Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1319: Back in time and space


Lin Lang suddenly woke up and suddenly realized the key to the problem.

Why does this world change? Since the epitome of illusion, why does civilization move backward?

There is only one answer-time!

In other words, everything in this world is fake, but only time is flowing normally, so that a series of subsequent changes will occur!

After understanding this, Lin Lang didn't hesitate anymore and directly used the Time and Space Avenue to look back in time.

If he were to go back to the time of a world and turn back all the time and space of the whole world, this would be impossible.

But if it is an illusory time, the problem is much simpler.

After all, here, except for the normal flow of history, everything else is fake. What he needs to do is to move the time-space roulette and let the latter reverse the flow.

The avenue of time and space on Lin Lang's body began to change. One year, two years, ten years, and a hundred years, the time around Lin Lang's body was flowing rapidly. At the same time, Lin Lang also took this opportunity to start researching the time-space avenue he was practicing.

The best way to cultivate a great way is to practice, and the better way is to practice for a long time!

Lin Lang just controlled the horizontal movement of time in this way. After hundreds of thousands of years, Lin Lang had already explored some ways.

When using the Avenue of Time and Space, it seems that there is no need to rely on the Avenue of Time and Space.

For time and space with timing but no detailed scale, the best way is to subdivide the time into paragraphs that he can understand.

"Time can be divided into minutes and seconds, and when I use the avenue of time and space, I can also simplify this avenue into the most refined unit."

Minutes, milliseconds, brakes, sudden...

With the high concentration of Lin Lang's spirit, he was able to control time and space to the finest units, even a slight fluctuation could not escape his eyes.

Time and space are changing, and Lin Lang's avenue is gradually being completed.

In this illusory world, time and space are constantly regressing, and it has been pushed back from the desert field to the beginning of the universe. At that time, there was chaos, and yellow sand particles were quietly suspended in space, waiting for changes in later generations.

At the same time, Lin Lang's avenue is constantly improving. Behind him, a time-space roulette with fine scales has already taken shape, with precise scales imprinted on it, as if covered with a magnifying glass with scales on the brakes. Gradually enlarge, be divided into a hundred sudden,

In his field of vision, one hundred ticks were gradually enlarged, and only ninety-nine of them could be seen in his field of vision, but the area of ​​the scales was expanding.

Ninety-nine, eighty, fifty...

The original time has not changed, but the time scale that Lin Lang pays attention to has been reduced from one hundred to one, and this sudden unit has also been enlarged to the extreme in his vision.

Until the end, the scale suddenly shattered and was subdivided into one hundred smaller units.

If you want to accurately control the time trend, subdividing the time scale is a must.

It was also at this time that the universe was deduced to the end and continued to move forward. That was the period when the Great Destruction and Tribulation existed.

Although Lin Lang wanted to deduct it, this illusory world could no longer bear it.


A crack was embedded in the sky, and deep starlight shone from the crack. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding void did not break open, and the illusory world space collapsed on a large scale.

The illusory world could no longer withstand Lin Lang's deduction, and it collapsed!

Rather than being deduced by Lin Lang to the end, it is better to say that the energy of the Great Destruction Tribulation is too terrifying, and this illusory world cannot be fully presented.

Through the gap, Lin Lang returned to the original world smoothly.

I saw him opposite, the man with the purple hair crown was looking at him with a smile, and said: "You are out of trouble much faster than I thought. An old opponent of mine was trapped here. , I haven't been able to get out of trouble in a lifetime."

"Is he waiting for the great destruction, isn't it?"

Lin Lang's face was dark. On the other side, Fan Lu, who was transformed into a child, had disappeared. Obviously, he was also dragged into other dimensions by the opponent's formation power.

Fortunately, Fan Lu himself is a monk on the road of reincarnation. Facing this fictitious world, he has every way to return through the long river of reincarnation.

Not long after Lin Lang got away, Fan Lu turned into a child and appeared beside Lin Lang.

"Well, since both of you have gotten away, you might as well try the next change in my formation."

The voice fell, and the formation changed again.

Only this time, Lin Lang didn't intend to sit and wait for death. He directly opened his eyes of breaking illusion, and the lines of the surrounding formation were faintly visible as the energy slowly flowed.

At the same time, Lin Lang urged You Ye's body technique, trying to use this supernatural power that ignores all formations to directly step out of the envelope of the big formation.

However, this unfavorable magical power did not show any desired effect at this time. On the contrary, Lin Lang was still trapped in place, without moving half of his footsteps.

"How is this going?"

Lin Lang frowned high, but listened to the surprised voice of the man wearing the purple crown on the other side.

