Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1112: To the underworld

"I've long wanted to rush out and have a hard time with this bunch of miscellaneous pieces!"

"You can't let Lord Ares continue to incur danger for us, it's time for us to contribute!"

"Kill kill!"

With the order of the wine trough, a swarm of bees swarmed by the army of the Xianmeng in the sky city of Jiuyu for hundreds of millions.

Everyone, at this time, broke out with the fastest speed of life, forming a huge battle array, killing enemies in the distance.

They need a war to vent their emotions.

The two sides rushed to kill for a while, and soon the short soldiers met, and the Immortal Immortal Emperor went to the Underworld Immortal Emperor. The ordinary soldiers gathered together to fight against each other.

Some battle fronts were also broken, killing their opponents with their respective weapons.

A loud horn sounded.

The drums of war are stirring.

The war begins!

There were loud shouts of killing everywhere in the world, the blast of supernatural powers, and the collision of weapons.

Bang Bang Bang!

Masses of blood mist exploded in the sky, the broken weapons fell into pieces, and the flowers of life cut through the sky, and withered before they were full.

Fascinating and bloody.

In just a short period of time, more than one million creatures have fallen on both sides. The intensity is no less than that of the original group attack.

It was normal for the monk to fall during the war. There is no room for maneuver between the two sides. In this case, the only way to kill all the enemy criminals is to end.

It didn't take long for the world to be covered in blood, murderous, **** fog, choking people could not open their eyes.


The other end of the battlefield.

Fu Yao Xian Emperor has been waiting for a long time, seeing the vision in the distance in the distance for three days.

He was already a little sure in his heart. Until recently, the Extinction Team had collapsed, and he had completely determined what was inside.

The burst broke, which meant that the defenders who were trapped in the Sky City of Nine Territories had escaped. At this time they are required to cooperate.

Since they didn't fight for the first thing, then they should make more effort in the second liquidation, so as not to return to the gang of impeachment in Xianjie.

"Now the army of the underworld has no time for his aunt, pass me the order, all the legions will unite and attack with all their strength!"

Before this.

Immortal Emperor Fu Yao was ready, and now that Lin Lang succeeds, he will be able to cooperate immediately.

The first hurdle before them was the defensive formation of the underworld. After the last cover-up of Lin Lang, they were repelled by the underworld army.

Now the other party has rearranged a stronger squad. But this is not a big problem.

It only takes a certain time, they can break through the formation and insert a knife from the back to the underworld army!

The destruction of this underworld army is actually just a matter of time.


Let's talk about Lin Lang on the other side.

The moment the Underworld Army killed, he had left in time and came to a slightly safer position.

No one can fight an entire army, nor can Lin Lang. That was the strength of all the people. The serial battles alone were enough for him to drink a pot.

If you want to interfere with the entire battlefield with one person's strength, then only the strongest at the master level can do it.

of course.

None of this has anything to do with Lin Lang. It was just that he rescued these trapped Xianmeng troops.

His real purpose is to get back his arms and broken-edged weapons. If there are more, then he will kill Tiancan Immortal Emperor.

Then he went to the Underworld to help his magic road avatar.

There was more than a war, Lin Lang was also searching for the figure of Tiancan Immortal Emperor on the battlefield. Sometimes, the Underworld Immortal Emperor broke into his side, but the cultivation level was not high.

He was shot seriously wounded by his palm, and then an Emperor Xianmeng came and took the opponent from Lin Lang.

After a long time, Lin Lang frowned.

He found no trace of Tian Can Xian Emperor.

"I see where you can hide." Lin Lang snorted coldly, his eyes also aimed at the temporary combat command post of the Underworld Army.

Tiancan Immortal Emperor refused to come out, then he went to find him. Of course, it is impossible for Lin Lang to cross the army directly and come to the wartime command post of the army of the underworld.

It was pure death.

Not to mention the risk of traversing the battlefield, that is, to get there safely, are the Underworld Immortal Emperors in the command post good?

There are five robbery immortal emperors in Xianmeng, and naturally there will be no less on the side of the underworld! Although Lin Lang's combat power can now get rid of the Five Tribulation Immortal Emperor.

But it does not mean that it is safe!

Similarly, if several Emperors of Five Tribes join forces, he is afraid that he doesn't even know how he died.

At the same time that such thoughts flashed in his heart, Lin Lang conveyed sounds to the wine trough and others, hoping that this group of people could open a passage for him.

"it is good!"

The wine trough did not hesitate to agree to come down, and also came in person, a magical power broke out in his hand, and flew countless underworld monks.

Several other Xianmeng monks who cultivated well are also leading the army to join this column, opening a passage for Lin Lang at a very fast speed.

The crowd bathed in the blood of the monks of the underworld, and soon rushed to the vicinity of the combat command post of the underworld army.

"Who am I? It turned out to be a tortoise that we have kept for hundreds of years. Why, now you have the courage to come and fight?"

