Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1321: First come to the prefecture

Although the emperor did not learn all the information about the battle this time, from a certain angle, it can prove the existence of the heaven and prove that the heaven has given birth to a certain wisdom.

This is enough for him.

"Thief Heaven, one day you will turn your heavens!" Jade Emperor hated the roots of his teeth, perhaps even he himself hadn't noticed. This time his visit to the Demon Ruins, his hatred point has quietly moved to Heaven.

Whether it was due to Lin Lang's influence, at least, he already understood what he wanted to do in the future.

As for the other locations of the Demon Ruins, there was no need for them to explore, but before leaving, Lin Lang suddenly stopped and looked back at this old battlefield without moving for a long time.

"what's happenin?"

Fan Lu asked curiously.

Lin Lang shook his head lightly and said, "It's nothing, I still think we missed a certain point."

There is always a weird idea in Lin Lang's mind. The conclusion they have come to is probably not in line with the reality, or that they have been misled in a certain direction.

In the prehistoric battle, it is impossible to know who will win and who will win. But in the most intense part of the battlefield area, Zu Hao had already revealed the aura of immortality. Although it was not comparable to the immortal might of the prestigious world when Lin Lang saw Zu Hao last time, it had already begun to take shape.

In other words, after experiencing this battle before him, Zu Hao has entered the hall and entered the realm of immortality.

"Or perhaps, the result of this battle is that Zu Hao rises in adversity. A battle that defeated the combination of Tian Dao and the master of the ancestral realm is not necessarily." Lin Lang thoughts flashed in his heart, but he did not say anything. .

The outcome of this battle, in fact, has nothing to do with him.

The trip of the three soon parted ways.

Jin Huang left, chose to stay in his world, continue to explore the magic ruins and other places, and follow the pace of Zu Qi. But Lin Lang and the other two embarked on the journey again, but this time, they did not go to other places, but went straight to the underground palace.

Underworld, master the land of reincarnation in this world.

As for the Palace Lord of the Underground Palace, Lin Lang was also very interested in seeing him who had experienced several cosmic undeads and created a talent independent of Heaven and Immortal Dao.

In fact, the underground palace is not so far away from the former central universe.

The two stepped into the sea of ​​reincarnation and moved forward in the vast ocean waters.

"If you say that the fastest way in the universe is to walk from Samsara," Fan Lu smiled and said: "The sea of ​​Samsara extends in all directions, connecting the universe, large and small, tens of thousands of worlds, whether you want to go. Where to go, borrowing a route from the sea of ​​reincarnation is the fastest choice."

Lin Lang nodded.

He wouldn't refute this. The cultivators of the underworld have opened the sea of ​​reincarnation to most of the universe, with accurate coordinates and unimpeded roads.

This principle is equivalent to a modern highway. People move on a flat highway, the destination is accurate, and the road is straight. It is indeed a shortcut to hurry.

But this is the case, the two of them have gone through thousands of years of trekking before they arrived in the universe where the underworld is located. They have all walked through the sea of ​​reincarnation for thousands of years. It is conceivable that if Lin Lang is alone, without the starry sky coordinates, it would be fast to reach the neighbourhood in ten thousand years.

And in the universe in front of him, there are almost no stars, and some are just a vast continent, just like this quietly floating in the universe.

Like the continent in front of me, all immortal worlds are all small places. The Immortal Realm Continent once opened up by Hongmeng Sanren was less than one percent of the universe in front of you.

Around the continent, vast rivers run through from the depths of the universe, connecting in all directions of the continent. As the river flows, countless ghosts float and are brought into the mainland by the tributaries of the Samsara Sea.

"Our locals all call this the Netherworld Continent, and most of the people living above are ghost repairs, and there are few real creatures." Fan Lu, as the master of the house, gave a very warm introduction.

"However, most of the people who can survive on this continent are the powerful powers of the old cultivation base. They don't want to reincarnate after death, so they set up camps on this continent and survive."

Fan Lu smiled and straddled the cities. The cities below are basically the same as the human world. If you have to talk about different places, it is probably that the people living here are not humans, they are all ghosts.

"Shi Fan, long time no see."

When crossing a city, weak energy ripples suddenly bloomed over the city, and the ripples quickly spread to the surroundings. A first-born horned demon **** who was as strong as the black rock of an iron tower flew into the air, cutting off. Live in the footsteps of the two of Lin Lang.

"Imperial City Lord."

Fan Lu also stopped and saw a slight courtesy.

The lord of the imperial city laughed and swung his palms. The gate of the city under his feet opened wide, and a thick gloom rushed towards his face. After that, a gloomy paper cart slowly drove out of the city gate, surrounded by soldiers. Will accompany, the etiquette opens, and there is a burst of gloomy ghost music.

