
A thunder suddenly cut through the sky and landed vertically on the top of Yunwu Mountain.


The ground trembled, and it was felt in the nearby villages.

"What kind of thunder hits this day." Chen Fangyin was surprised.

Suddenly, I don't know who said the first sentence first, and everyone around them exclaimed.

"It's gone! It's gone!"

"The mist from the Yunwu Mountain is gone!"

Chen Fangyin hurried out of the door, wasn't it? The misty clouds and misty mountains had been fully exposed at this time.

Everyone's mind was wondering, this is not the day when the Yunwu Mountain opened in previous years, how can the mist be cleared out of thin air?

At this time, someone found something, pointing at the dark shadow faintly moving in the mountains.

"That seems personal!"

"Damn, someone is ahead of us. Don't be preempted by him."

The words fell, and all the soldiers in the village roared together and hurried to Yunwu Mountain.

"Dare to touch my husband's things, and I'm impatient!" Deng Ai sank and snorted.

"Look for death." Chen Qing followed closely with a cold expression.

Only Chen Fangyin and others were slightly weaker and were left in the end. When he looked at the blurred figure on the mountain, he always felt familiar.

In the past, the Yunwu Mountain was opened, and many warriors set up precious herbs on the ground, but it was not these that the strong masters were fighting for.

The experience of their predecessors tells them that there is a run-down Taoist temple in the west of Yunwu Mountain. The horrible sword protector around the Taoist temple is that the strong masters approached casually and suffered a life disaster.

In the history of Yunwu Mountain, it has entered one of the top masters, collected a lot of treasures in it, and also tried to resist the sword with the flesh, but in the end it was miserable and half of its life was lost.

Later, it was the top master who asserted that this Taoist temple is difficult to enter.

That ’s the divine realm. I ’m afraid that the entire martial arts world does n’t have such a presence. Even if there is ... it is estimated to have been wiped out in the long river of history.

Therefore, in addition to the many dangerous areas marked by Yunwu Mountain, Taoist Temple is listed as a forbidden area!

However, things must be reversed. Even the most dangerous Taoist temple, there are often treasures that are accidentally sprayed out at the edges, which still make the great masters rush.

There is also the fattest place in the entire Yunwu Mountain.

Among the menacing warriors roaring, for fear of being late, they started to run in the strongest speed, and they were ready to pick up treasures.

But when they arrived near Taoist Temple, the amazing sword spirit had long disappeared, and even the flashing treasure light disappeared instantly.


Lin Lang's fleece sleeves unfolded at an astonishing speed, and his feet almost shrank into inches, making the scenery on both sides backwards.

Soon after, Lin Lang came around Taoist Temple.

"It's so rich in sword qi. It can reach this point just by the sword qi, how horrible the sword itself is." Lin Lang secretly shocked.

This is not like the treasure that Master Jin Dan can master, it is most likely a treasure of Yuanying level!

Thinking of this, Lin Lang's heart moved and stepped into it.

A slight sword groan sounded, and the surging sword gas spun up at a rapid speed, turning into a mini-sized palm-sized mini-sword hovering above.

Lin Lang ignored it and moved on.

At this time, the small sword moved again, centered by a slightly longer small sword at the center, and the remaining small swords were the main trunk. A ten-meter-long giant sword crossed the air, blocking Lin Lang's way.


The giant sword made a long beep, wrapped in countless small swords, and severely chopped it down.

Such prestige is that the great masters must also be overshadowed.

"Zhu Jianjian also wants to stop me."

Lin Lang gave a cold drink, and a strong repair broke out in an instant, flicking his sleeves forward, while pointing his right hand to somewhere in the sword array.

"It's a good idea to use sword air to arrange the sword array, but unfortunately, the people who set up the sword are very poor in kendo accomplishment."

Lin Lang said lightly.

The sound fell, the sword array that had been cut in front of it collapsed instantly, countless small swords became pure sword spirit again, and heaven and earth restored the former Qingning again.

Lin Lang didn't take it for granted, and the purple color in his eyes was a bit strong, and he continued to move forward.

If someone outside sees it here, it will be shocked, because every time Lin Lang steps out, he will leave a shallow light and shadow on the place, and then disappear ...

This sword qi is only the first obstacle of Taoism. The second, third and so on are all formations that are scary enough to destroy the guru hundreds of times.

However, for Lin Lang, who has the eyes of the purple flames and the nightly body method, it can be regarded as nothing, that is, it will not shake the formation when passing by.


Soon after, Lin Lang shook his body and finally stepped into Taoism.

The Taoist temple is very run down, dusty, tables, chairs, benches and other things have long been corroded. If it is described as appropriate, there is only one spider web behind the ruins.

In addition, scattered messy things are scattered on the ground, and some things are enough to make the guru crazy.

Lin Lang glanced slightly, reaching for a square box and an air-dried unrecognizable root whisker into his hands, except for nothing.

There is no shortage of break-up dans that can make the master improve in an instant, and the power is extraordinary. It is not that these things are not invaluable, but that he is simply inconspicuous.

Take Podandan, for example, although its effectiveness is extraordinary, its side effects are also not small, like chicken ribs.

Although the Taoist Temple was broken, there were quite a lot of rooms. Lin Lang's consciousness was slightly swept away, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I walked through the rooms and ended up in a house dedicated to Sanqing.

In the center of the room, a half-foot small cyan sword hovered.

It is the source of thousands of swords.

Lin Lang's mouth raised a smile, and as he thought, this is indeed a fourth-order magical weapon that can only be controlled by the monk.

Lin Lang beckoned, took the small blue sword into his hands, and the sword screamed. Although resisted, Lin Lang was brutally suppressed.

The small cyan sword is extremely sharp, and you can feel the chills in your hands. It gently flicks your fingers, and a drop of red blood drips onto the blade.

Higher-level spirits need such blood to confess the Lord.

Unexpectedly, the cyan sword drenched in blood was more violent, and was about to break away.

"Junior, this Shangqing sword is not something you can touch."

A low female voice sounded suddenly.

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