Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 135: Do i let you go

The voice from the cyan little sword made Lin Lang slightly surprised.

This turned out to be a sword with a master.

Lin Lang ignored her and completely buried her consciousness in the blue cyan sword.

"I did not expect that there are still warriors born on earth today?"

There was a surprised voice in the sword of Shangqing.

"You don't think so much."

Lin Lang said indifferently, still immersing his consciousness in Shangqing sword.

"Junior, this Qingqing sword is the thing that this seat is tempered to the outside world. You dare to stun this thing today, this seat can't spare you." The voice in the sword warned coldly.

"Tiancaidibao, whoever has the ability to live in it, I'm unlucky when you meet me." Lin Lang snorted coldly.

"A junior who builds a base, you know who this seat is."

The imprint of participation in that sword was clearly angry. In the past, when she swept the world, the ants in the foundation period smashed somehow. Now the ants in front of her not only offend her majesty, but also want to **** her sword.

How can she keep her angry?

"It's just a little Yuanyuan. There are 18 million ants like you who died in my hands."

Lin Lang gave a cold snorting sound, and the goddess of insight into Shangqing sword sharpened in vain, strangling to the lingering soul.

"Presumptuous, ant-like guy, wait for the day of Chongyang in the two circles, my Miaoyin Pavilion will dispatch a disciple to kill your whole family." The woman in Shangqing sword said angrily.

"You don't need to find me, wash your neck and wait, there will be someone called Lin Youye coming to you in the future."

Lin Lang's huge consciousness, like a grinding disc, crushed the remaining soul in the sword.


Through the layers of space, in a misty wonderland of clouds and moons.

An old woman's face was extremely dark, and before she knew it, the tea cup held in the palm of her hand turned into powder.

"What happened, Master?"

A beautiful woman nearby hurried forward and asked.

"The Supreme Qing sword that was left to support from the outside world was taken away." The old man's face was somber, remembering the boy's provocations, the anger could no longer be contained.

Especially Lin Lang ’s little little Yuanying, I ’ve killed it a little, completely driving her completely crazy. She thinks that Yuanying Xiu is already a giant in this world, and it ca n’t be more than her. One-handed.

Are there really so many babies here to kill you?

"Arrogant ants, this seat is here waiting for you to kill."

The beautiful woman, feeling the bitter chill emanating from Master, could not help fighting a cold war.


Without the protection of the disabled, Lin Lang easily refined the sword of the Qing Dynasty.

Half-foot Qing Feng, quietly suspended in the palm of Lin Lang.

"For the time being, my practice is to call the Shangqing sword battle is still relatively difficult. When the Jindan period is almost able to call the Shangqing sword battle, when the later Jindan monk is not afraid."

Lin Lang secretly thought that he temporarily put away the sword of Qing Dynasty and reserved it for future use.

The sword qi surrounding the Taoist Temple was born by the sword of the Qing Dynasty. Since the sword of the Qing Dynasty was conquered by Lin Lang, the surrounding squares of sword qi disappeared without trace.

At this moment, there was a riot in the periphery of Taoist Temple.

Warriors in all clothes came to see the scary sword spirit disappeared in the past. At first, they were still at a loss, but soon they were overwhelmed by greed.

"The Sword Formation is gone, our chance is here!"

Rush in!

Hardly anyone said anything, the "treasures" scattered on the ground made this group of warrior masters turn into locusts in transit. Wherever they passed, they had to scrape off the wall skin to see.

"Get off, the broken Dan is Lao Tzu, whoever dares to grab is the enemy of my jade family."

"Get out of the way, and I will definitely retreat as Yuyinghao. I am a little late warrior and dare to show your strength!" Someone roared.


In an instant, the two were fighting together.

This was just the corner of all the battles in Taoist Temple. Almost half of the warriors fought at this time to compete for the most frivolous fringe.

As for the other half, masters such as Deng Ai, or other imperious half-step masters understand that the real good stuff is not here, and they let everyone go straight to the back hall of Taoism.

"Don't move, there are people in the house."

Walking outside the door, Deng Ai suddenly gave a warning sign and waved to everyone to stop.

"I'd like to see what is sacred in the end, and I dare to step into the Taoist Temple first."

Deng Ai sneered and shot forward with one palm, a powerful palm that instantly smashed half a wall.

One palm breaks a few meters of wall, and the master's power is better than this.

It can be said that Deng Ai's hand has made many people frightened, that is, Yu Yinghao, the great master of the jade family, also frowned. After several years of disappearance, the other party ’s strength has shown signs of exceeding him. Enemy of the line.

"Deng Ai can already match half of my skill." Chen Qing sighed.

When the dust and embers went, everyone looked intently.

In the room, except for three tall and magnificent statues, there is nothing but a handsome young man with his back facing everyone.

The young man looked back indifferently, and his cold eyes fell on staring at these intruders.

"It turned out to be him!" Chen Qing's pupils shrank.

How Chen Qing didn't remember the teenager Chen Fangyin brought back. He obviously didn't have any practice fluctuations, but he dared to dive into the misty clouds and mist mountains alone, but such a weak and poor reckless guy survived.

"Did this guy keep hiding strength?"

Chen Qing's heart suddenly rose to this self-righteous speculation.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Someone snapped.

The boy ignored him and walked outside the Taoist temple.

"Hey, I'm talking to you."

The teenager's disregard made the man a little angry. When Lin Lang passed by him, he grasped the opponent with a flash of lightning.

This is a late warrior, although the strength is not as good as the master, but the power between shots is still not ordinary martial arts can afford.


However, the boy only slightly flicked his sleeves, and the man didn't even catch a corner of his clothes, and was shocked to fly out several meters away.

The strong man in the late period of the warrior did not even have a chance to do anything in front of this man.

Lin Lang glanced coldly at everyone, and continued to walk forward. The chilling eyes made a shudder of instinct, and he shrank his head back.

"What a weird guy."

When everyone was thinking about whether they would hug them and leave the teenager, a sound of cold drinking suddenly sounded.

"Hugh's arrogance, and let me try you."

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