Including the Extinct Biography, no one has found that a young man has quietly descended near the core of the Extinction Biography.


As long as Lin Lang enters the core of the formation, and takes away the spirit-snapping sword, the extinct life and death formation can be declared broken.

As for entering the core of the formation, Lin Lang is not worried at all. He who has the Yeyou body method can completely ignore any formation.

Lin Lang used a secret method to cover his body and breath, and took a small step forward, intending to enter the core of the formation method.

But at this moment.

Duolingjian shivered a little, and it seemed that Lin Lang, the intruder, was found, and then a vast amount of murderous force and pressure came to his face.

That force is so strong that it can almost overturn a fairy king. Unexpectedly, Lin Lang was pushed far away by this impact.


He hid his breath and did not expose his existence.

"It seems that I still underestimated the power of the half-artifact." Lin Lang's face also showed a little dignified color.

He did not dare to neglect, and directly started the first layer of the exercises, the five elements of matter!

Inside Lin Lang, a small world is running slowly, exuding an inexplicable and primitive atmosphere.

That is the origin of the world!

Lin Lang once built a miniature small world in the body with the practice method, and the first generation of the original practice method gave birth to the first ray of world power.

Relying on this source of power, even the ancient emperor could not suppress him by his life level alone.

This is where he is confident!

When he released his original breath, the violent fluctuations of the eye-striking sword slowly subsided.

The power of the source has its dominance, and also has a soft side, as long as the creatures of this world can perceive that maternal breath.

Half-artifact is also a kind of creature. It's just that organizing spirits is more aggressive than ordinary creatures.

It didn't take long.

Lin Lang has already arrived near the Sword of Soul. The body of Duo Lingjian trembles slightly, and the inner spirit seems to feel the threat.

At this time, a ray of red awns was shot over the Sword of Soul. The red light circulated, condensing a piece of red skin, and there was a boy figure with a red bellyband hanging all over him.

"Sword spirit that takes the spirit sword?"

Lin Lang's eyes flashed. In front of this little boy who seemed to have no power, Lin Lang didn't dare to have the slightest heart.

The cultivation of this boy with red bellyband is like a vast ocean, and there is a terrifying and terrifying power in the whole body, and the threat is especially above the ordinary fairy emperor.

This is the spirit of the half-artifact, which has evolved into living creatures in the long years, and can even be a monk like an immortal.

"The power of the world's origin, how could you have such a thing." The boy was also surprised.


The power of the world's origin is infinitely useful, not only can it ignore the coercion of the high-level powerhouses, the most important point is that the power of the world's origin has the magical effect of cultivating all things.

Any soul in the world, with the cultivation of the spirit of the world, Shouyuan, spirituality, and even cultivation will rapidly increase.

Especially for the creatures of the plant department, or the existence of emperor artifacts and semi-artifacts, their practice speed is very slow, and it often takes several meta-environments to improve.

The power of the world’s origin has a fatal temptation for this kind of creature. If it is contained in the world’s origin, it can be practiced for thousands of years in a year.

For human beings, the meaning of the source of power is equivalent to a complete great Dao fruit, and the future is beyond the expectation.

It's just that the power of the world's origin is quite rare, only when the universe is born.

Suddenly became very irritable.

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