During a conversation between the two, they quickly reached an agreement. For both of them, this is actually not a very good thing to accomplish.

But the result was good, and both parties agreed very happily.

of course.

Lin Lang couldn't believe it completely. After all, as an old antique who had lived a few Yuanhui, he still couldn't believe it credulously.

I hope that the palace lord of the underground palace can be a little more normal, so that he won't be able to support his hind legs at the final critical moment.

After solving the matter, the two took the initiative to chat for a long time.

For the two of them, both sides are also good commentators, and after several conversations, there have been a lot of gains.

As for Lin Lang, he was stayed by the palace lord of the underground palace. After a few months of conversation between the two, the palace lord of the underground palace was currently retreating. And Lin Lang went to the library of the underworld, and to him, the many books in the underworld were still huge treasures.

As for Fan Lu, after a few brief exchanges with the palace lord, he was put back on his own initiative. The palace lord of the underground palace did not reduce the responsibility either.

In contrast.

Fan Lu swaggered out of the underworld and saw the demon's first words: "Brother, please come in."

"Master, his elder calls you to go in-get the punishment!"

Fan Luyae is particularly clear about the last two words, as if one sentence has resolved his deep hatred for hundreds of thousands of years.

There is no need to say more about the pleasure of it.

Unauthorized use of the power of the reincarnation of the subterranean government led to the collapse of the reincarnation disk, which involved countless life reincarnation events. This sin was enough to make the underworld man proactively angry.

Let’s talk about the other side, Lin Lang is absorbing knowledge frantically in the library of the underground palace. Among them, not only the underground palace’s master’s detailed explanation on the road of reincarnation, but also some insights on the practice of the monks of the past generations.

These are all very necessary information for Lin Lang.

Time has passed through such a long life of enlightenment, unknowingly, hundreds of thousands of years have passed by outside time. The central universe has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

During this period, the Central Universe was born the youngest emperor since this cosmic era. It is Lin Lang's heir, Lin Chou.

The Big Leaf Immortal Sect's forces represented by him were prosperous for a while in the central universe, and almost no one dared to provoke them. As for Lin Qiu himself, his combat power is almost invincible, even the old emperor is not necessarily an opponent.

This era is the era of Lin Qiu!

The ancestors are called Zun, and the descendants can still suppress the present.

This is the influence of Lin Youye. So far, the entire Lin Family has developed into the largest family in the Central Universe. Although it is not very large in population, it has already shown a crushing attitude in terms of absolute strength.

Everyone thought that Lin Qiu, who was now in his prime, would inherit the rule and lead the first power of the Central Universe to a glorious period of time. However, at this most important point, Lin Qiu suddenly announced that he would step down, and the master of Big Leaf Immortal Sect would be inherited by the younger generations.

As a powerful person who has already been respected, there are only two possibilities for suddenly dismissing his post, or he intends to ignore world affairs and retreat. Either travel to other universes and seek opportunities for breakthroughs.

From the eyes of the masters of the fairy world, the latter should be the closest to the truth.

Lin Lang and Yaoxi haven't returned for a long time, nor have they passed any news back. Obviously, Lin Chou also wanted to find them.

But the universe is so big, how easy is it to find two people?

Lin Chou embarked on a new journey, and on the other side, not long after, Lin Lang smoothly walked out of the underworld.

At this moment, if there are thousands of stars flowing in Lin Lang's eyes, dazzling, the whole person's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

When walking around, it is accompanied by all kinds of peaceful Dao syllables, just like sacred.

The palace lord of the underground palace naturally noticed the changes in Lin Lang. He stared at Lin Lang from a distance, and said: "The cultivation base is stable, and there is the unity of ten thousand ways. But hiding internal worries must be resolved as soon as possible."

The realm of the palace lord of the underground palace, he can naturally see that Lin Lang's surface looks like an immortal at this moment, and his Taoism is masterful, but in fact the various avenues inside his body are in conflict with each other, accompanied by a violent aura.

Lin Lang now looks like a volcano, which may erupt at any time.

And this just shows that Lin Lang has reached the most critical point of breaking through!

"Yes it is."

Lin Lang nodded lightly, and said, "I should also set off to survive the catastrophe that belongs to me."

Lin Lang raised his head and looked at the sky, his deep gaze seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth, but his gaze was full of unknown. Even he himself couldn't predict how terrible the disaster would be soon after.

