Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1339: Big Leaf's Tribulation

At this time, the emperor Linxing in the cloud layer has transformed into a new landform, and the mountains and rivers seem to have been given a sacred halo, which is very suitable for cultivation.

It can be said that there is no other star in the universe that can match the cultivation environment of Emperor Linxing.

But crossing the robbery is far from over.

Lin Lang took the stars soaring, and the whole star, the cause and effect of thousands of creatures on it, all fell on him.

As for the punishment of heaven, it all fell on Lin Lang.

Lin Lang swallowed all the life essence remaining on his body, and his body recovered again. At this moment, he looked up at the sky, faintly feeling an indescribable sense of depression pressing on his shoulders, making it difficult for him to move.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was an extremely terrifying will recovering, and sentient beings trembled, as if they had lost their souls, even if many emperors faced this will, they were more like being robbed of their souls and unable to act.

Countless people were horrified. They opened their mouths wide, but couldn't make any sound.

"This is the real will of heaven!"

They don't even know where this strange coercion originated, but they could actually feel that someone pinched their necks, their bloodline power was suppressed, and the energy of the avenue could not be used at all.

Even the great monks in the distance are no exception.

On weekdays, Tiandao has a set of perfect operating rules, just like a tightly fitted machine, maintaining the operation of the avenue of the world. He does not always pay attention to a certain person or a certain star field.

But it cannot be denied that the way of heaven is a real existence with independent thinking ability.

It can be said that this time Lin Lang's actions have completely angered the will of Heavenly Dao.

"Sure enough, Tiandao has born self-consciousness, and this move of mine has completely revived Tiandao's will."

When Lin Lang realized this, it was actually too late.

Originally, although he knew that Heavenly Dao had independent thinking ability, that was just the normal operating rules of Heavenly Dao. But at this moment, he finally realized that in fact, the will of Heaven has been asleep, and it was not until this moment that he woke up!

In the sky, it is as if there is such a pair of invisible eyes staring at the people, making the soul tremble, and the whole body is cold.

Those are the eyes of Heaven, watching the actions of many rebels.

There is no reward for the loyal, and the rebels must be killed!

This is the rule of heaven!

In front of him, Lin Lang was the biggest rebel for Tian Dao. Lin Lang was not only provoking the majesty of the heavens, but also taking a planet with thousands of monks to ascend through the catastrophe, and consolidating all the causal crimes on himself.

Heaven cannot tolerate the existence of such a person who betrays the rules.

"If you offend Tianwei, you will be punished by thunder, accept your godhead, refine your true body, the soul of Burn."

At this moment, Tiandao had a voice, and it was no longer the same as before, only showing an illusory will.

Perhaps from then on, everyone finally realized that the way of heaven can also have emotions, and will also pay special attention to a certain person.

Even if this person is sinful in the eyes of heaven.


Heavenly Dao will suddenly fell. Although Lin Lang was also a body of Heavenly Dao, the aura of Heavenly Dao was almost negligible compared to the real Heavenly Dao.

"When I was a teenager, I also worshipped the power of heaven, but I didn't know that I had fallen into a trap." Lin Lang ignored the heavenly punishments hanging above his head, and his voice shook the sky.

"But I now know more clearly, trusting in the way of heaven, and trusting in oneself."

Lin Lang's voice was deafening, and it seemed to be a wake-up call to the monks in the world. Before the punishment of heaven above his head came, Lin Lang took the lead in bursting out the powerful aura of heaven.

"Today I shed the body of the heavenly Tao, shattered the godhead, and no longer have any connection with you."

While speaking, Lin Lang took the initiative to peel off the godhead on top of his head and raised it high. At the same time, his silver heavenly body began to decompose, turning into sky-filled silver light and the purest heavenly aura, rushing to every corner of the world.

next moment.

Numerous fine punishments fell from the sky, completely submerging Lin Lang's figure.

This is the wrath of heaven, which burns all the people away at every turn. Who can resist it?

As soon as the punishment fell, everyone present was finally relieved, and the invisible shackles on their bodies dispersed.

A great emperor who has been handed down since ancient times, after seeing this terrifying God's Punishment disaster, they all sacrificed their lives and rushed into the distance at the fastest speed.

They are also worried that the anger of Heaven will make them suffer from the fish. After all, the almost world-destroyed Heavenly Punishment, let alone Lin Lang, even if an ancestral realm master came personally, I am afraid that it will end in a frightened soul.

As for Jietianjun.

From today on, there will probably be no more such a person!

No one can fight against the Dao of Heaven. What's more, what Lin Lang has to face now is the will of the Dao in anger. If he doesn't crush Lin Lang to death, how can he give up?


Heaven's Punishment shot down heavily, and the terrifying energy fluctuations instantly swelled, rushing to every corner of the sky and the earth.

