Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1340: A hundred years

A hundred years, in fact, is only a span, which means that the calamity has been slowed down and the monks from all sides can come and go freely. Of course, as for the most central location, it was still shrouded by a thick layer of thunderclouds, constantly bursting out with heart-palpitating powers of Heaven's Punishment.

Heavenly Emperor Zhou had been here, but it was only a distant condolences.

"This Heavenly Dao, to what extent did Jietian Jun hate him, and he did not hesitate to land a hundred years of punishment to punish him." Tiandi Zhou shook his head and left. He knew very well that Lin Lang decided that he was punished by such a terrifying world. It is impossible to live to the present.

"I admire you that you are strong."

The Supreme Immortal Venerable also came once. He sat far away on the edge of the universe, on a floating giant rock in the starry sky, drinking and drinking: "What you can do is far from what I can do, even if there are two, I don’t see it. Is your opponent."

"But if I say you are stupid, you have to admit it."

The Supreme Immortal Venerable laughed, and in his smile, there was also a touch of loss that could not be concealed: "Why, you have to take the initiative to touch the way of heaven. It's really like you said, this is just your attempt to alert future generations. ?"

With a smile, the Supreme Immortal Venerable also fell into depression.


As the Supreme Immortal Venerable said, the attitudes of all sentient beings in the world towards Lin Lang are nothing more than these two.

With one's own power, suppressing an era, even in an era where all emperors rise together, it can still blaze a trail.

In the name of Jietianjun, the Nine Emperors did not dare to invade.

Regarding the strength of cultivation, no one in the world can surpass Lin Lang, even in this distant history of the universe. In terms of Lin Lang's combat power, he can also be called the first man in combat power since the ages.

The palace lord of the underground palace doesn't count, after all, he is a powerful ancestor from a few pre-cosmic epochs. Lin Lang only came from the present world, and the time of his cultivation and the time he lived in cannot be generalized.

From this point of view, the world fears him, and even compares it to the **** of war and enshrines incense.

But again, this is an extremely stupid person.

He actually tried to break free from the shackles of heaven.

"He has been blessed by the Godhead, favored by the heavens, and accompanied by endless lifespan. He is already detached, isn't it okay to live well?"

More people are puzzled by Lin Lang's behavior.

He clearly has reached the realm that all living beings dream of, detached from the world, longevity and the sky, no power can kill him before the catastrophe...Even years are no exception.

"Unfortunately, he did his best to provoke the Dao of Heaven, taking the planet to cross the catastrophe."

"In the end? Not only the Emperor Linxing is gone, even the Big Ye Xianzong he once stayed in is also deeply implicated, and it becomes the sky overnight. Mortal people try to challenge Tianwei. Isn't this stupid and what is it?"

No one can escape the control of heaven.

This is the common aspiration of every monk in the Great Emperor Realm for nearly a hundred years. It seems that this is also the emotion that Heavenly Dao passed to all sentient beings through this event.

And this sentiment continued until a thousand years later.

A monk who had returned from exploring the borders of the universe said that the central area of ​​Heaven's Punishment was already free to walk through, where did he come back alive.

Moreover, he also saw Lin Lang who was suppressed by Heaven's punishment, leaving only a ray of remnant soul.

As soon as the news came out, all parties shook.

"After being suppressed for thousands of years, he is not dead yet?"

A monk who lived a thousand years ago is not far away. But what shocked them was that Lin Lang could do such a thing, and he was born under a terrifying calamity and struggled for thousands of years.

How unexpected is this guy? !

"In the past, Tiandao once said that he would personally suppress Jietianjun." A great emperor-level expert secretly guessed, "Could it be that Tiandao deliberately saved his affection and would suppress Jietianjun for enough time before he killed it? "

"Do not rule out this possibility."

Another figure hidden in the dark said solemnly, "But in any case, it's Lin Youye's weakest time now. Now, with the help of heaven, it is easy to kill Lin Youye."

"We can't bet on God, we can only believe in ourselves." His voice was extremely dull, and said: "Otherwise, once he returns, we won't have anything to do when the fairy palace opens in the future."

