Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1305: You can’t control the mountains and rivers

The avenues of the world are ever-changing, and the mystery is endless, but there is nothing that can be called the strongest than the profound meaning. That is the end of all avenues.

And what Lin Lang mastered was 30% of the profound meaning of fire in the world. From this point of view, Lin Lang had surpassed most of the monks in this universe.


The terrifying heat wave swallowed Emperor Yu in an instant. In the sea of ​​fire, Emperor Yu struggled hard and burst out with a roar. White light gradually lit up all over his body, which was a kind of holy energy, imagining all kinds of gods in the air.

Between heaven and earth, a sacred and huge energy seems to be brewing.

At a certain moment.

Emperor Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and two strong divine light techniques erupted in his eyes. His palm was wiped forward, and a long and narrow sword appeared in the heart of Emperor Yu's hand.


The Emperor Yu held the sword and slashed forward, directly breaking through the surrounding fire waves.

"This kind of power you control is amazing, it's still in the range that I haven't touched." Emperor Yu stepped out of the separated sea of ​​fire, his eyes staring at Lin Lang nervously, revealing a trace of doubt.

He had never seen such a power, which could exert an absolute suppressing power on his cultivation avenue.

"This kind of power, I call it Profound meaning. The power that holds the world's most original source is far stronger than the Great Path of Cultivation and Comprehension." Lin Lang said lightly.

Emperor Yu was silent for a moment, then stopped speaking, and attacked Lin Lang again.

Emperor Yu held the sword in one hand, stirring up layers of sword aura.


A strong sword aura spurted out from the sword in the hands of Emperor Yu, engulfing the power to destroy all of the world, and arrived in a blast.

"Is this a sacred sword condensed by sentient beings' mind?" Lin Lang squinted his eyes and felt a trace of pressure.

Emperor Yu is very strong, but he is definitely not Lin Lang's opponent. The real threat to Lin Lang was not just Emperor Yu, but the sword in his hand.


Standing in the distance, Lin Lang drew a circle with one hand. The boundary of the arc was wrapped in white light, while the center was completely dark and silent, but it was like a black hole, without bottom.

The white-edge black hole continuously enlarged in front of Lin Lang, until it finally expanded to fill the entire space. But this is not a black hole, nor can it be measured by its size.

This is a black hole in a different space condensed by Lin Lang using the technique of space. There is no specific coverage area, but it looks very large in terms of visual effects.

The Emperor Yu's sword slashed across it mightily, and the holy energy was surging like a tide, but as he approached the different space, it was strangely distorted.


Emperor Yu's sword greeted and poured into the different space, and only a small amount of sword energy was vented to the rest of the position. But it is so, still shattering the surrounding space.

"Time and Space Avenue."

Emperor Yu's face was slightly dark, and he had fought Lin Lang for a long time, but he still failed to force Lin Lang's hole cards.

More importantly, although the latter does not have any kind of cultivation path to the extreme, it is more sophisticated than anyone in terms of quantity and transformation.

This is the most terrifying place!

The Emperor Yu holds the sacred sword and becomes a **** who presides over the right way in the world. Every move is accompanied by the might of destroying the heavens and the earth. But his opponent is Lin Lang, and his moves are impeccable and unbreakable!

When the two attacked and defended, Emperor Yu could not suppress Lin Lang, but Lin Lang gradually reversed the decline in defense and gradually counterattacked Yu Emperor.

Lin Lang moved lightly, and with every step he fell, the sky was filled with void ripples. At the same time, every inch of the land that Lin Lang walked through, the phantom of mountains and rivers appeared.

There is a rushing river on the ground, and the waves hit the river bank, making a roaring sound. On the shore are towering mountains, indestructible.

And above Lin Lang's head, there was an endless starry sky, reflecting the mysterious and deep starlight.

Mount Tai, Polar Region, Beidou...

The locations of mysterious landmarks slowly emerged in Lin Lang's actions. Emperor Yu tried to smash these phantoms, but the speed at which he destroyed them was far less than the speed at which these visions emerged.

This made Yuhuang's face more gloomy.

"I have a sword to break the starry sky."

The Emperor Yu shouted angrily, raised his hand with a sword aura across, and directly cut the void above his head into two. However, the starry sky that was shattered in half was not destroyed by this, and was slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Mountains and rivers, you can't control them."

Lin Lang's last step came down, and these phantoms in front of him seemed to form a sort of formation, and the power contained in the mountains and rivers began to slowly recover.

at this time.

The power of Nature Avenue finally showed his edge. The mountains and rivers released an unusually low air pressure, and in this atmosphere, countless different places rushed out of divine light one after another.


Lin Lang's eyes were sharp, and he held his hand tightly. All the auras conceived in the mountains and rivers were drained by him, and he slammed out.


Emperor Yu used his sword moves, and the dense sword energy was immortal, intercepting the power of the natural road in the air. Although his speed of action was fast, Lin Lang attacked faster.

Lin Lang's fingers pointed forward one after another, and this time he was no longer extracting the phantom shadows of the mountains and rivers, but directly extracting the aura of the world he was in.


