Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1331: Local owner

However, this guy can perfectly use the profound meaning of reincarnation.

It's strange that it can't be touched, but it can be used!

"It's no secret."

The master brother of the underground palace slowly said, "The profound meaning of fire is the innate avenue, which is only controlled by the energy formed by the beginning of the universe. But the reincarnation avenue is not the avenue created by the master’s power alone. The so-called profound meaning, He holds ten of them."

"It is naturally not difficult for Master to borrow one tenth from his old man!"

The big brother of the underground palace spoke slowly, letting Lin Lang's doubts calm down instantly.

Dadao is divided into innate and acquired, and innate can only be obtained through inhalation. But otherwise, the monks who created this avenue have a unique advantage, which is equivalent to the gods who first opened in the universe and masters the foundation of this avenue.

This is the root of the power of the palace lord!

"But this is not the reason you are disturbing the underworld!"

As soon as the master brother of the underworld spoke, his aura suddenly became extremely fierce: "Since you dare to interfere with the rotation of the reincarnation disc and cause immeasurable losses to the underworld, how can I tolerate you?"

When the words fell, the big brother of the underground palace wrapped in boundless mighty force, and once again killed Lin Lang.

If you say that the big brother of the underground palace, he really deserves his name, he has cultivated the road of reincarnation to a very high level, and even Lin Lang feels the pressure.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the big brother of the underground palace can also master 30% of the road of reincarnation, Lin Lang will definitely not be his opponent!

In the sky, there are endless battles.

In the capital city below, many masters stared intently at the sky above, the world where the two fiercely fought.

To this day, the two have been fighting for three full years, and there is no difference between the winner and the loser.

During this period, Lin Lang used almost all his methods, darkness and light, emptiness of fate, and even the avenues of nature and life were completely invoked by him. No matter what kind of avenue, he could not defeat the latter at all.

How could this be the case for the big brother of the underground palace, he had never expected that Lin Lang's combat power was so powerful, and he almost forced all of his hole cards.

At this moment, how could he be hard to get off.

On one side, he had to save the reincarnation disk of all sentient beings, and on the other side, there was Lin Lang, who had no chance of winning or losing.

Under the pressure of this situation, the more you dragged it backwards, the more anxious the master brother of the underground palace became, and he couldn't help being a little bit fierce during his shots.

Neither side would retreat, and neither can get out.

"Let's stop here!"

The big brother of the underground palace suddenly stopped and was about to perform a killer blow.

Just at this moment, a light sigh suddenly came from the far mansion.

"Stop it!"

The sound of distant and close, as if the Buddha's sigh, solemn and solemn, unconsciously give rise to a sense of awe.

Don't think about it, this is the voice of that person in the underground palace.

With the falling of the voice, the master brother of the underground palace stopped the movement in his hand. On the other hand, the impatient fire spirit of Lin Lang was also instantly smoothed and returned to his body.

"It's the profound meaning, the palace lord of the underground palace possesses too many profound meanings, too strong, and can directly suppress the profound meaning of my fire." Lin Lang's heart was awe-inspiring, and sure enough, this ancient and present-day power can be so powerful when he speaks. The momentum.

From beginning to end, the palace lord of the underground palace did not show up, but he just resolved the grievances between the two people.

And what happened at the same time was that on the other side, the reincarnation disk of sentient beings re-suspended in the air, slowly falling back to the tip of the needle, and running smoothly again.

"Fan Lu."

The voice in the underground mansion called out softly, and Fan Lu naturally didn't dare to neglect, he hurried forward, leaned down and bowed down.

"You take him here, I have something to say."

The haunting voice of the Palace Lord of the Underworld fell, and since then, it has not sounded again.

Fan Lu stood up from the ground, he looked at Lin Lang.

According to the meaning of the palace lord of the underground palace, naturally he was going to bring Lin Lang with him. But the problem is also coming. Lin Lang has caused such a big disaster. Although the palace lord of the underground palace has the ability to return to his position, the impact it caused is irreparable.

Unless Lin Lang can cultivate the profound meaning of time and space, it is possible to reverse the influence of the past few years on the cycle of the universe.

Having caused such a big disaster, how could the Palace Master of the Earth Palace easily let Lin Lang go.

Fan Lu hesitated, for Lin Lang, the current netherworld was undoubtedly the Dragon's Lair, and it was naturally impossible to fight against the boss of the netherworld.

But the master's order is hard to violate

"Since the palace lord is invited, why not go there?"

Lin Lang didn't have that much pressure. He chuckled and took the initiative to fly to the location of the underground palace.

As for the other side, the big brother of the underground palace stared at the demon envoy fiercely: "You will die for me!"

In fact, Lin Lang had already entered the netherworld once and stayed in the library for a long time, but the chief of the netherworld was still in retreat at the time, so he could meet.

But this did not prevent Lin Lang from being curious about this super master.

Although Lin Lang caused disasters and caused huge losses to the prefecture, Lin Lang didn't worry too much.

After all, if the palace lord of the underground palace really wants to move him, he can do it under the anger of just now. But the palace lord of the underground palace first resumed the rotation of the reincarnation disk, and then he called Lin Lang into the underground palace.

