Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1338: Bring the stars to cross the catastrophe

"Follow God and keep one, it is me who will destroy the way of heaven, not the godhead."

Even though his body was broken, Lin Lang still maintained a sober mind. Until this time, he finally started to use his godhead.

From the beginning of the Tribulation, Heavenly Dao has been using its own power, causing Lin Lang to be completely unable to use his godhead to contend. But now it's different. Wan Dao Jie is the power of Wan Dao and will not suppress the Godhead.


This time, Lin Lang contended with the power of the two gods. Although the energy to face a thousand catastrophes was still a drop in the bucket, it was precisely Lin Lang's greatest reliance.

He no longer tried any resurrection magical powers, but placed all the souls in the godhead.

In the outside world, Wan Daojie perceives the existence of Lin Lang and constantly bombards the godhead that contains Lin Lang's soul.

However, Heavenly Dao had nothing to do with Lin Lang's rogue behavior. If he wanted to kill Lin Lang, he had to crush the godhead. But if the Godhead is crushed, Lin Lang's wish will be fulfilled.

Heavenly Dao was caught in a dilemma, like a wrong program. The two tasks conflicted, and this gave Lin Lang the opportunity.

Under this circumstance, Heavenly Dao can only persist in waiting for the energy of the Ten Thousand Tribulations to disappear.

The energy of Ten Thousand Tribulations bombarded the godhead thousands of times, and Lin Lang hid inside the godhead, watching the constantly changing godhead.

It can be seen that with every attack of Wandaojie, the godhead will make an overwhelmed hum, and after hundreds of times, the godhead has already cracked a huge gap.

But it didn't really break.

From the outside world, the energy of Ten Thousand Tribulations is also reduced.

Lin Lang's soul came to the outside world again, and the broken gods followed like a shadow, falling back to the center of Lin Lang soul's eyebrows.

But at this time, Lin Lang, who had experienced thousands of calamities, was already weak to a certain extent, running the undead sutra for a long time, and had exhausted his original strength.

Now he can only maintain the spirit form. As for those onlookers, although most of the great emperors have been injured, they rarely hurt the root.

One after another, eyes fell on Lin Lang.

"Did he still fail?"

Emperor Yunluo looked at Lin Lang and gently shook his head. Each of them knew that the purpose of Lin Lang's tragedy was not only to prove the Dao, but the most important thing was to break free from the shackles of the Heavenly Dao and Godhead.

However, after experiencing ten thousand calamities, Lin Lang's godhead still exists.

"How much restraint did Heaven set us?" Di Luo Tian muttered to himself. As one of the former nine emperors, he is also a detached person in this life, and his body is crowned with the restraint of the godhead.

Now that Lin Lang has succeeded several times, even if the catastrophe bombardment that the Great Emperor Zhengdao couldn't resist has only broken a gap.

He wants to break the shackles of the godhead, how easy is it to say?

Farther away, the emperor's eyes flickered during the day, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

This super catastrophe caused by Lin Lang seems to have come to an end here.

But at this moment, several figures rushed out of the crowd of onlookers, killing Lin Lang not far away.

Indeed, now is Lin Lang's weakest time, and there is absolutely no better opportunity to eradicate this threat than now!

These are the half emperors born in the past few Yuanhui. They are not very old, and there is no festival between the past and Lin Lang.

This group of people choose to come forward at this time, which means that it is natural for it to be self-evident.

Someone was secretly instigating them to test Lin Lang's remaining combat power!

"Although I was injured, it was not something Xiao Xiao could offend."

The cold light flashed in Lin Langmu's eyes, and when he raised his hand, thousands of sword lights bloomed in his hand, turning into a flood of sword rain, shooting at the blasting half-emperors.

Huh huh!

Jian Yu instantly penetrated several people, but these half emperors were not ants to be slaughtered. To a certain extent, the half-emperor monk has begun to have the emperor-level combat power, and is the most effective cannon fodder used to kill the emperor.

A half-emperor monk and Lin Lang crossed the line. The man held the pagoda and gently pushed forward. The pagoda was continuously enlarged in his field of vision. After a while, the pagoda tore the space and fell down from the top of Lin Lang's head.

"Zhen Ling!"

This half-emperor monk does have some ways, and his own cultivation strength can be ignored first, but the treasure of this guy is very rare, not only the material, but even the rules contained in it are aimed at the soul of the monk.

It is really appropriate to restrain Lin Lang's current state!

The pagoda was suppressed from a high altitude and directly knocked Lin Lang into it. The runes around the pagoda circulate, and nine auras gradually rise from below, each of which contains a powerful suppressive force.

"Jietianjun, it's nothing more than that."

He laughed. This pagoda is his companion treasure. From the beginning of cultivation to the present, there have been countless monks who have died under the pagoda. However, if the pagoda suppresses it, the sealing power contained in it will prevent any possibility of breaking free. The power of corruption can quickly reduce the cultivator's deeds.

"Since the birth of this pagoda, no one has come out alive."

This half emperor is quite confident.

However, his voice has not yet fallen, a sharp sword light directly penetrates the pagoda, penetrating the head of this half emperor at a speed that ordinary people cannot imagine.


