Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1110: Break through

With the sound of alarms sounding again and again, the underworld soldiers quickly reacted and quickly formed a battle.

The other end of the sky.

The black army of Xianmeng came from all directions, but after a while, they gathered together and built a cloud ladder to attack the fortress under the tower.

The two armies met head-to-head on the battlefield, and there was a lot of fighting, and terrible magical powers rushed into the sky.

The garrison at Panguguan was the first to catch fire. Because the Xianmeng reinforcements moved too quickly and were extremely covert, the garrison at Panguguan failed to react in the first time.

The location of the watchtower was the first to lose ground, and the two armies launched an accumulated battle near the watchtower. Aside, the underworld army has also been continuously sent to support.


Two other important defensive fortresses were also heavily attacked by Xianmeng, and the pressure suddenly increased.

"Netherworld tribes, who will fight me." A commander of the Xianmeng rushed into the battlefield, the treasure light exploded in his hand, and many of the Netherworld soldiers who surrounded him instantly evaporated into nothingness.

This is a genuine five-robber fairy emperor. It surpasses the ordinary fairy emperor and has a lot of combat power.

At this time, there was a figure flying out of the underworld army, this is a five robbery fairy emperor of the Yanlu tribe, who is very good at fighting.

"We can't stop watching, it's time to help." Fu Yao Xian Emperor smiled and stood side by side with the black gauze emperor, and behind him were nearly ten Si Xian Emperors of Xian Realm.

Lin Lang wanted to dive into the realm of the Underworld. First, someone had to hold down the Underworld army, and secondly, the Emperor on the side of the Underworld could not interfere with his actions.


The empress of the black gauze skirt nodded slightly, and also rushed out of the crowd in the first time. Fu Yao Xian Emperor and the two Si Xian Emperors stayed in place.

Among the three commanding envoys, headed by Fu Yao Xian Emperor, in most cases they need to obey his dispatch.

As the head of this army, Fuyao Emperor also needs to always pay attention to the overall situation and master the battlefield trends.

Naturally, he couldn't make a mistake by himself.

"This little guy, it should be about to shoot." Fu Yaoxian Emperor looked around, but found that Lin Lang had already entered the battlefield in advance.


At the beginning, Lin Lang disguised himself as an ordinary soldier and was hidden in the battlefield.

Surrounded by short armies of the two parties, Lin Lang's face was smeared with black and gray, disguised as ordinary Xianmeng soldiers, and he rushed forward with the army as a whole.

Wait until the moment when Yulongguan is defeated.

The army of the Xianmeng raid has rushed to the range of the Underworld.

At the same time, the side of the underworld also pressed more troops, and basically did not take much time to return the Xianmeng army back to the vicinity of Yulongguan.

of course.

No one noticed that at this time, Lin Lang was close to the edge of the Great Formation, his figure flashed, and then disappeared completely from the sky and the earth.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Lang's actions failed to provoke a half-point rebound, the formation was not broken, and Lin Lang's entry was also not felt.

It's like throwing a grain of sand into the sea. For the whole sea, it's nothing.


For the possession of the night body method, crossing the formation method is actually not difficult. You Ye Shen Fa originated from a sheepskin roll that Lin Lang accidentally obtained when he was in the fairyland.

On the sheepskin roll, there was only one cheat book on body law recorded. At that time, Lin Lang was still weak, and he began to practice with the purpose of giving it a try.

Who knows that in the later period of practice, he actually got the magical ability to ignore the array method. In addition to the previous life, he used this method to hunt many powerful opponents.

Come and go, this kind of body method is also called the night body method by other monks.

The magical difference of this kind of exercise is even above the Jiuxiao Immortals. According to Lin Lang's inference, this is most likely a part of the inheritance left by a detachment.

of course.

It is not clear which detached person in the fairy world.

Relying on the night body method, Lin Lang traveled all the way through the obstacles of the heavy formation method, and even the extinct life and death formation failed to perceive the invader's coming.

In front of you.

A vast city, towering and precipitous, as if standing on top of the cloud, surrounded by a beautiful starry light.

This is Jiuyu Sky City!