The figure of an immortal emperor in the underworld came out, looking at the masters of Xianmeng with provocation.

"It's not your turn to say this. Whatever you can do, at least the last winner is us."

Immortal Emperor Xianmeng snorted.

"That may not be the case. It has trapped you for a hundred years. Now the other legions of the Underworld have succeeded one after another, and they have collected a lot of territory in your fairyland."

"Your product, your product."

"Who the **** earns more?"

Another immortal emperor of the Yanlu tribe arrived, and a smug smile swayed from the corner of his mouth. Immediately afterwards, several Netherworld fairy emperors appeared one after another.

The underworld has aggressively plundered creatures and resources, and a century of time is enough for them to do whatever they want.

In a way, the Underworld is indeed earning. In contrast, Xianmeng can only be called a stop loss.

"A group of bereavement dogs, the grandfathers are tired of playing, how can you come out of the sky city of Jiuyu."

"Must think, how many of us want to go and you can stop it?" With a voice that was not overcast, a very ugly man appeared.

This person is also a fairy emperor. Coming from the Luocha tribe, Lin Lang had seen it three hundred years ago.

It was just that the super-strong man was responsible for protecting the safety of Princess Raksha, and did not really shoot Lin Lang.

"You can't stay with you. Let's talk about it once!" The wine trough sneered.

At this time, he was almost lazy, waving his hand, the avenue fluctuated violently, and a huge spiritual force directly overturned the command post.

There was no one in the command post, except for some desks and wine jars, and some not-so-rare jihads.

Lin Lang frowned. He hadn't found the trace of Tian Can Xian Emperor before. This guy was afraid that he had escaped chaos.

The battle between the high-end forces of the two sides also opened instantly, and a powerful immortal emperor also used his unique skills to rush towards his opponent.

The war broke out.

Lin Lang did not choose to participate in the war, which did not make much sense to him.

He himself wandered in the battlefield, and carefully captured the breath of Heavenly Canal Immortal Emperor. However, it is not easy to find the breath of a certain person in the battlefield where hundreds of millions of people gather.

Not surprisingly.

Lin Lang also failed.

"In this way, the fellow of Tiancan Xiandi should have gone the same way as me."

At this time, his figure flashed, and no one noticed. At this time, the person who successfully changed the battle between the two realms of Xianming had withdrawn.

As for the follow-up results, Lin Lang did not care who the two sides won the battle and how many Underworld monks were killed.

at this time.

He has already crossed the nine domain sky city to the real underworld. As a fortress of immortal world, Jiuyu Sky City is not only possessing strong defensive abilities, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

More importantly, this is the only way to the Zhuxun Qunguan. Cut off here, it is impossible for the underworld to enter the immortal pass.

more importantly.

There is a rumor in the rumor that the reason why Jiuyu Sky City was established was because of the flaws in the setting of the triple group pass by the fairy power.

Described in modern terms as "bug", a place can directly cross the triple group barrier and enter the hinterland of the fairy world.

This loophole was discovered by the Underworld side a long time ago, so after repelling the Underworld Army, the Xianjie master built the Jiuyu Sky City on the basis of this loophole.

If it weren't for the importance of Jiuyu Sky City, how could the hundreds of millions of fairy army get into Princess Razak's trap.

of course.

This loophole in Jiuyu Sky City can not only enter the hinterland of the fairy realm, but also infiltrate deep into the underworld.

Otherwise, if Lin Lang alone, how can pass through the various pass established by the underworld. The defense is not only in the fairy world, but the underworld is also worried that the fairy world will attack its own side.

Because Lin Lang knew this, he came to Jiuyu Sky City, preparing to take this road to the real underworld.

Between several flashes of body shape, Lin Lang came to a cave underground in Jiuyu Sky City. He closed his eyes gently and realized.


Here he found the remaining breath of Tiancan Immortal Emperor. Below, in the deepest part of the cave, is an altar built entirely of skulls.

This is the communication channel between the two realms.

In the past, when Immortal Realm was in charge of Jiuyu Sky City, he had ordered people to block the entrance to the Underworld.

The monks that can pass through this entrance are limited, and must be in charge of the special token issued by Xianmeng.

However, with the subsequent fall of Jiuyu Sky City, the only token in the city that opened the large array was lost and fell into the hands of the Emperor Tiancan.

As for the defenders such as wine troughs, there is no token to open the large array, so they can only stare at the bone altar and cannot leave.

Up to this time, the Emperor Tiancan opened two passages for escape. When Lin Lang came to chase, the gap in the formation was not completely closed.

Lin Lang flew up and fell to the very center of the altar. Immediately, thick smoke rose from the white bone altar to fill the underground cave completely.

"Underworld, I'm here."

Lin Lang said silently.

Immediately, his figure flashed and disappeared from the bone altar. After a while, billowing smoke came from the underground caves, and the Bone Altar went silent.

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