These two unidentified great emperors both wanted to kill Lin Lang and soon existed.

As the voice fell, the master of the two voices quickly rushed to the edge of the universe.

Just as the cultivator who had escaped said, the power of Heavenly Tribulation here was already weak to a certain extent, allowing emperor-level masters to walk freely.

Of course, it's just that the heavens are too lazy to care about this group of ants. Lin Lang is an exception. Tiandao targets everywhere, how can he be allowed to leave easily?


As soon as the two great monks arrived, they saw Lin Lang not far away, surrounded by chains of the heavens. He was left with only a strand of remnant soul, imprisoned in the same place, and the sky was constantly punished by thunder falling down, heavily bombarding Lin Lang's remnant soul.

At this moment, he is also like a candle in the wind, and may be destroyed at any time.

"Your guess is correct." The great emperor who was shrouded in darkness slowly said, "It's not that Lin Youye is so capable, but the way of heaven has tortured him for thousands of years."

"Heaven does not want to kill him easily, but destroys his will in constant torture."

The two great emperors stepped forward, but neither revealed their original appearance, both were hidden in the darkness.

"The former Jietianjun has fallen into this situation now?"

The man smiled softly and said: "As a monk, I can't bear to see you being tortured by the heavens. Why don't you give up the struggle earlier and commit suicide."

Lin Lang's hands were held by chains, and his whole body was hung in the air. He hung his head without making any sound. But everyone knows that Lin Lang is not dead.

The man continued to speak again, and said, "Heaven is on top, how can you be as strong as you are, isn't it the end of being imprisoned and tortured by the heaven?"

"Do you know that because of your existence, Big Leaf Immortal Sect was also shrouded by Heaven's Punishment, and it is now in ruins. In addition, every inch of land you walked on has been cleansed by Heaven's Tribulation."

"You will never be the opponent of Heaven like this. How can a mortal go against the sky?"

Lin Lang still lowered his head, made a hoarse voice, and said: "I can't resist the way of heaven, but I have proved one thing and told the monks all over the world one thing."

"Heaven is a creature, he has an independent mind, and he will decide the rise and fall of the monks in the world according to his own preferences."

"is it."

Another great emperor smiled lightly and said: "He has his rules, but it doesn't hinder our cultivation. Heaven is still aloof and indifferent to sentient beings. And we can still maintain our original posture, Live until the day the universe collapses."

"There is no conflict between us and Tiandao, but you..."

Lin Lang smiled coldly. At this moment, he opened his eyes in his messy hair and said calmly: "I am stronger than you, but the way of heaven is stronger than all of us. The mountain you see is me, and what I see The mountain is the way of heaven."

"Someday, someone will understand. But with your eyes, I'm afraid that you won't see that day." Lin Lang shook his head. For this kind of person, he has nothing to communicate.

The two emperors were not angry at all, but sneered and said, "Prisoner of the Way of Heaven, dare to speak falsely!"

"Now, I'll be in the hands of Heaven, and it's your life!"

When the words fell, the black robe great took out the three-foot short dagger in his hand and directly pierced Lin Lang's chest.

At the same time, a powerful force of soul eater is constantly disintegrating Lin Lang's soul. After a short while, the chains of the Heavenly Dao were unable to hang down, and Lin Lang's soul body had been wiped out without a trace.

"I never thought it would be so simple to take his life."

The Heipao Great Emperor shook his head. Although he was an opponent, Jie Tianjun's death image also humiliated Tianjun.

"He has already been wiped out by the heavens, so it is easy for us to kill him. If we have a body, we will kill him at least after thousands of rounds."

The other great emperor shook his head.

The two were about to leave. They just turned around when they heard a familiar voice suddenly came from above their heads.

"You two, kill me and want to go. Where is such a cheap thing in the world?"

In the void not far away, Lin Lang's figure hovered quietly. He looked at the two great emperors with a smile, just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"How can you?"

The Great Emperor Heipao was halfway through his words, but his throat seemed to be choked by a rag, and he couldn't say anything at all.

"You are wondering, why can I escape from the shackles of heaven?"