One of the important hubs of Xianmeng, the troops stationed there are not only hundreds of millions, but through the towers, you can still see clearly the murderous and fortified war works.

The densely packed Xianmeng troops packed the towers, and three or two fairy emperor generals stared anxiously at the high hanging sword of the underworld.

"The demon light falls on the star platform, and the sky descends on Tu Shiguang. It seems that the extinction of the underworld is about to take shape."

On a pavilion above the city tower, a silver armor emperor general sighed with anxiety.

They have been trapped in the Nine Territory Sky City by the underworld forces for a long time, and they cannot break out of the blockade of the Underworld.

In the past hundred years, the invasion of the underworld army can only be prevented by virtue of the easy-to-defense and difficult-to-attack characteristics of Nine Domains Sky City.

But afterwards, the underworld army also gave up the offensive, and Yao Xi, the princess of the Raksha tribe, transferred 1958 masters of the formation from the underworld and placed the extinct formation.

Although Jiuyu Sky City can block the enemy, it can't stop the power of extinction.

The extinct life and death array is to take the spirit sword as the core of the array, and destroy the spirit of the monk, not to destroy the city, so even if Jiuyu Sky City has its own defense formation, it is useless.

"Yeah, judging from the years of experience of the old battle formation, it only takes less than a year for the extinction battle formation to take shape."

"There is little hope."

The old man on the side shook his head, grabbed the wine gourd around his waist and slammed a mouthful, and smiled bitterly: "The Immortal Realm reinforcements can't be counted on, they can't even break through the outermost trapped formations."

Since the arrival of Xianmeng reinforcements, they have organized several large-scale battles, but they have been resolved by the underworld army one by one.

For such a long time, hundreds of millions of soldiers have failed to take a step forward. How can I count on it.

"Even if you have a cultivation behavior, you are not exhausted by the war. In the end, you will be buried with the army."

The old man sighed quietly,

"The best destination for you and me is to fight in the battlefield, and to avoid many sins."

Another fairy emperor was silent. Indeed, when Xiuwei reached their level, the immortal Emperor Wutang, if they had enough conditions on the battlefield, most of them would be caught by the Underworld.

Either become a tonic for the cultivation of the soul of the underworld, or it will become a puppet, and eternal life cannot be released.

In contrast, the battlefield is indeed a hundred.

"I'm not afraid of death. I haven't lost a soldier in the Underworld. Instead, I have to sit in the city and wait for death. This is the most stifling thing for us."

Yinjia Xiandi Nana said.

No matter how strong the cultivation is, now even Jiuyu Sky City can't go out, let alone mention the breaking of the formation.

Because this is a war, even if the individual's cultivation is stronger, there is nothing he can do under the absolute strong base.

The two were talking, and the old man frowned lightly, looking into the void in the distance. The Yinjia Immortal Emperor looked back.

The void is still the same as before, and there is nothing strange, but they can feel that there is a breath approaching at this time.

Someone has hidden their footprints and is approaching Jiuyu Sky City.

"Isn't it the messenger of the underworld to persuade? This is impossible. The underworld has already arranged an extinct array of life and death, and can't do anything more than that, then come here to persuade us to surrender."

The old man stared into the distance with doubt.

"But out of the underworld, can anyone come across the formation of the underworld army?"

Not much time.

The old man finally saw clearly that a young man with a broken arm came out of the void not far away. He was wearing a cyan shirt and had the temperament of a scholar.

"Commander, Master, do you open the city's defensive formation?" asked a general who defended the city.

The old man waved his hand: "For the time being, I don't have to, let me see what this person does."

It didn't take long.

Lin Lang's figure jumped down and was falling on the tower of Jiuyu Sky City. He looked around and said.

"Which one is the commander of this army?" Lin Lang's eyes looked around, and finally the old man seemed to be asking the latter.

"I am."

The old man of wine gourd jumped from the stand and descended in front of Lin Lang. He gently shouted, "Who is your lord?"

He could vaguely feel that Lin Lang did not carry the unique breath of the underworld.

It can be inferred that the young man in front of him is either a person from the fairy world or a netherworld monk who has a great connection with the fairy world.

Isn't the cultivation of the state of mind a bit too weak. It's just that this old man of wine gourd did not despise each other because of his strength and weakness, and still maintained a respectful attitude.

