Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1332: Neighborhood talk

Waiting for Lin Lang to truly merge the various avenues in his body into one, even the imperial palace lord in front of him could not suppress him at all.

This is the power of the unity of all laws!

Under the influence of this peculiar rhythm, the palace lord of the underground palace also trembled, and the aura that accompanied him suddenly weakened.

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin Lang held his head high, his momentum was not weak at all.

At this time, the palace lord of the palace, who knew that he could no longer overwhelm Lin Lang in his aura, also slowly stood up. He still turned his back to Lin Lang, and said lightly: "It has affected the cycle of reincarnation twice, and the life cycle involved is There are more than billions of things, do you think these have nothing to do with you?"

Although Lin Lang was no longer able to affect Lin Lang in terms of aura, the Palace Lord of the Palace, as a genuine master of the ancestral realm, even his words and deeds contained great majesty.

Lin Lang also looked at him indifferently, and said: "The reincarnation of life is the responsibility of the underworld. How can there be no one to defend it? This is the fault of the underworld."

"Secondly, the palace lord has a clear retreat, how can he not notice the external roulette of creatures, not to mention that the reincarnation plate is you, a magic weapon of the palace lord."

"I don't think you can't control the operation of the reincarnation disc." Lin Lang said lightly.


The palace lord of the underground palace raised his brows, and then slowly turned around and faced Lin Lang. It was also the first time that Lin Lang saw this super power. He had a strong face, a strong figure, and a strong heroic spirit between his eyebrows. He didn't seem to be a person who had gone through several cosmic changes.

In his body, he could not find any sense of the vicissitudes of time.

"According to you, I'm the one who passed it?"

The palace lord of the underground palace made a cold voice, and a few words put a lot of pressure on Lin Lang.

Lin Lang also looked at him indifferently, and said: "The picket is not good, or your fault."

"But I think you have a bigger plan." Lin Lang smiled slightly and said: "You are borrowing my hand to do something, or you are using my hand to experiment with something."

The palace lord of the underground palace looked at Lin Lang and didn't say a word for a long time.

After a long while, the palace lord of the underground palace slowly retracted his gaze and actively changed the subject, saying: "Your cultivation level is good, and you are good at several of the nine ancient roads, and you have the power of time and space."

"Besides, you also possess several kinds of profound meanings, as well as the power of tribulation."

At this time, the palace lord of the underground palace looked at Lin Lang, but he could not see too much hostility. He slowly said: "If you continue to practice, I believe it will not be long before your combat power can match the ancestral realm. ."

Lin Lang was not surprised. In front of the presence of the Palace Master of the Earth Palace, he was only a junior after all, and it was reasonable to be able to be seen by the latter.

"Who knows the future?"

Lin Lang shook his head.

But the palace lord of the underground palace took the lead. He said: "In fact, the secrets in this universe are far beyond your imagination. You need to explore many things by yourself."

After a pause, the palace lord of the underground palace continued: "When you have the ability to explore the truth from now on, believing in the nature of this world will definitely surprise you."

"But before that, you have to solve your own problems first."

Lin Lang can almost understand the meaning of the palace lord of the underground palace. He also nodded and said: "For me, the godhead is just a means to exercise myself. When I have the ability to break the shackles one day, I believe I won't let you down. "

Fan Lu was able to hear clearly, but he could not fully understand. The conversation between the two of them was always clouded and misty, as if they were playing some sort of tactical front.

At this time, the palace lord of the underground palace continued to speak out again, saying: "In this way, you will need to walk by yourself in the future."

"You have seen the way to break the shackles of the Godhead, and this day, I believe it will not be too long."

Lin Lang smiled slightly and said, "That's natural. After all, the Lord Palace Master still needs to borrow my hand to solve a serious problem for you."

"And want to solve that, there are many cultivators in the world, but there is real hope, and I am the only one who has this ability."

Fan Lu was dumbfounded, he could understand some of the imprisonment of the gods involved. However, he understood the last few words completely.

The palace lord of the underground palace intends to let Lin Lang take action against the Hades!

For the palace lord of the underground palace, the greatest hatred, or the greatest trouble in the heart, is nothing more than Pluto. This former disciple of the Palace Lord of the Underworld has now replaced the Palace Lord of the Underworld on many levels.

It is also the avenue of reincarnation in the underworld, but when the Pluto uses it, it may be more subtle than the lord of the underworld.

Therefore, even if the palace lord of the underground palace is an ancestral realm power, he is completely afraid to go out in person to deal with the Hades.

Even more serious, even the palace lord of the underground palace himself is not sure how much power the Pluto has hidden.

This is natural restraint, once the palace lord of the underground palace is defeated, there will only be one final result. Reincarnation changes owners, the underworld is changed!

This is also the reason why the palace lord of the underground palace has never been torn apart with the Hades.

"But if I were Pluto, I wouldn't sit and wait like this." Lin Lang pondered in his heart for a moment, and all the thoughts in his mind flew by.

