank and shot forward with a stern hand.

Lin Lang Yiran was not afraid, but she also came out with a palm.


One of them is a guru, and the other is more arrogant than the guru. Even if they do not argue with all their power, the damage caused is still horrible. At the foot of Qingshitai, the sound of 'bang' collapsed and uttered so many smoke.

At this moment, the sky of Yunwu Mountain rushed across the sky in a rush, and few people noticed this scene.

Lin Lang felt in his heart that he came to realize at this moment. It turned out that the blood demon flower was about to mature!

"No more, take the blood demon flower first, and then clean up you later."

The blood demon flower matures only for a moment, and the blossom is also a flower. Only that moment is the most active in its medicinal properties. When it is the most overbearing, Lin Lang understands that those beasts naturally understand it, but they are afraid of the blood demon flower. When they grow up, they will be swallowed by the lion ancestors who are guarding them around.

Simply, Lin Lang temporarily put down the dispute here, and as soon as he shook himself, he faded into the air and disappeared into the sight of everyone.


Deng Ai only felt that his **** blocked the way of killing God, but at this time it seemed to be patted on a stubborn stone, but the pain was secondary, and the force of the shock pushed him for a while.

"How could it be, how could this kid block my palm."

Deng Ai was so shocked that he did not continue to act, but instead he was alert.

When the smoke dissipates, there is no trace of Lin Lang.

"Fuck, where did this kid go?"

"Is the prestige of the guru an ordinary man's resistance? It is estimated that this guy was shot by Deng Ai?" Someone around him continued to flatter.

Deng Ai frowned without leaving a trace, a hint of doubt flashed in her heart.


The ancestor of the lion squatted in the middle of the mountain. The huge body was almost covered with most of the space. It looked forward with anticipation at the beautiful flower.

The original pink petals were being eroded by red at a rate visible to the naked eye at this time. The former erythema was like a monster, and opened the mouth with a big mouth to swallow the original color a little bit, and soon ...

Seven petals are bright red.

The petals trembled, and a strange scent came out, lingering on the side of the lion ancestor, making its eyes red.


The ancestor of the lion snarled, knowing that the blood demon flower has matured, and as long as it can swallow its strength, there must be a long leap, which is almost an instinct in the subconscious.

However, at this time a group of uninvited guests had been dormant near the entrance of the cave.

I didn't know who had discovered the strong medicinal scent here before, and immediately fired a signal flare into the sky. I wanted to call my elders as the master, but I didn't expect to attract a nearby warrior.

The strong aura emanating from the blood demon flower's maturity immediately refreshed everyone's spirit.

Although they didn't know what was hidden in the hole, one thing was certain, it must not be anything ordinary.

"Rush up, the hole is ours."

Everyone glanced at each other, all flying away at this time, smashing into the dark hole one after another.

"Brother, aren't we going in? It won't be ours anymore."

Looking at the soldiers who rushed into the hole, Chen Fangyi rubbed his palms, and also wanted to go in and take a look.

"No, the book says that where the spirit grass appears, there must be an overwhelming presence to guard it. Moreover, with the slightest of our two actions, we can't keep it."

Chen Fangyin is still a bit sensible, holding her sister and shaking her head in the rear.

A pot of cold water poured down, and Chen Fangyi's face also dimmed. Yeah, the two of them were the strongest talented soldiers in the early stage, and they could slap them with a slap in the face of a late soldier.

"Let's just go in and see ... should it be okay?" Chen Fangyi was still not reconciled.

"No, we just came to see the world with Uncle Qing, there is no need to risk ..."

Chen Fangyin's last word "danger" had not yet been exported, and a beast roar mixed with anger came out from the cave.

The next screams screamed in succession, and many fighters who rushed in rushed out of the cave.

A commoner veteran flew upside down and smashed heavily at the feet of Chen Fangyin. There was no breath for a long time. At first glance, this was a late warrior.

"What happened inside?"

Chen Fangyin grabbed a fleeing warrior in doubt.

The man turned a blind eye, panicked away Chen Fangyin, and fled.

Chen Fangyin realized the danger, his face changed suddenly, and pulled Chen Fangyi to escape, but it was too late.


A behemoth with a size of several meters smashed the gravel at the entrance of the cave and jumped out, stopping all the warriors from fleeing.

"Oh my God, what is this?" Chen Fangyi looked at the front.

"It's the lion ancestor!" Exclaimed the warrior.

Chen Fangyin's face changed again. The other day, he warned others not to provoke the lion ancestors, but he did not expect to be met today.

Roar ... roar ...

The ancestral roar of the lion ancestor came out, and a pair of angry eyes locked every person present, and these ants who dared to attack it did not intend to let go.

Everyone was silent, and there was only one way to the top of the mountain. One way to go down the cliff was to jump off the cliff, and the other was to walk past the lion's ancestor.

The lion ancestors leapt forward, killing all around, and the thick beasts swept forward, taking away the lives of three or four warriors.

"Run over, or we'll all die here."

A roar fell, and four or five warriors rushed out, hoping to take advantage of this.

But the lion ancestor's body is too large, and the speed is far beyond everyone's imagination. Although the warriors who rushed out were scattered, the lion ancestors were still easy to kill, killing the first person, and still had plenty of free time to kill other warriors.

Along with the scream of a famous warrior, the Lion Ancestor has rushed into the crowd and killed himself.

"Does God die?"

Facing the beast's claws a little enlarged in his eyes, Chen Fangyin's heart was completely desperate.

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