Nowadays, Lin Lang tries to integrate the avenues all over his body, but many avenue attributes collide and energy collide, causing Lin Lang to be like a time bomb, which may explode at any time.

And the best way to solve this problem is through the baptism of heavenly energy to help him melt the ten thousand ways into one furnace. This is a step that all monks in the world must take to be promoted to the great emperor.

At the same time, Lin Lang also wanted to take this opportunity to break the shackles brought by the Godhead.

For many reasons, Lin Lang had to go to the central universe to survive the catastrophe of the great emperor that belonged to him.

As for why the central universe?

There is the whole universe, the place with the strongest heavenly energy, and it is also an excellent place for him to cross the calamity. In other universes, there will definitely be insufficient supply of heavenly energy and failure to overcome the catastrophe.

What others need to consider when crossing the catastrophe is their own power to resist the catastrophe, but Lin Lang crossing the catastrophe, what he needs to consider is whether the energy of the heavens is enough for him to overcome the catastrophe.

This is the reason why he chose the place of crossing the robbery in the central universe.

Of course, this will undoubtedly increase a large part of the risk factor. The central universe can be described as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are many emperors. If these people interfere from the side, Lin Lang is very likely to fall.

Lin Lang called out the sea of ​​reincarnation and walked along the path left by the Styx. He is also good at the avenue of reincarnation, and taking advantage of the passage of the sea of ​​reincarnation to drive on is undoubtedly the fastest way to travel through the universe.

In the long galaxy flow, Lin Lang also spent ten thousand years before returning to the central universe.

Looking at this familiar world, many emotions appeared in Lin Lang's heart.

Here is where he rises. And when he returned this time, he might end up sadly, or put the world under his feet again.

All this will be concluded soon!

The Central Universe, which has experienced more than 100,000 years of development, has undergone changes in large and small forces, and is completely different from when Lin Lang left.

Even some of the former head sects have now been replaced by newcomers. Including a long time ago, the Dali Niu Demon Clan, who was once ranked the eleventh largest clan in the Immortal Realm, also suffered the destruction of the clan, leaving only less than a thousand members of the clan.

The reason is that the Dali Niu Demon Race's shortcomings in the top-level combat power caused their only remaining dominance battle to be exhausted. This is the top world where high-end combat power is determined.

Another example is the Immortal Realm Royal Beast Sect, the Underworld Night Clan and other forces, which have been reduced to rushing passers-by in the past years, leaving nothing except a period of vicissitudes of history.

Now that Lin Lang has returned to the immortal world, there are not many old people to follow. Most of his relatives and elders were sealed by him in the Heavenly Lake of the Big Leaf Immortal Sect, to be recovered in the future.

Most of the other familiar friends and enemies have also passed away in the years. After Lin Lang descended into the immortal realm, he did not keep a low profile. He returned to the immortal realm in the strongest posture, as if in this way announcing that the former king was back again!

With Lin Lang's return, the large and small forces in the Central Universe turned their attention to Lin Lang. That night, news about Lin Lang was passed on to all the great monks and monks in the Central Universe.

Today's Big Leaf Immortal Sect's sect master is Chi Ming, and he is also a master who has emerged in recent times. He has a good talent. Although he has only survived eight eternal catastrophes, his combat power is comparable to that of masters who dominate the realm.

It was also the first time that Lin Lang saw this junior, and a few days after giving instructions, he began to see his old deceased. Among them, most of them are masters above the realm of the Great Emperor.

After all, there is only this kind of existence that can live from Lin Lang's time to this world.

Several transcendents, **** slaughter emperors, and even the headless corpse generals guarding the devil world, these people Lin Lang personally went to visit.

In addition, there is another existence that Lin Lang has been thinking about for a long time, but has never been able to meet.

That is the white-haired master, the former emperor of the ancients.

Regarding the human emperor who had produced ninety-nine-eight reincarnation marks, even Lin Lang nowadays did not dare to conclude that he could fight the opponent.

The ancient human emperor is so mysterious, except for a few appearances, he has never really taken a shot. Even in the exercises deduced by the ancient emperor, if he can produce a hundred times of reincarnation seal of immortality, he can get a glimpse of the mystery of the fairyland.