Emperor Yu hadn't reacted yet, and the next attack ensued.

Bang bang bang!

Emperor Rao responded extremely quickly, but the energy on the opposite side really made it difficult for him to resist. He was knocked down into the starry sky by Lin Lang and fell heavily into a distant star.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Lang to miss such an opportunity. He shot one after another, smashing the falling stars of the Emperor Yu. But Emperor Yu was forced to show his true behind him, hurriedly shuttled through the starry sky, dodge the magical powers behind him.

Boom boom boom!

The stars suddenly exploded, razing everything around them to the ground.

Emperor Yu seemed to know that he was not Lin Lang's opponent, so he no longer continued his love for battle, and instead fled for his life in various ways.

"Purple Flame God Eyes."

A purple divine light appeared in Lin Lang's eyes. Lin Lang, who has obtained the two complete exercises before and after, has already cultivated Ziyan Divine Eyes to a very high level.

Now it is the bottleneck, but it is also the pinnacle.

The Ziyan divine eyes and Youye Shenfa were created by the great power of the formation of a certain universe, and the essence of everything in time can be seen through the cultivation to Dacheng.

Emperor Yu fled for his life, but Lin Lang was able to see through his true body time and time again. After coming down several times, even Yuhuang had a frantic mood.

At a certain moment, even Emperor Yu wanted to hand over the sacred sword to end the battle. But he was not reconciled. The Sacred Sword had been practiced for tens of millions of years, and the material was extraordinary, how could it be so easily handed over.

Emperor Yu led Lin Lang into the chaotic battlefield. The monks of both good and evil were fighting fiercely. Suddenly, a horrible light flashed across, blasting the monks in the entire area into fragments.

"You are the faith of the righteous monks. Since you don't shy away from taking their lives as a bet, what am I afraid of." Lin Lang sneered walking among the empty ruins.

The Emperor Yu kept running for his life without saying a word. Wherever he passed, the monks who were at war suffered and were destroyed by sudden magical powers.


Lin Lang chased and killed the Emperor Yu for three days, and even he himself had an illusion of fatigue. Emperor Yu was even more miserable, his whole body was beaten to pieces, and only the sacred sword was still blooming with its due light.

"Hand over the sacred sword, you can go."

Behind him, Lin Lang's voice came slowly and unhurriedly. Yuhuang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he suddenly turned back and drew a sword, but Lin Lang avoided it.

"Leave it to you, how can I confirm that you will not continue to attack me." Yuhuang snorted coldly. He couldn't believe in Lin Lang. Once he handed over the sacred sword, wouldn't he fall to the end of being slaughtered?

"In that case..."

Emperor Yu slowly closed his eyes, the two powers in his body were colliding fiercely, and the aura around him had also undergone a subtle change, as if an extremely terrifying killing technique was brewing.

"Then use the last resort to determine the outcome."


Emperor Yu stood in the air, the light of righteous way covering his whole body like a god's clothing. But strands of unpredictable righteousness are rushing to the Sacred Sword madly.

at the same time.

A force from the yin to the evil soared into the sky. It was an incomparably evil aura, mixed with countless messy sounds, like the whispers of a devil.

Evil is spreading rapidly in the universe, covering almost half of the corner in the blink of an eye. Almost all places are infested by evil. His eyes are red and aggressive, attacking everything that exists around him.

This evil spirit was not only radiated from Emperor Yu, but what was even more strange was that everyone in this world was covered with a haze, and the evil spirit radiated from his body.

Evil energy originates from everyone, whether it is a monk of the righteous way, or the heroes of the evil way, there will be more or less evil thoughts in everyone's body.

And this kind of evil thought is precisely the important source of the evil emperor's cultivation.

This evil spirit can not only infect all surrounding creatures, but even the void will be affected, and the twisted void will turn into the evil creature of the first-born devil horn.

It is the first time that Lin Lang has seen this kind of situation where the distortion of space creates creatures out of thin air!


The sky was shaking, and due to the appearance of this earth-shattering evil spirit, the will of the heavens was completely recovered at this time, with the sound of rolling thunder, the thunder of the heavens was quietly brewing.

It's the tribulation from heaven!

There is no doubt that once the Heavenly Dao Thunder descends, it will never be weaker than the eleventh eternal catastrophe in the rumor. It is said that it is an ordinary monk, even the Emperor Realm can't retreat.

Only the evil spirits aroused by Emperor Yu can cause such a terrifying catastrophe, what about the entire universe?

Lin Lang's face grew deeper and deeper. It can be said that Emperor Yu's life-threatening blow is in front of him, and the energy contained in it is by no means as simple as his lifetime cultivation base.

This is the result of the evil spirit he has accumulated for tens of millions of years. Righteous energy made the sacred sword, not Yuhuang, but evil energy forcibly created an evil emperor comparable to a great emperor.

It is conceivable how strong the accumulation of Yuhuang is!

Lin Lang is also very aware of this. Once he doesn't handle it well, even if he has the Immortal Sutra today, he is very likely to fall. At this time, Lin Lang's body was ignited with heavy flames, and the turbulent fire attribute energy instantly spread all over the world.

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