Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1306: Haou sword

The situation in front of him had no choice for Emperor Yu. He couldn't easily give up the sacred sword that had been nurtured for tens of millions of years, but he was not Lin Lang's opponent in terms of hard power.

For him at this time, the best way is to win with one blow.

The Emperor Yu gathered the two powers of righteousness and evil, and just wanted to use this strongest trick in his life to end the battle.


Obviously Lin Lang was also aware of the danger, and flames were burning all over his body at this time, and the profound meaning of fire was slowly circulating, brewing unpredictable power. The power derived from the origin of things is better than all the great roads in the world.

In addition, Lin Lang's avenues roared around his body, and avenues of different attributes entangled his side, so that the surrounding space was contaminated with all kinds of magical powers.

Five Elements Avenue, Natural Avenue, Light, Destiny, Darkness...

At this time, Lin Lang seemed to be the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, with countless kinds of avenues entwined nearby, and the mystery was endless.

At the same time, Lin Lang communicated with the Dao of Heaven, only listening to the deafening roar of the starry sky above his head, spreading to every corner of the world.

The cultivators of both good and evil who were fighting fiercely in the distance stopped their movements one after another at this time, and even the supernatural powers that had been urged came to an abrupt end.

It's not that they don't want to move, but that the power radiated by the heavens is too terrifying, enough to suppress the operation of all the great roads in the world. When the pause button was pressed on the avenue, the supernatural powers urged by the monks naturally lost their due power.


A monk immortal emperor watched as a fist that was burning with heavy flames zoomed in his field of vision. He wanted to resist, but the avenue in his body was not controlled. All the gods that sank into his body were mud cows into the sea, unable to move. .

"Oh, my life is gone!"

Various thoughts flashed in his mind, watching the upcoming attack, the fear in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

At a certain moment.

The overwhelming fire waves on the opposite side dissipated out of thin air, leaving only a fist with no fancy movements to hit it. When it fell on this immortal monk, it just blasted the latter out several tens of meters, and it didn't cause much trauma.

And this is just a microcosm of the battlefield.

When the will of the day is moved here, the power of any avenue will dissipate, and the magical powers that have been urged, apart from the most original physical power of the monk, there is nothing else!


Lin Lang attracted the will of Heaven and tried to counter the supernatural powers of Emperor Yu.

But this is not enough!

After that, Lin Lang urged the power of the Tribulation Dao to enter the Tribulation with his body.

boom! Boom!

At the moment when the two extremely terrifying forces collided, the space of the universe instantly collapsed, and the most central area of ​​the collision was exploded out of countless black holes at this time, swallowing everything that exists in the space of the universe.

Even the large stars with a diameter of one million miles are like flying dandelions, rushing towards the direction of the existence of black holes.

At the same time, the chaotic avenue shattered the energy that was originally scattered throughout the universe, and there were many visions of flames, stars, and the earth connecting the sky. But this only happened in a moment, and these chaotic elements were quickly shattered by new energy.

Not only the most basic element attributes, but even the established rules of the world have begun to change.

As if the door to the underworld was opened, countless nether creatures flew out of the underworld, ghosts roared, and monsters were in all directions. Even the two fighting underworld emperors were affected. The road of reincarnation was stagnant, and the two stopped and backed away. Watching Lin Lang's battle from afar.

A match between the two of them created a black hole space covering hundreds of star fields, even if there was no sign of healing in the next tens of thousands of years.

One can imagine how terrible the match between the two was this time!

As for the two Lin Lang standing on the cusp of the storm, after a brief encounter, both sides were injured separately, but there was no sign of stopping.

"Use common people as a guide to cast my divine sword."

An ancient idol appeared behind the Emperor Yu, reciting ancient scriptures in an entrenched posture. At the same time as the sound came out, the countless creatures in the universe below, whether it was a monk from both good and evil fighting in an orthogonal battle, a monk in a nearby star field, or an old farmer who plowed and hoeed the land among the distant stars.

At this time, all the movements in his hands were stopped, and he looked at the sky in a daze.

"All sentient beings share strength with me!"

The voice of Emperor Yu rang in everyone's minds at the same time, and they couldn't tolerate them to resist, because the deepest mark of their souls was activated, which directly drained all their strength.


All the creatures in this world fell to the ground one after another, and it was not until dozens of seconds later that they recovered a bit of strength and climbed up with difficulty.


You know, the Emperor Yu has spent tens of millions of years in order to cast the sword, and during this period, he even reached a cooperation with the Emperor Underworld. When every creature is born, their true spirits will be branded as belonging to the Emperor Yu. Imprint.

After that, no matter what they are as the leader of the righteous path, the heroes of the evil path, or the mere beings, no matter how they practice, they will eventually be unable to get rid of the imprint engraved by the Emperor Yu in their souls.

Their fate, their ideas, and even their strength, everything they have belongs to Emperor Yu.