Lin Lang smiled and said, "Do you still think that you killed me with the Spirit Devouring Dagger, but let me get out of trouble inexplicably?"


"From the very beginning, I have never been nailed to the chains of heaven. What you see is only what I let you see."

When the voice fell, the chains of the Heavenly Dao not far away suddenly dissipated. When I looked at them again, they were just two ordinary chains of order. Where was there any Heavenly Dao aura?

Yes it is.

Lin Lang couldn't leave this area of ​​Heavenly Punishment, but in this area, he had already figured out some of the rules of Heavenly Dao, and he could move freely.

As for the successive Heavenly Punishments, although they will also land, at least he already has a certain resistance.

"But what disappoints me is that I have been waiting here for hundreds of years. In the end, I only waited for you two big fish." Lin Lang looked up to the sky and said, "Soon after, the last heavy punishment of the Heavenly Dao Will land, that is my ultimate disaster."

"As for the two of you, do you choose to die under my hand first, or do you plan to cross the calamity together and watch you turn into fly ash?" Lin Lang said in a calm and calm voice.

Just as the two great emperors guessed, the beginning of the tribulation given by the heavens had indeed tortured him into a human form, almost falling.

But later, Tiandao also seemed to deliberately tortured Lin Lang, and whenever Lin Lang's energy recovered a little, he would fall into the catastrophe again. After several times, Lin Lang actually figured out certain rules of Heavenly Dao, and even the punishment of Heavenly Dao could not beat him to death.

Later, there was this minefield for free movement.

Of course, when the time limit set by the heaven is enough, the final catastrophe of destruction is the most terrifying, even if Lin Lang now thinks of the last catastrophe, he is still unable to do anything.

He suddenly discovered that he didn't even have a one-tenth chance of going through the punishment with his own strength!

Later, it was the story of these two idiots rushing in on their own initiative.

Originally, Lin Lang had the intention to find these hidden threats in the dark. Unexpectedly, there was no need for him to act deliberately, and the two men took the initiative to show up.

"No, go!"

When the Heipao Great Emperor just wanted to leave, Lin Lang had already stepped forward to stand in front of the latter, raising his hand lightly with a palm, but it seemed to contain endless mighty power, and he shot the latter out directly.

As for the other person, he called Dadao, condensed a huge grimace face, and snarled. A terrifying sound wave swept over in an instant, and the sound wave with piercing ability was pervasive, and even if it was encountered by other powerful people in the great emperor realm, it was very likely to be seriously injured.

"Just this ability?"

Lin Lang glanced contemptuously. After he crossed the Tribulation, all aspects of perception have soared, and his combat power has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, although Lin Lang could kill the monks of the Great Emperor Realm, at least that was after a few million collisions. The premise was that the opponent he wanted to chase had nowhere to escape.

But now, when Lin Lang encounters a monk in the realm of the Great Emperor, he can deal with it easily, let alone victory, even if he kills the Great Emperor, it is not a problem.

In essence, they are no longer the same level.

In the past, Lin Lang had not survived the Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor, nor had he experienced any eternal catastrophe. But now, he is going to make up for all the shortcomings from the realm of the fairy king to the realm of the great emperor.

The same is true for the Tribulation of the Dao, and even more so for the Tribulation of the Ancestral Realm!

Although Lin Lang has experienced these catastrophes, he did not follow the path of evidence that was transformed by the way of heaven. Instead, he used his own insights to turn it into profound meaning instead of the real avenue.

Even if this avenue rule is wrong!

The so-called Cross Tribulation is just a way for Lin Lang to rush to crush the Godhead. Now that the godhead is shattered and Lin Lang's restricted cultivation base is released, he can transform the avenue he built into a unique form of profound meaning.

This is the greatest improvement to his combat power!

Overcome the catastrophe for the dead and regain a new life.

"On the day of my Dao Cheng, I will not return to heaven!" Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: https: // fairy king in the city full text reading address: https:/ / fairy king in the city txt download address: https://www fairy king reads on urban mobile phone: https://m.mtlnovel .com/read/111222/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below Reading records for the first time (Chapter 1340 A Hundred Years), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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