The high probability is that the palace lord of the underground palace is not as hostile to Lin Lang as he imagined.

Together, Lin Lang and Fan Lu entered the underground palace in tandem.

There are few complicated corridors in the palace of the underground palace, and there are basically not many rooms except for the retreat of the library house and the palace lord of the underground palace. The two walked to the palace where the palace lord of the underground palace closed. Accompanied by the sound of a stone door rubbing against the ground, the palace door slowly opened.

Lin Lang raised his head and looked inward.

Inside the palace, apart from the two rows of lampposts with ghostly fires, there was a figure sitting on a black futon with his back facing Lin Lang.

Presumably this one is the palace lord of the underground palace.

Lin Lang noticed it a little bit. The Palace Lord of the Underground Mansion was wearing a black Taoist robe with some unknown totem symbols embroidered on it. It looked simple, but it was full of profound artistic conception.

Dressed plainly, the cultivation base is not obvious.

This was Lin Lang's first impression of the palace lord of the underground palace.

However, Lin Lang did not dare to look down upon the opponent. This is an ancestral power who has survived several Yuanhui, and is also the most powerful person in the world today. The avenue named after his creation has almost affected the reincarnation of sentient beings. Lin Lang was not able to contend with this strength of willingness alone.

"How dare you?"

Just as Lin Lang walked into the door, the soles of his feet had not yet crossed the threshold, but he heard a sharp shout from the front, shocking the two of them to lose their hearing in both ears, pointing directly at the soul.

The momentum contained in this voice alone was enough to make a master of the Great Emperor's realm surrender.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of huge pressure like the majesty of the sky, and in an instant, it acted on the two of Lin Lang, and the feeling was like a big mountain pressed behind, completely unable to move.

Fan Lu's legs softened and knelt on the ground with a bang.

After all, sitting in front of him is the master who has nurtured him so far. It is normal for him to kneel down.

But for Lin Lang, it was not so easy to endure.

The Great Emperor Realm masters are already the top combat power in this world. If they don't knock on the sky, and don't respect ghosts and gods, who can make them worship? Even an ancestral realm master can't do it.

Lin Lang mobilized his whole body strength to contend with the imperial palace lord's aura, but the road of reincarnation that was overwhelming like mountains and seas had already made Lin Lang's body unbearable.

"Thousands of ways live and all ways disappear."

Lin Lang used the power of innocence to resolve the pressure brought by the road of reincarnation. This method is certainly feasible and successfully relieved a lot of pressure, but after all, the opponent was an ancestral realm master. With these alone, Lin Lang was still unable to contend.

What is the ancestral realm?

Give two or three people as teachers.

To establish a school, to be the master.

Cultivate all beings and be holy.

Create the avenue, open the world, and be the ancestor.

The masters of the ancestral realm are fundamentally different from those of the great emperor realm. The great emperor practiced according to the great path, and from beginning to end, all he did was to cultivate the great path by himself, confirming the truth of heaven and earth.

What they want is proof, recognition, and even more error correction.

But ancestral realm masters are not the case, ancestral realm masters mostly master a great way alone, at least they must also master the power of profound meaning. Either it is to create a kind of acquired avenue alone.

Such monks are definitely much stronger than the emperor in combat power, and they are not people in the same world.

Facing an ancestral realm master, even if Lin Langxiu's strength is strong, he will still be in a weak position, and it is impossible to contend at present.

In terms of combat power, in fact, Lin Lang is not much weaker than those who survived the eleventh eternal catastrophe. But the ancestral realm master is too strong, unless Lin Lang survives his emperor's calamity, he may still be eligible to win.

At this moment, Lin Lang was mobilizing the avenues all over his body to resist the pressure brought by the palace lord of the underground palace.

It's just that the energy that is like an overwhelming force is completely pressing on his body at this moment, making him completely unable to breathe.

"Condense all the ways into one's body and turn all the ways into one's own power."

At this moment, behind Lin Lang, the time and space roulette slowly rotates, and all kinds of avenues are symphonic, and there are bursts of peaceful avenues.

At the same time, the strong pressure on the other side seems to have weakened a lot.

"My body is a tripod, and ten thousand ways are a furnace."

Lin Lang let out a low cry, and the countless entangled avenues around him had a faint tendency to merge at this moment. This is a brand-new avenue. No, it cannot be called a avenue. It is more like a practice method. It is a combination of various avenues. There is no similar or similar power in the world.

If the strangeness of this power is said, even Lin Lang at this moment cannot fully control it.

He just fell into a mysterious realm, moving along with the harmony of the great road, moving with his heart and mind, and moving at will.

But precisely in this state, Lin Lang cleverly got rid of the oppression of the Dao of the Palace Lord of the Palace, and even began to counterattack.

at this time.

Lin Lang suddenly raised his head, his eyes clear and sharp: "Dare to ask Palace Master, why am I guilty?"

When the words settled, the surrounding roads of reincarnation shuddered suddenly, and even the palace lord of the palace with his back facing Lin Lang, his shoulders also shook slightly. The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1331 The Lord of the Nether Mansion), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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