Almost in an instant, the power of Heaven's Punishment visible to the naked eye showed a wave of ripples, rapidly spreading to the surroundings.

Where the Heaven's Punishment energy passed, all the stars were razed to the ground, and any matter flowing in the space was dissipated and annihilated into nothingness.

In the distance, the monks who had been watching the ceremony were too late to escape at this time. When the terrifying silver energy rubbed on their bodies, their bodies began to fall apart, and their souls were shattered.

at this time.

The entire universe was in a mess, and everyone was rushing hard, for fear that the energy of the heavens would catch up from behind. Looking around, the entire starry sky is full of Wuyangyang monks, and the weakest of these people is the existence of the immortal emperor realm.

"Gosh, what did I see?"

A general guarding the edge of the universe, seeing this scene, his eyes also showed an unbelievable look.

One immortal emperor, two immortal emperors, ten...

On weekdays, these aloof existences are almost rare to see, but today, he actually saw dozens of immortal emperor powerhouses rushing towards the city at the same time.

"Could it be that the giant star beasts invaded?"

General Shuguan's face tightened, and he quickly ordered someone to ring the alarm. For a while, the police sirens in the city rang loudly, and a famous soldier rose into the sky, nervously watching the dwarf crowd flying in the distance.

"No, why are these immortal emperors running away."

General Shuguan suddenly realized something. These immortal monks came straight to them from the edge of the universe, and judging from the speed, they were clearly running away!

What is it that can force many immortal emperors to flee?

Without even thinking about it, it must be the terrifying things in the universe.

Even these immortal emperors can't cope with it. With their manpower in this small border town, how can they resist it?

To be honest, the generals of Shuguan wanted to leave at this moment, but the speed of those immortal emperors in the distance was so fast, almost in the blink of an eye, the leading immortal emperors had already skipped the city.

"What the **** is that?"

The general Shuguan's expression tightened, and he also knew that he had no way to escape, but what kind of monsters existed in the black clouds behind that could chase these immortal giants and escape for their lives.


General Shuguan finally realized what the black cloud in the distance was, and where was the monster, it was clearly many immortal emperors!

It's just that there are a large number of people, and they are vying for their lives, and then the state of dark clouds has appeared.

What's more, there are many breaths that are too strong to describe.

He knows that it is the ruler, even the half emperor!

In the end, the generals of Shuguan actually saw those great emperors who had passed down from ancient times to the present day.

"Oh my god, what's the situation? Why are so many emperors chased and run wildly, I am afraid that the end of the universe is not here." General Shuguan muttered to himself, only feeling that the worldview accumulated from childhood has completely collapsed.

It's just that he hasn't had more time to adapt. The silver light behind has enveloped this small border town. In just a few breaths, millions of creatures and all the houses and buildings in the small town have all turned into cosmic dust. .

This century's catastrophe, which has never occurred since the birth of this cosmic era, has spread to thousands of star regions.

Thirteen cities on the border were razed to the ground.

There are countless fallen, and many of them are immortal emperors and even half emperors. There are rumors that even several great emperors were severely injured in this catastrophe, and they were closed to death after returning.

As for the day's punishment on the edge of the universe, it lasted for a hundred years. At the same time, Daye Immortal Sect also suffered a catastrophe.

That day.

The sky over the Big Leaf Immortal Sect was densely covered with clouds, and a thunder crashed down, directly razing the world where Big Leaf Immortal Sect was. At the same time, Moxu was also struck by a sudden flash of lightning, leaving behind a devastated world.

There was also the world Lin Lang had visited in the past, but all the deeper ties were swept away by a heavenly punishment, causing a devastating blow.

This is Heaven's revenge, even if Lin Lang has been made into fly ash by him, but the people or things related to Lin Lang will all be affected.

No one thought that the largest sect of the Central Universe, Big Leaf Immortal Sect, which was still prosperous in the past, is now turned into ashes overnight. The huge power gate is left with only ruined walls and some descendants scattered around the world.

How not to be embarrassed.

With the destruction of the Big Leaf Immortal Sect, the Central Universe has also become treacherous, and the forces of all parties are no longer competing in the dark, directly fighting with real swords and guns.

Originally, Big Leaf Immortal Sect was pressing, at least all the forces could still retain a certain face, and would not easily tear their faces. But with the destruction of the Big Leaf Immortal Sect, those turf forces that originally belonged to the Big Leaf Immortal Sect have all become lambs to be slaughtered, and they have been divided up.

The ten thousand zhang pavilion collapsed overnight.

And the origin of all this must start with the monk who offended the Dao of Heaven.

As for the terrible punishment on the edge of the universe, it has not yet ended. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1339 The Tribulation of the Leaf), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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