"You actually cultivated this kind of body technique?"

The man wearing a purple crown suddenly said: "Ziyan's divine eyes, see through the illusion of the formation. The body of the hole, ignore the formation."

Lin Lang raised his head, connected with the latter's gaze, and faintly said, "How do you know these two supernatural powers?"

The man wearing a purple crown laughed, with a playful expression on his face, and said, "How can I not know? Because these two magical powers were originally created by me!"

Lin Lang was stunned suddenly.

Fan Lu frowned as he felt familiar with the large formation surrounding him. He subconsciously asked, "Xuantian Nine Formation, you are the founder of Xuantian Nine Formation-Formation Emperor?!"

The man wearing a purple crown smiled and nodded: "Yes, you younger generations have some insights, and this seat is the emperor."

When the words fell, even Fan Lu took a breath of air-conditioning.

Who is Jinhuang?

That was the only Array Dao power in the eternal ages, the Houtian Dao he majored in, but the most difficult one to cultivate, and the Array Dao Dao that hadn't been referenced by any predecessors to the extreme.

According to the rumors, in the heyday of the Emperor Jade, a single person crushed the first life. This was also a post-center universe and the last enlightened person.

Seeing Lin Lang puzzled, Fan Lu continued to speak again, saying: "The Formation Emperor is the only monk who has cultivated the Formation Dao to Consummation, including all the modern formations, most of them are from the Formation Emperor. Hand. Where he is, the formation is surging, and Emperor Xian is not an opponent at all."

Since the ages, the only monk who has cultivated the Array to Consummation, his strength is evident!

Speaking of this, even Lin Lang's heart raised a wave of admiration.

If we talk about other great great roads, there are traces of light and life, and they can be understood based on the great great roads in the world, and then cultivated. Even if it is elusive like time and space, you can actually find a certain trace in the world.

But the formation alone does not exist in the innate avenue.

There is no revelation from the predecessors, and there is no magical power as a reference, but the emperor can create a great way with his own power and cultivate to the end.

This kind of talent, but not everyone can have it!

In eternity, only a formation emperor was born!

"That's all in the past."

The emperor laughed at himself and said: "In the past, I pursued the changes in the mountains and rivers, perfected the construction of the general trend, and eventually grew into a potential master. Those ancient times were able to contend, and there was no hope of overcoming the catastrophe."

"That's why it's far from the end of this avenue."

"I keep pursuing to have an array that creates an array and condenses the energy of the heavens and the earth. Then I merged the array and the momentum together, and finally achieved the proudest achievement of my life."

"I created a avenue that didn't exist between heaven and earth." The sarcasm on the face of the formation emperor grew stronger and stronger: "But what's the use of this? In the end, I didn't die in destruction."

Lin Lang seemed to be able to feel the emotional changes of the Emperor, and he had been pursuing the great road all his life, but in the end, the great ruin came, and the great road he relied on had no effect in the end.

Under the catastrophe, everything is cleared, he can't use any great energy, and he can't form a formation to fight the upcoming catastrophe.

I have spent my whole life preparing to survive the catastrophe, but in the end, even an ordinary emperor is not as good as an ordinary emperor, so he can only linger on to this world by way of thinking storage.

The body in front of him came from the emperor, including the true spirit. Only his thoughts belonged to him.

"As a person who has not experienced the catastrophe, you can't experience this kind of despair." The emperor seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his face changed drastically, and said: "It is like a duckweed with nowhere to rely, alone. The world is shaky, and every time I have to put on a new body and continue to live."

"I can't continue to practice, nor can I fight the Great Destruction Tribulation. In a long time, even the desire has disappeared." The formation emperor raised his head and looked at the starry sky, muttering to himself, "Do you know that there is no one? What is the meaning of living in this world for people who want nothing?"

Lin Lang was silent, but after a while, he slowly said, "But you still live to the present, you look directly at your own mind, what is it that supports you to live to the present."

There was confusion in the eyes of the Emperor Jin. He looked at Lin Lang, silent, and seemed to be thinking about the meaning of his survival.

It's not that you are afraid of death, and it's not that you want to obtain eternal life.

He said that he cares, or that his obsession is fighting for fate with the sky, is to live!

"You are so that one day, you can see the way of heaven with your own eyes, see the injustice of the way of heaven, and see the end of the way of heaven." Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and it seemed that he had seen through the heart of the formation emperor.

And with the fall of his voice, the mood of the emperor also fluctuates. His confused eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes, this is the belief that has always supported me to survive. How many old friends have not found this belief, and chose to fall into the gap of the cosmic era alone."

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