"As a master of the ancestral realm who has lived for several cosmic epochs, when faced with threats or potential threats, he will definitely not sit back and die. The reason why he wants to push me to the foreground must have other attempts."

Lin Lang knew this well, but Pluto had to solve it.

This is the source of contradiction.

Lin Lang's heart moved, and at this time he slowly said, "In that case. I also have a simple question that I want to consult with you."

"If the great world will rise, and the fairy palace will appear, then how should the palace owner deal with it?"


The reason why Lin Lang and Pluto must be hardened steel, and Pluto is also regarded as a potential threat by Lin Lang.

To a large extent, it has something to do with the present world of the fairy palace in the future. There are no ordinary creatures in the fairy palace, but it is occupied by many demon creatures.

And once the fairy palace is opened, these monsters are bound to take advantage of the chaos to take advantage of the great world. At that time, the real creatures will be overwhelmed.

The opening of the fairy palace undoubtedly opened the door of monsters.

And what about Pluto?

The path of Pluto's practice of reincarnation lacks soul most. Only when a steady stream of souls enter the world of reincarnation, his path will be complete.

Therefore, Lin Lang can be sure that Pluto will definitely help the evil, release a large number of monsters to slaughter the creatures of the local world. This is the opinion of race, Lin Lang will not let it go.

In the same way, the master of the underground palace also cultivated the Tao of Reincarnation. He also desperately needed the soul, similar to the starting point of the Pluto.

If it weren't for the frankness of both parties today, Lin Lang would not have the intention to ask it out at this time.

The palace lord of the underground palace glanced at Lin Lang and said: "The biggest difference between me and him is that he can realize his ideals at all costs. And I follow the natural law of the development of all things."

"All things are born, old, sick, and die, which constitute reincarnation, not the operation of reincarnation formed by me."

"That's good."

Lin Lang nodded lightly and said, "Then I only hope that the palace lord of the underground palace will not intervene arbitrarily. Since no one can handle this universe, I will come forward."

After a pause, Lin Lang spoke again, saying: "So, what we are talking about now is a deal. I will help you kill Hades, but you also need to pay some price."


The palace lord of the underground palace looked at Lin Lang with great interest, but he had never expected that Lin Lang would treat it as a kind of transaction at this time.

And it is not so much a deal as it is something that Lin Lang must do. The reason for saying so, I am afraid that he wants to make the palace lord pay some price.

"Then for you, what kind of help do I need to give you?" The Palace Lord of the Palace knew well, and at this moment he was also happy to speak.


Lin Lang took a step forward and said: "You don't need to bother the Palace Master too much, you just need to go to Yun Shangtian. Before the opening of the fairy palace, the stability of Yun Shangtian will all depend on the Palace Master."

Talk about it.

Lin Lang bowed unexpectedly, "I thank the palace lord for the rest of the world."

Lin Lang's biggest worry is not other things. When the fairy palace opens, he needs to face several threats at the same time.

The first one is the creatures of the demons in this universe, and among them is the first warrior of the demons. However, the first battle of the Demon Race will have his own big disciple of Zu Hao to deal with, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

The second one is those great emperors who are in the universe and still dream of going to the fairy palace and becoming immortals. This requires Lin Lang to gather a force and deal with it.

The third one is Pluto.

The strength of the Pluto's cultivation has made the palace master of the ancestral realm helpless. Lin Lang wants to face it alone, and the difficulty can be imagined.

And the last big threat.

These are the prehistoric existences from the sky above the clouds.

Although after a long time of erosion, the real body they can come over has been weakened by a large part of their strength, but these people still don't have simple roles.

In the past, there may be many masters in this universe, and even Lin Lang guarding the clouds and going up to the sky can be safe. But once the sky above the cloud is opened, the universe will be in chaos at that time, and no one will care about the stability of the sky above the cloud.

And what Lin Lang asked the palace lord of the underground palace to do was for the palace lord of the underground palace to come forward to suppress those prehistoric powerhouses who were ready to move at the end of the universe.

In Lin Lang's view, this is a transaction, something that both parties must do to achieve their goals. In the eyes of the palace lord, it is unclear whether it is necessary or not!

Unexpectedly, the palace lord of the underground palace indeed agreed very happy: "Yes."

"But Yunshangtian I can only help you guard until the fairy palace is opened, and you will need to solve the follow-up matters alone."

The palace lord of the underground palace slowly opened his mouth and said: "You also know that those prehistoric existences did not have a simple role. Among them, the time and space monarch and a few people, the cultivation base is even above me."

"I can only guarantee that within this period, the sky above the clouds is safe and sound. As for the rest, you also know that if they want to survive, they must pass through the long time and space. This is what they must do."

Lin Lang nodded and said: "This is nature!" The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: https:// the full text of Invincible Fairy King in the City: https://www fairy king in the city txt download address: https://www.mtlnovel .com/down/111222.htmlInvincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phone: /read/111222/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 1332 Interview with the Netherworld) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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