Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1320: Another master of the ancestral realm

However, the next moment, the emperor's voice changed and he said faintly: "But I don't think that I will let you go after you have said this."

"It's okay for you to get out of here, but I advise you never to enter the Demon Ruins."

Lin Lang looked at him, shook his head and said, "But you should have forgotten one thing."

Lin Lang slowly said, "With your own strength, you will never be able to find the way of heaven, let alone understand what the way of heaven does."

"Moreover, even if you find the Dao of Heaven, what can you do, it will not be destroyed by its power in the end. You and I alone will never be able to defeat the Dao of Heaven."

After a pause, Lin Lang continued to speak again, saying, "Perhaps you don't know. Heavenly Dao is also a creature, and it also has a sage. He is judging the creatures that exist in this world with his way of thinking."

"More importantly, the way of heaven has been in control of each of us from beginning to end. The so-called Great Destruction Tribulation is just a way for him to wash away a group of strong people and solve those who understand."

The Emperor Jade fixedly looked at Lin Lang, and had to admit that Lin Lang's remarks did move the Emperor, as if it had opened a new world for him.

"Heaven is also a creature?"

The emperor frowned, he had never heard of such a statement.

"Yes it is."

Lin Lang nodded and said, "Otherwise, where does the will of Heaven come from, why should we act in accordance with the will of Heaven? You should know the sky above the clouds, right?"

The emperor nodded and said: "The sky above the clouds is the foundation of becoming an emperor. Anyone who wants to become a great emperor needs to go to the sky above the clouds and plant his own Taoist tree. Only in this way can he prove the Tao."

"Not bad."

Lin Lang followed up and said, "That's the problem!"

"We are proving the Dao, and who is the proving Dao shown? The avenue that runs between the heavens and the earth is the supreme truth. Why do we want to prove the Dao?"

"In the final analysis, we are not personally proving the Dao, but we are proving for the Dao of Heaven. We will take the fruits of our life training to the Dao of Heaven and tell him that this is the path of my cultivation, and there is no threat to you. ."

Jin Huang's face also grew darker and deeper: "You mean..."

Lin Lang's voice rang out and said: "Just so, we are witnessing the way of heaven, or that the existence of the sky above the clouds is the trial field of the way of heaven!"

Hearing this, even the emperor's body was covered with goose bumps.

Fan Lu was also the first to hear such a statement, and couldn't help muttering: "The formation of the world, if there is no formation way, it will eventually flow to the formation emperor. And the disasters under the world are all disasters, and they will eventually converge on you."

"And the world under heaven is under the heavenly path, and the heavenly path is actually like you. You have to control the cultivation of future generations of cultivators through a lot of time!"

Fan Luqing couldn't help but said, "So, Master, he had a strict order to prohibit the monks from the netherworld from going to the sky to prove the Dao. Moreover, the exercises circulated in the netherworld are not the immortal methods, but the master created another way !"

After Lin Lang said this, Jinhuang's expression can be described as colorful, and he has not spoken for a long time.

Until the time of Banzhuxiang passed, he suddenly sneered and said: "The big catastrophe is the rule of the universe, what is it to do with the heaven? I am stronger."

Lin Lang also sneered, and said, "I'm just trying to solve your doubts. As for whether what I said is true or false, can you just explore it yourself?"

"The predecessors are dull, but it doesn't mean that the future generations should also behave well and think according to your predecessors' thinking!"

Lin Lang did not shy away, and sneered: "You have lived your whole life, and in the end you have not died under the catastrophe, you can live to this world, but it is just lingering, what right do you have to question me?"

The array emperor's face sank, and the surrounding array energy surged, as if the energy was brewing to destroy the world.

"You have cultivated in this life and created the realm of formation, but how many times have you explored the realm of heaven?" Lin Lang looked at him, and the power of the whole body was rolling, and said: "And I, have tried to touch the realm of heaven. I once integrated the power of the Dao of Heaven into myself. All he did was to explore the essence of the Dao of Heaven."

"Have you tried these?"

The Emperor was silent. He looked at Lin Lang for a long while before he said: "Then how can I prove that what you said is true or false?"


Lin Lang took a few steps forward and walked straight to the flower of Heaven. He stretched out his hand and touched the flower stem of the flower of Heaven. The Flower of Heavenly Way trembles slightly, and a strong wave of Heavenly Way is transmitted to the internal organs through his arm.

Although he is a body of heaven and has a cultivation base, the energy of the silver thunder of heaven still makes his body paralyzed, as if he had been shocked by a high-voltage electric power of 100,000 volts, and his skin was instantly cracked.

Lin Lang resisted the pain and said, "It's actually very simple to prove this."

Lin Lang took the Flower of Heavenly Dao in his hand. On the other side, the Emperor Jing watched Lin Lang take away the Flower of Heavenly Dao. He also hesitated in his heart, whether to activate the big formation and kill Lin Lang in one fell swoop.

