Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1322: What do you think of him?

The palace lord of the underground palace can be called the number one in the world, and the ancestral realm is powerful.

The big brother of the underground palace, survived eleven eternal disasters, and his cultivation reached the sky.

Although the others, the Empress of Reincarnation and Pluto, have left the underworld, they cannot be denied that they are the monks cultivated by the underworld. If these people are added together, I am afraid they can crush all the monks in the central universe.

"If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, even I wouldn't have imagined that the underworld has grown to such a prosperous level." Lin Lang couldn't help sighing.

"However, Brother Lin doesn't have to belittle himself."

Fan Lu slowly said, "There are many masters in the underworld, but the inside is not monolithic. The forces of all sizes and the city lord are also full of disputes, and it is difficult to get together."

"Even if we messengers..."

Fan Lu didn't seem to want to say much when he said this, shook his head, and stopped speaking.

And at this moment, Dahong's sedan chair stopped, they had already entered the city and were near the city lord's mansion.

The city lord got off the car and personally invited Lin Lang and others to enter the city lord's mansion. Soon, a ghost lady was holding a tea tray, and the three of them shared their seats, and began to exchange simple greetings.

It can be seen that Fan Lu is very noble in this Nether Continent. Not to mention that he is the apprentice of the palace master of the underground palace, even if it is his cultivation base in the realm of the emperor, it is enough for these city masters to treat them with respect.

In this Netherworld Continent, Fan Lu's name is actually the same as Shang Fang Baojian. Except for the monks above the half emperor who need to consider it, the rest are all killing and killing at will.

The news of Fan Lu's entry into the imperial city was quickly passed on to the outside world by the imperial city lord, and some of the city lord who had made friends with Fan Lu and the imperial city lord also rushed to pick up the dust for Fan Lu's return.

To Lin Lang's surprise, there were a total of twenty of the city lord who came for Fan Lu this time. They were surrounded by the main hall of the city lord's mansion, one for each, and they talked about the current situation.

At the banquet, in addition to some personal contacts, more people discussed conflicts with other city owners, or dissatisfaction.

As Fan Lu said earlier, although there are many half-emperor city owners, they have different temperaments. Who is not one of the best in the past, and who is willing to be deceived by others.

After going back and forth, battles often broke out among thousands of city masters, large-scale battles between Yin soldiers, and city massacres were not uncommon.

Although Fan Lu was an envoy and had the power to kill, he couldn't stop it completely. After all, Fan Lu is not the only one who can control the power of the underworld.

Lin Lang shook his head, but didn't plan to participate in these things.

For him, it would be best if he could see the palace lord of the underworld, if not, it would be a pleasure to take a look at the scale of the underworld and see the center of the reincarnation of the underworld.

"Fan Shi travels around the universe this time, I'm afraid it will be a great harvest." A city owner smiled and said: "I don't know how many reincarnations of the universe have been opened up by Fan Shi this time."

"Ashamed to say."

Fan Lu shook his head and said: "I have traveled for a hundred thousand years, and I have just opened up the cycle of the three worlds. If I say gain, I probably witnessed the demise of an underworld traitor."

There was a movement in everyone's heart, who could be called a traitor from the underworld. There were not many such people, and there were only two in history.

"Could it be a reincarnation girl?"

The city lord couldn't help asking.

Fan Lu shook his head and said, "It's Pluto."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were solemn.

If in the eyes of the underworld monks, there are no others who can be a confidant, the Pluto must be the existence that the underworld monks hate the most.

Not to mention his rebellion from the underworld, he also reversed many of the rules of the sea of ​​reincarnation, resulting in the sharp reduction of the souls controlled by many people. This also means that when they fight with other City Lords, they will also lose a large part of their combat power.

By the way, the Pluto was strong in cultivation, and few people in the entire underworld could help him.

"This is a good thing!"

The city lord took the lead to break the peace. He laughed and said: "If the Pluto falls, it will really solve a big confidant problem with the underworld. For Yu Fan, it is even more important. I am afraid this time, the mansion. Lord Lord will personally praise Ambassador Fan again!"

With these words, the city lord also had some doubts in his heart.

Everyone knows the cultivation base of the Hades. It is said that Fan Lu, even if the master of the underground mansion came out in person, he will be defeated. With the power of Fan Lu, can he really kill the Hades?

This is incredible!

However, in any case, the stronger Fan Lu's cultivation is, the status of their loyal fans of Fan Lu will rise with the tide. They are the lord of the city, but they are also the direct subordinates of Fan Lu.

"That said, brothers, in the future, in front of the group of people, they will finally be able to raise their heads!" A city lord smiled.

"Not Pluto."

Fan Lu shook his head and said, "It's just a clone of Pluto."

The city lord was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, saying: "That's not easy. Today we can destroy a clone of him, and it is not impossible to destroy his deity in the future."

Even so, the city lord’s face has disappeared from the joy he had before. He slowly spoke out and asked the question that everyone was most concerned about: “In this way, Fan Shi’s return has improved his cultivation. ?"