Everything happened between the electric light and flint, and the half-emperor monk fell down. Lin Lang's figure reappeared, and with a wave of his hand, the power of light formed a cross, blasting towards the other half emperor in other directions.


Under the light, this half-emperor monk was instantly evaporated into nothingness.

As for the other two, seeing that Lin Lang's soul body still possesses this combat power, they are about to flee in two directions. But it was too late, Lin Lang unfolded his figure, moved behind one of them, and directly beheaded the latter with his hand instead of a sword.

As for the other person, Lin Lang opened the Avenue of Time and Space and was exiled to a different space.

Lin Lang didn't want to know who was behind the scenes who instigated the four half-emperor masters. To him, this was no longer important. Believe that there are not a few who do not want his life.

In that case, why bother with the truth?

Four and a half emperors were killed by Lin Lang in less than ten rounds.

Even if he was just a soul body, the combat power he possessed was far beyond comparison. Unless the monks in the realm of the Great Emperor go there in person, they may be able to test his depth.

The world was dead silent, and no one provoked afterwards.

"If anyone wants to give it a try, just come, I don't have much time."

Lin Lang spoke lightly, indeed, he still had to start his final arrangement while the calamity had not completely dissipated.

At this moment, Lin Lang only left the fragile soul, like a candle in the wind, which might dissipate at any time.

But even so, no one dared to challenge it. This is an absolute deterrent!

"Why rush to dissipate, it's not just me who crossed the catastrophe today."

Lin Lang smiled, and took the initiative to rush into the cloud that has not yet dissipated.

Heavenly Dao seems to have never seen it before, there will be creatures that are so arrogant, even if only the souls are bombarded, they still dare to take the initiative to enter the clouds and enter the core area of ​​the robbery.

At the same time, along with Lin Lang's movements, from behind him, a huge star slowly rose up, and its veins in the mountains and rivers were extremely clear.

I am afraid that no one will be unfamiliar with this star. It is the second largest star in the universe, Emperor Linxing!

"Does he want to..."

Di Luotian frowned, but looking at Lin Lang's behavior, he could vaguely guess something.

"Take the stars to cross the catastrophe!"

It was not only Di Linxing who followed Lin Lang to fly into the depths of the starry sky, there were thousands of monks on it, among which monks under the command of Daye Xianzong accounted for the vast majority.

Not only the stars cross the catastrophe, these creatures who originally lived on the Emperor Lin star will also follow the stars to cross the catastrophe together. This is the craziest part of Lin Lang's move.

Why does Lin Lang have to wait for a hundred years to overcome the catastrophe after his return? This one hundred years is his preparation time, what is he preparing?

Naturally, all the original native creatures on the Emperor Lin Xing were moved away. For this reason, Big Leaf Immortal Sect also spent a lot of manpower. Except for the monks who were willing to go through the catastrophe with Lin Lang, the current Emperor Lin Xing There is not even a colony of ants left.

of course.

Most people don't know that there are other monks on the Emperor Lin star.


With the arrival of Emperor Linxing, the clouds in the sky have also undergone more drastic changes. At infinity, a cloud of catastrophes floats, giving the catastrophe more terrifying power.

At the same time, the area where the entire Emperor Lin star was originally located also lit up with a violent light, and each star was connected to a thick beam of light.

The stars are connected together, encompassing the entire fairy world.

What is the overwhelming sky, can replace the sun, moon and stars?

The sentence left by the Empress of Reincarnation for Lin Lang was not a joke. Since the ancient times, after Lin Lang and the Empress of Reincarnation had a close conversation, he had already begun to lay out the entire fairy world into a part of his own magic circle.

Including the Emperor Lin Xing, all the stars in the immortal world are connected together, especially the Emperor Lin Xing, which exists as an array of eyes. This is the most important hole card Lin Lang uses to fight against the Tribulation!

Turning the entire fairy world into an array, gathering the power of thousands of stars, how terrifying is such an array?

There is another question to be raised here, that is the era of the end of the Dharma of the former Emperor Linxing, which also arises from this. The Empress of Reincarnation arranged a large formation, which completely blocked the development of the supernatural powers of Emperor Linxing for tens of millions of years, thus forming the Age of Doom.

This was Lin Lang's personal experience, and it was also a situation that he contributed to.

In the clouds of the starry sky, the terrifying calamity is constantly bombarding, and the space nearby is shattered. Ordinary people say that they are close, and even visits can't do it.

There, it has become a forbidden zone.

Countless monks in the central universe are watching, but this is destined to be a long process. After a full thousand years, the dark clouds finally revealed a gleam of light. The central area of ​​the tribulation is no longer a forbidden zone blocked by people. .

"Want to go in?"

Several great emperors glanced at each other, and they never thought that Lin Lang would have such a big handwriting. He could not get close due to the power of Heavenly Tribulation before, but now that the power of Heavenly Tribulation is slightly dissipated, they naturally want to go over and find out. .

Several masters in the realm of the Great Emperor glanced at each other and flew towards the depths of the clouds. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1338 With Stars Crossing), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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