"Lin Youye."

Lin Lang's index finger pointed behind him and said, "I'm from outside. I plan to come to Jiuyu Sky City to pick up something and save you once."

The old man frowned lightly and smiled: "Since Your Excellency says so, he has a relationship with Xianmeng."

He asked this sentence mainly to inquire about Lin Lang's identity.

"Yuanyuan is out of touch."

Lin Langpi snorted with a smile and said: "Not long ago, the Deacon Hall was demolished. It is too late for the gang at the military service to catch me."

"Jiuyu Sky City has my things. I want to get them back. I am also a monk of the fairy world, and I plan to save your life."

The old man of wine gourd froze. The Deacon Hall is also a very important part for the Military Service. This guy actually said that he had demolished the Deacon Hall.

This kind of thing, even if he is the five emperors, he dare not do it. This is also a wonderful person!


There are many masters in the deacon hall, this guy only has the cultivation of the fairy king realm, how can the deacon hall be demolished.

At first glance, it sounds more like a guy running a train full of mouth. Of course, these are not problems.

The point is that this person intends to rescue them.

The old man of wine gourd thought for a while and then asked: "Dare to ask the little friend what is left in the sky city of Jiuyu, I should send someone to look for you."

"No. I'll take it myself." Lin Lang stretched out his hand as he spoke, and a short sword and a piece of arm hanging from the tower flew into the air.

The sword that was broken in half was naturally the blazing sword, which was destroyed in the fierce battle with the Raksha army.

The other is his severed arm.

At that time, the Raksha tribe believed that Lin Lang had been killed, and hung the only arm and broken sword remaining in the battlefield on the tower of Jiuyu Sky City.

To demonstrate to the fairy world.

Later, the Xianjie Army recaptured Jiuyu Sky City, and also did not take off this broken arm, both to commemorate the Xianmeng God of War, but also to alert the Xianmeng soldiers.


The broken arm flew, clinging to Lin Lang's body. Xu Lin's broken arm burst into blue smoke, and the two flesh and blood reunited.

Feeling this flesh and blood that fits perfectly with himself, Lin Lang exhaled slowly.

Chiyang Sword doesn't have much help for him now, and his broken arm can grow at any time.

But he has never done so, and he also intends to tell the underworld monks in this way that he is back for revenge!

The old man of wine gourd looked quietly in his eyes, a flash of splendor flashed in his eyes.

"Since you have the ability to crack the extinction, can you plan? We must know what we can do for you."

Yinjia Immortal Emperor asked.

"No plan is required."

Lin Lang said lightly.

"You have less than a year left. If you believe in me and wait for me to take away the Spirit Sword, just go out of the city and strike the Underworld Army."

"If you don't believe me, wait for me to take away the spirit sword, you just stay in the city, life or death has nothing to do with me."


Lin Lang's figure flickered and disappeared directly from the original place. Even within a few breaths, even the breath could not be felt.

Looking at the direction of Lin Lang's departure, Yinjia Immortal Emperor frowned gently: "Senior Jiu Cao, what do you think of this person?"

The wine trough is the title of the old man holding the wine gourd.

"What do you think?"

The wine trough asked.

"There is no hair on the mouth and the work is not firm." Yinjia Immortal Emperor shook his head, and his impression of Lin Lang was not good, always giving him a particularly frivolous, especially unreliable feeling.

The wine trough smiled softly.

"Do you know what he took away?"

"Since the unreal name Xianmeng God of War was severed by a man with arms and weapons. Having said that, what use he wants these two things."

Yinjia Immortal Emperor made a quiet voice.

"Even if the so-called Xianmeng God of War talent is outstanding, but after all, the cultivation base is still weak, and the fusion of his limbs can only exert some effects in a short time."

"The deeper the level of cultivation, the more wasteful the arm he merged with." Yinjia Immortal Emperor sharply commented.

Integrating the arms of others is like cutting off your own hands and attaching a steel prosthesis, although it is stronger than your own body for a short time.

But there is no potential for growth. The longer the cultivation time, the higher the cultivation level, and the more obvious the disadvantages of the fusion body.

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