Hear the words.

Everyone present raised their ears and listened carefully.

For them, the death of Pluto has nothing to do with them. They only care about one thing, and that is Fan Lu's cultivation.

If Fan Lu can grow quickly, in the future, the status of their direct subordinates will also increase, and they will quickly expand to other cities.

"It's a small gain."

Fan Lu nodded gently.

On the side, a child-like city lord followed him and said, "That's naturally the best. Fan Shimo must forget, you had an agreement with the demon."

The city lord's face also became heavy, and he looked at Fan Lu with some worry.

Fan Lu will naturally not forget this incident. He stood up from his position, looked around, and said in a deep voice, "I naturally remember that this time I came back, and it was about it."

"Don't worry, you guys, I will win this battle, and I will definitely get back the territory and glory that belongs to us."

Seeing this, the city lord quickly intervened and said: "There is a fan in charge, what are you worried about!"

Just as the few people were talking, a cloud of sky suddenly rose in the distance of the city lord's mansion, and the void seemed to be brewing something big, and a large cloud of cloud visible to the naked eye was hitting quickly.



Where the dark clouds passed, houses collapsed, ghosts wailed, and I don't know how many ghosts were buried.

Soon after, a strong ghost wearing a military armor and holding a long-backed sword appeared in the sky above the city. He slashed horizontally, and a powerful blade light suppressed it from high above.


Fan Lu glared wide and turned over the seat directly and rushed out of the city lord's mansion.


Dao Qi was stopped by Fan Lu and set off a violent explosion in the air. At the same time, Fan Lu's figure also appeared opposite the ghost and god.

"Bloodstained City Lord, are you going to die?!"

Fan Lu's face was gloomy, and he clenched his fists tightly.

The blood stumbling on the opposite side was also a resounding existence in the Netherworld Continent. Even among the thousands of city masters, it belonged to the absolute first echelon, and its strength was infinitely close to the Great Emperor.

The Bloodstained City Lord on the opposite side was not frightened by Fan Lu's aura, instead he smiled softly and said, "I'm just here to deliver the letter. I believe Lord Fan Shi has a large number, so I shouldn't be embarrassed by the letter delivery person."

"The demon let me remind you, don't forget the agreement between you."

When the voice fell, the face of Bloodstained City Lord showed a faint sarcasm, he turned around, planning to leave directly.

Fan Lu was saved face, and how could he allow the opponent to leave, he raised his hand to phantom a sky-covering palm, directly blocking the path of the blood-stained city lord. The latter's complexion was slightly dark, the sword gleamed horizontally, cut open the palm of his hand, and left in a cool manner.

As for Fan Lu, he stood still and did not leave.

Fan Lu’s icy voice resounded between the heavens and the earth: "Go back and tell the demon, you don’t have to engage in these secret battles, which is stronger and weaker, you have your own proof of strength."

"This time, you and I must decide the outcome!"

After such an appearance, everyone no longer wanted to eat the table, and after a few brief conversations, the city lord also quickly left.

The city lord was worried. Seeing the posture of the city lord leaving, he couldn't help but say, "Shi Fan, how sure are you in this battle?"

Fan Lu thought for a while and made a six gesture.

"More than 60%, the demon is making progress, but I may not always stay on the same spot." Fan Lu said faintly, "If one-to-one, I am not afraid of the demon."


Fan Lu looked at the direction of the departure of the city lord of the blood, faintly worried.

Although he has no problem, the major City Lords under his command are not even worse than the opponents.

For example, the Bloodstained City Lord who had just arrived, he alone was infinitely close to the realm of the Great Emperor of Gui Xiu, and the degree of difficulty was not even a star or a half.

"One more thing I forgot to tell you..."

The Lord of the City hesitated for a moment, and he still spoke, "The demon leader and the Lord of Ai have been joking recently. I am worried that the Lord of the Ai will also come forward in that battle."

Fan Lu's expression was also heavy.

There are thousands of city masters in the Netherworld Continent, but several of them are extremely detached. Even as a messenger, he does not want to offend easily. And among these few people, this city lord of Ai is included.

City Lord Ai is the closest to the realm of the Great Emperor among all the City Lords, and his strength is even higher than that of the City Lord. If he participates in the war, Fan Lu's situation may not be optimistic.

Fan Lu thought for a while, and soon smiled again, and said, "You don't need to worry about this matter. I have already found someone to solve the problem, whether it is the blood-stained city lord or the sad city lord."

The City Lord looked at Fan Lu and thought for a while: "So, I'm going to contact the City Lord Dark Sha now?"

Among the thousands of city lords, the city lord of Dark Sha is considered to be one of the few ghost repairs who can break the wrist with the lord of Ai, if they can ask him to come out of the mountain, they may have a turning point in this battle.

Fan Lu shook his head, looked at Lin Lang, and smiled: "What do you think of him?"

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