Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1307: All living beings have their own reincarnation

The battle between Fan Lu and the Emperor Underworld was not as fierce as Lin Lang's side. From beginning to end, the battle was basically around the road of reincarnation.

Although Fan Lu is called the inheritance sequence of the underground palace, the master of the underground palace loves his disciple, in fact, most of his cultivation is derived from his own perception. And the other part is the preaching of the preaching of the master brother of the underground palace.

The Pluto in this world is one of Pluto's clones and holds the memory of Pluto. As the second messenger of the underworld, Pluto has far better understanding of the road of reincarnation and the elder brother of the underworld than others.

In this case, the gap between the two has gradually widened.

Had it not been for Fan Lu who had practiced other great avenues, this battle would have ended long ago. But this is the case. In a short confrontation, Fan Lu has been crushed by the Emperor of the Underworld a dozen times in succession.

At a certain moment, Fan Lu even had a deep doubt about himself. Could it be that the road of reincarnation he is proud of is so unbearable?


Another battlefield.

After Lin Lang dealt with Queen Yu, he adjusted his breath slightly and landed beside Fan Lu.

"His Royal Highness Hades, don't come here unharmed."

Lin Lang smiled at the Emperor Underworld.

The Emperor Underworld also retracted his palm. He stood in the distance, glanced around Lin Lang's body, and then said for a while: "Presumably you are in the central universe, and you are not an unknown person."

The Pluto in this world is one of Pluto's clones, but he is not completely under Pluto's control. He has enough independence to act with his will.

This is just like the original Lin Lang and Little Demon Venerable, they practiced different ways of each other, they were very distinct, and they had independent wills. At a certain moment, the deity and the clone encounter an unsolvable problem, that is when they merge into one.

It's just that at that time, several big wills competed with each other for control of the body, even if there was a master character among them, they would be more or less affected by other clones in their acting style.

But one thing is beyond doubt.

That is the strength after the fit!

I think that when Lin Lang was still in the early days of the Immortal King, the two bodies combined into one would burst out with power comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor.

The same is true for Pluto and his many clones. When these clones of them merge together at the same time, then the complete state of Pluto is the most terrifying!

"It's fine."

Lin Lang smiled slightly and said: "I have fought against your deity before. He is very strong. Even if I try my best, I am not his opponent."


At the beginning of the battle against the sky, Lin Lang, the reincarnation empress, and the mother and son of Yao Xi failed to kill the Hades, but only slightly injured the latter. It can be seen how terrifying Pluto's real combat power is.

One-on-one, Lin Lang at that time was indeed not Pluto's opponent.

But now...

When Lin Lang absorbed the original power of this world and condensed the profound meaning, at this time he saw the Pluto deity also had the power to fight.

In the battle between Lin Lang and Yuhuang, not only did his combat power not be compromised, but instead allowed his cultivation to go further. It is not impossible to resist the power of Pluto, or to survive the catastrophe of the Eleventh Yuanhui.

of course.

The premise is that Pluto did not summon his clones. If the latter recalls all clones, he must not be Pluto's opponent!

Unless... Lin Lang can also survive the first and last eternal catastrophe of his life in the near future.

At this time, the Emperor Underworld was also very clear that he was just a clone. In terms of real combat power, he was not as good as Emperor Yu, and it was impossible to defeat Lin Lang and Fan Lu's combination.


He also had the idea of ​​a strike in his heart. He slowly said, "This emperor has a problem."

"Is there any hatred between you and my deity?"

Lin Lang looked at him, shook his head slowly, and said, "I have no substantial conflict of interest with Pluto, but I don't want him to suppress my friends. From this standpoint, I must stop Pluto."

Hearing this, the Emperor Underworld also smiled and said, "That means there is no enmity?"

"If this is the case, why should you and I fight? You also know that he and I are one body. To a certain extent, I can control his thoughts to a certain extent."

"Is it better for me to act as a bridge and turn fighting into jade silk?"

Lin Lang seemed to have heard it. After a while, he said: "It's not impossible. But I have a word to ask you, and I also ask Pluto."

"As one of the few survivors of the last cosmos level, you should be very aware of the collapse of the universe and the demons taking advantage of the chaos to occupy the fairy palace, right?"

"Leave the fire, and the flesh and blood will make the fairy palace. The evil is coming, the dove will occupy the magpie's nest, and the fairy palace will change hands." The Emperor underworld nodded gently.

Pluto was the disciple accepted by the palace lord of the underground palace when the Great Destruction Tribulation appeared last time, so he knew very well about the secrets of the last universe.

"What do you think of the demons?"

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, staring closely at the Underworld Emperor.

The latter's attitude is the attitude of Pluto. Although the latter is just a clone, but with the same memory, the judgments made will not be too biased.

"Heaven and earth do not give birth to demons, but demons regenerate by themselves." The Emperor Hades lightly said, "But this is a headache for Heaven and it has nothing to do with me. I will not help demons conquer mankind, nor will I help all spirits clear away demons. Family."

"All beings are born and die, and they have reincarnation. What does it matter to me?"

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