This longevity method is too mysterious, even the ancient emperor could not easily cultivate it. This time when he returned, Lin Lang could be regarded as seeing the ancient emperor, but the ancient emperor of this life had not yet been born, he had already died.

The method of reincarnation seal is both magical and dangerous.

Especially after practicing to the last few pieces, the degree of difficulty is far beyond what humans can bear. For example, the current emperor, every time he dies, he will destroy the true spirit, so he can't enter the reincarnation of the underworld.

In the future, the human emperor needs to evolve a new true spirit alone, which is equivalent to obliterating all traces of his previous ninety lives. However, the emperor needs to carry the mark of reincarnation with him.

This degree of difficulty has increased countless times.

It can even be said that every birth of the ancient emperor is bound to be accompanied by a million struggles. Almost every time, he will die, and he will fall before he is alive.

Even if the chance of birth is one in ten thousand, it is a rough fate, unable to bear the burden brought by the reincarnation of the seal of reincarnation, and died suddenly.

Therefore, the dangers of this exercise can be imagined.

It can be said that since the emperor's practice of this kind of exercise, the number of deaths can no longer be counted. Once the true spirit cannot be condensed, it is very likely to die out in the long years.

Lin Lang also observed dozens of deaths of the Emperor Human in this way, and finally shook his head. Under such harsh conditions, it would be difficult for the Emperor Human to condense the ninety-ninth mark of reincarnation to the sky, and said that he should not keep it. How long is this state.

Since then.

Lin Lang returned to Daye Immortal Sect again. This time, he did not keep a low profile anymore, but through the mouth of Daye Immortal Sect, he solemnly announced to the outside: "I will cross the tribulation in the central universe in a hundred years. At that time, I will invite experts from all over the world to come Watch the ceremony."

With such a hand, Lin Lang completely ignited the emotions of the big and small forces in the central universe.

As we all know, in the central universe, the name of Jietianjun has spread to all forces, and he is considered a strong man who has stood at the top of the entire universe.

Even the ancient nine emperors had far less influence than Lin Lang.

Even Lin Langzu can be regarded as the number one powerhouse in the central universe, and such a master crossing the catastrophe is undoubtedly a major event for the cultivators in the universe.

With the help of watching the ceremony, these monks who have grown to the realm of the half-emperor even have the opportunity to touch the avenue, and since then they have been promoted to the first echelon of the Central Universe, leaving their name in history.

The same is true for the monks of the Great Emperor, Lin Lang's cultivation realm is stronger than them, and the eleventh eternal catastrophe is also the only way for them in the future.

Perhaps Lin Lang will bring them more experience this time through the catastrophe. This is a good thing that is profitable and harmless!

of course.

In addition, Lin Lang also has another purpose.

In today's Central Universe, although the vast majority of masters are unwilling to provoke Lin Lang, there are also some who are full of hostility towards Lin Lang in their hearts, and want to kill the guys who are quick afterwards.

Lin Lang could also take this opportunity to catch them all at once. Of course, the premise is that Lin Lang can survive the catastrophe and draw all these people out.

As for Hades...

Lin Lang has reason to believe that Pluto will not make a move this time. Pluto is strong, strong in many clones, once all merged, it can fully stimulate the ancestral realm combat power.

But the body he stayed in the central universe was not as detached as he had imagined, at most it resembled the current Lin Lang.

Pluto wanted to take advantage of this battle to kill Lin Lang, unless he could mobilize a large number of clones in a short time, but Lin Lang only left him less than a hundred years.

According to Pluto's character, he would never fight such an unprepared battle.

A hundred years is a lifetime for mortals. But for true immortal cultivators, it was just a flick of a finger. The masters of the great world only felt that they hadn't done anything yet, and they were approaching the day of Jietianjun's tribulation.

On this day, outside the barren land outside the central universe, there are already densely packed monks. Most of these people are immortal emperors, and only a small part of them are masters who dominate the realm.

Of course, this is already more than 60% of the master masters in the central universe. As for the masters of the half-emperor and even the emperor's level, they have a considerable scale.

at this time.

In the gaze of countless people, Lin Lang's figure slowly descended from the distant sky. He looked around and did see many old acquaintances, including several of the nine emperors. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/111222.htmlReading the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/111222/Invincible fairy king in the city txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/111222.htmlThe invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/111222/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1333 Return), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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