At this time, Lin Lang's voice came again: "This world has the shadow of heavenly activities, and in it, the secret of heavenly formation is brewing. You and I will explore it, and I believe there will be an answer that will convince you. "

The Emperor Jin looked at Lin Lang, how could he be an existence who has lived for countless cosmic epochs, how could he be deceived by Lin Lang in a few words. But what I have to say is that Lin Lang's remarks did shake the Emperor.

"This was a place where two ancestral realm masters fought, and among them, there was even Heavenly Dao participation." Lin Lang said faintly, "The ancestral realm masters know far more truth about the world than we do, especially in this battle. With the admission of Tiandao, we can deduce a lot of information."

Lin Lang walked to the front of the formation emperor, handed the flower of the heavenly path in his hand, and said: "You can take a closer look. The formation of the flower of the heavenly path is the result of the battle between the two ancestral realm masters and the heavenly path."

"It contains the power of heaven, and there is also the breath of another master of the ancestral realm, Zu Huang." Lin Lang slowly said, the energy source of the flower of heaven is actually very easy to distinguish.

In addition to the rich to the extreme heaven, there is also an aura that is infinitely close to immortals.

That is the wave of supernatural power left by Zu Hao!

"But only one thing is missing." Lin Lang slowly said, "It is the magical power of another master of the ancestral realm." After hearing this, everyone's eyes also fell on the flower of heaven.

The whole body is silver, and only the stamens show a coquettish bright red. The silver flower body represents the power of heaven, while the bright red color of the flower is the blood of an immortal.

That was the vision caused by the blood-stained sky when Zu Qi fought against each other.

Lin Lang's face was heavy. When he discovered this problem, he had already realized the key to the problem.

Since this was a battle between two ancestral realm powers, why did not leave any information about the ancestral realm powers apart from the ancestral realm? Including this way, they never saw any traces left by the other.

It feels like this person has never existed before.

In the fight between the two people, there was a way of heaven to participate, but the other strong one disappeared. There is only one possibility for this kind of words, either that the ancestral realm powerhouse was defeated and all traces of existence were artificially erased.

"Did God do it?"

Fan Lu spoke in a deep voice.

The formation emperor was shaking his head, and said: "It's not like it. If Heaven's Dao makes a move, how could it be possible to leave only traces of Zu Qi's existence."

"Could it be that the other ancestral realm great power was defeated, it was Zu Hao who made the move and erased the traces of the existence of this great man, or that Zu Hao did not want to let others know about this great ancestral realm? Neng's identity." Fan Lu secretly guessed.

Lin Lang also quickly shook his head and said, "Judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not the same as ours."

"From the various information on this battlefield, it is inferred that Zu Hao did not have an absolute advantage in this battle. On the contrary, he is very likely to be the loser."

The Flower of Heaven's Path was put away by Lin Lang and put it into the body to begin refining.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, as long as they continue to explore, I believe there will be a correct answer.

The three of them went all the way, and they really saw the tragedy of this prehistoric war.

Not only was the void broken, but even the rules of this world were affected to a certain extent, and they didn't work smoothly. And the surrounding area is full of chaotic energy fluctuations, sometimes rolling up a wave of energy from prehistoric times.

None of these people like Lin Lang is a monk above the realm of the Great Emperor, but walking on this old battlefield is still walking on thin ice. If you don't pay attention, you may confess your little life here.

It is worth mentioning that they have actually obtained a lot of interesting information while walking on this battlefield.

For example, judging from the traces of some previous battles, Zu Hao was severely injured in this battle. The blood flowing out of Zu Hao can be seen in many places. Even though it has been through the ages, it has not dried up, and accompanied by the suppression of the Great Emperor. Power.

"How strong is that person's cultivation to be able to force Zu Hao like this?"

Various signs indicated that Zu Qi was at an absolute disadvantage in this battle, and even said that he was still crushed and beaten by the ancestral realm master on the opposite side.

"In this way, the ultimate intervention of Heavenly Dao is very likely not for the two ancestral realm masters, but the ancestral 炁." Lin Lang slowly said, "The ancestral realm master brought Tiandao, and Tiandao's master. Together, we will suppress Zu Qi."

As for the result of this battle, it can be inferred from various records in later generations.

Zu Hao should have been defeated in the war, but he did not die in the end and broke into the fairyland smoothly after a few years.

As for the other ancestral realm powerhouse, his information is not so easy to calculate. After all, from the beginning to the end, this strong man who has never been seen or leaked has never left any information for future generations to refer to.

"To become immortal, heaven is the biggest obstacle."

The Emperor Zhen's face darkened slightly: "In the past, Zu Hao became a Taoist, and he must have experienced countless attacks, and even Tiandao did not hesitate to come forward, just to prevent Zu Hao from becoming an immortal."

"His and other strong people are still like this, and we, the descendants of the monks, still have the power to contend."

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