"You and my brothers have not seen each other for more than 300,000 years. I really want to kill my brother." The city lord laughed. Although it was just a floating ghost, his voice was loud and he didn't seem to be a dead person at all.

"If it weren't for my brother to keep an eye on the changes in the sky, I'm afraid I don't know that you have come back." At this point, the city lord jokingly showed a little dissatisfaction, and said: "If it hadn't been for my brother to stop him, Fan Shi would have long since I forgot to forget it."

"How dare you dare."

Fan Lu hurriedly spoke, saying: "Recently, I have been busy with official duties. The master has appointed a task. Now he has not returned to the underworld for 100,000 years."

Hearing this, the city lord's expression slowed down, and he smiled: "So, Fan Shi has finished his official business this time?"

Fan Lu nodded slightly, before he waited for his follow-up to speak, the city lord had already stepped forward and made an inviting gesture, saying, "Since I'm done with business, why come to my brother to relax and relax. It just so happens that you and me are both. Let’s relive the past."

While speaking, the city lord stepped to land on the paper cart below. Although it is just a car wheel made out of paper, it is also exquisite in workmanship, full of beauty, and faintly, with the support of the emperor to travel, so majestic.

And near this chariot, a red sedan chair was carried by nine powerful men and slowly parked in front of Lin Lang.

"Shi Fan, please—"

Fan Lu was helpless with the other party's enthusiasm, so helpless, he had to follow the latter's wishes and stepped onto the big red sedan chair. Not long after, Fan Lu poked his head out and beckoned to Lin Lang.

Lin Lang refused very much in his heart. This red sedan chair was more like a woman getting married, but the ceremonial guard nearby played mournful music. All kinds of weirdness made Lin Lang full of rejection.

"Shi Fan, this is..."

The city lord also frowned, with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Fan Lu’s laughter followed: "I forgot to say that Brother Lin is not here, and I don’t understand the rules of our underworld."

After a pause, Fan Lu continued: "The rules in Mingcheng, the white sedan greets the marriage, and the red sedan greets you. If you are not the closest person, you can't sit in the red sedan chair."

Lin Lang can understand a little bit. In the Underworld, perhaps the red sedan chair is only used to welcome distinguished guests. It's just that the scene is so weird, he couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Seeing that Lin Lang was not going to get on the sedan chair, the city lord didn't get too entangled. After stepping into his car, the paper car cleared the way. A group of ghosts cheered and greeted everyone into the city with gongs and drums.

Lin Lang flew near the red sedan, maintaining the same speed as the honor guard, slowly moving forward.

"Brother Lin, are the rules of this Netherworld Continent different from other worlds?" Fan Lu opened the curtain of the red sedan chair and looked at Lin Lang with a smile.

"This imperial city lord is not a simple person. The city in front of him, with tens of billions of souls, is almost under his control."

Lin Lang nodded lightly, this imperial city lord was indeed a bit extraordinary, clearly a ghost, but he was not weak in strength, probably at the level of a half emperor.

"Do you remember that I introduced it to you just now."

Fan Lu slowly said, "There are some ghost repairs in the Nether Continent, most of which are reincarnations of the past. They do not enter the reincarnation, so they live in the ghost city and do ghost repairs."

"And some of them got the acquiescence of the master. Others are people who don't even want to do more sins in the underworld. For example, the city lord in front of him, he was a half-emperor in another world before his death. , Died in the hands of a competitor."

"Later in the underworld, he didn't want to enter the cycle of reincarnation, so he simply opened up a city on his own and became the lord of the city."

Lin Lang slowly nodded, then looked at Fan Lu again, and couldn't help asking: "So how many are there like the lord of the emperor?"

Fan Lu raised his head and thought for a moment, and said: "There are about a thousand people. These people were originally distributed in the universe, large and small, many of them are the masters of the same world, but they live in different years."

Hearing this, even Lin Lang couldn't help taking a breath.

Everyone says that the underworld is the largest power in the world. He originally thought that there was some moisture, but now it seems that the underworld is well deserved!

The netherworld, that is the end of all the souls in the universe, gathered the powerful souls of all parties, and regardless of the age, any monk in history can find a foothold in the netherworld.

Thousands of half emperors, although they are just souls, if they are gathered together, they might be enough to crush any forces in this universe. How is the central universe in which he lives? Almost already the most powerful force in this universe.


Today, I am afraid that only a hundred upper and lower half emperors have been born.

If it is a monk in the realm of the Great Emperor, perhaps the central universe is a bit more. But don't underestimate the netherworld. Starting from the master brother of the netherworld, it has been passed down for ten generations, which means that there have been at least ten great emperors in the history of the netherworld.

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