This is Yuhuang's last killer!

Right now, Emperor Yu borrowed a piece of power from all the creatures in this world. Although not all of them, this was all that Emperor Yu could control. If there were more, Yuhuang would not only be unable to kill Lin Lang, but would be ruined by the power he couldn't grasp.

There are at least tens of billions of creatures on a planet.

Everyone releases a bit of power, which is enough to move the stars. And there are countless stars in this starry sky, and there are at least tens of millions of stars of life. The power of these people is gathered together, how terrifying is that?

This is far more powerful than the good and evil spirits that Yuhuang has accumulated for thousands of years!

Lin Lang was shattered in the first supernatural impact, and just after he recovered, more terrifying attacks followed.

"You no longer care about people who believe in you, so why should I care."

Lin Lang's faint voice fell, and he stepped forward one after another, one step after another, and he landed in an area tens of thousands of light-years away. That area suddenly ignited a raging fire, and the entire planet had turned into a hot and hot one. The sun and the stars.

The next step is to take the next step, and there are many anomalies in the universe, flames, sand and rocks, floods... countless areas instantly changed the original landforms, no matter whether there were any creatures or not, they are now completely dead.

As early as when he perceives the Sacred Sword, he has already begun to lay out, looking for a way to counter the Sacred Sword. He walked across mountains and rivers, and walked through every land in the universe, almost pulling most of the elemental forces in this world.

And now, these elemental powers should bloom their power!

Those remote places originally stored pure elemental power, but after Lin Lang's traction, these elemental powers continued to flood him, until in the end, Lin Lang's cultivation reached a new level.

The profound meaning of earth, the profound meaning of fire, the profound meaning of water...

Lin Lang re-differentiated and disintegrated the energies that had been combined, and turned them into elemental energies that he could master.

If it was ruthless, Lin Lang was more ruthless than Emperor Yu, he almost drained more than half of the world's attribute energy to deal with Emperor Yu's supernatural powers.

And the consequence of this is not only that the monks cannot use the energy of these attributes, but also the destruction of the planet that was originally suitable for survival. As for how many people will be killed or injured, it is impossible to count...


Bang bang!

It was clearly just a match between the two at the moment, but there was a continuous loud noise. The chaos was as if hundreds of thousands of people were fighting at the same time, the voices were noisy and never cut off.

As for the two Lin Lang in the center of the battlefield, they were directly wiped out under this impact.

Regardless of whether this is a supernatural power urged by the two of them, but the power has already exceeded their respective tolerance ranges, and hurting others is self-harming!

Lin Lang was reborn from a drop of blood and quickly condensed a new body, but without even half a second, he was once again killed by the remaining magical powers around him. After doing this nearly ten times, the power of the surrounding magical powers finally decayed.

The other feather emperor was not much better, his body was shattered into powder, and the original shiny feathers were also bald at this time, and the upper part was stained with large red blood stains.

When the surrounding Yuwei dissipated a little, Lin Lang resurrected, and there was no trace of Yuhuang around.

In the starry sky not far away, there was only a huge sword that was as high as one hundred meters and gleaming with bright light.

"I knew so, so why bother to resist."

Lin Lang shook his head. He knew that Emperor Yu was not dead, but the latter also knew that he was not Lin Lang's opponent, so he abandoned his sword.

The root cause of this battle was the Sacred Sword. As long as he left the sword, Lin Lang would not pursue endless pursuits.

After all, the monks who belonged to the realm of the Great Emperor, even though the combat power of the two sides are very different now, it is still difficult to keep an opponent of the same realm.

To kill a great emperor, most situations can only be wiped out in a long time.

When Emperor Yu was defeated and abandoned his sword, Lin Lang would naturally not pursue it any more. This was the commonly known rule agreed upon by both parties.


"Then next..."

Lin Lang retracted his gaze, adjusted his breath for a while, and finally fixed his gaze above the Styx. The two Underworld Emperors were fighting fiercely.

I have to say that Fan Lu's cultivation is a bit higher than the Underworld Emperor, but due to his supernatural powers, Fan Lu is not an opponent to the Underworld Emperor. In the course of Lin Lang's battle, Fan Lu was repeatedly injured, and in the end he had been suppressed several times by the Emperor of the Underworld, and each time he escaped with difficulty.

Even more frightening is that Fan Lu's true spirit was cracked by the Emperor Underworld, and there was a faint tendency to collapse.

True spirit, that is the root of monks.

If you lose your true spirit, no matter how strong your cultivation is, it will eventually dissipate. At this time, Fan Lu is in such a situation, the true spirit is cracked, if he can't stop and recuperate in time, even if the battle is over, even if he finally retreats to the Underworld Emperor, he will definitely fall!

"Damn it! How can the Underworld Emperor's supernatural powers conquer me!"

Fan Lu was angry, but facing the Pluto clone, he didn't seem to have any advantage.

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