Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1109: The origin of the night body method

With the sound of alarms sounding again and again, the underworld soldiers quickly reacted and quickly formed a battle.

The other end of the sky.

The black army of Xianmeng came from all directions, but after a while, they gathered together and built a cloud ladder to attack the fortress under the tower.

The two armies met head-to-head on the battlefield, and there was a lot of fighting, and terrible magical powers rushed into the sky.

The garrison at Panguguan was the first to catch fire. Because the Xianmeng reinforcements moved too quickly and were extremely covert, the garrison at Panguguan failed to react in the first time.

The location of the watchtower was the first to lose ground, and the two armies launched an accumulated battle near the watchtower. Aside, the underworld army has also been continuously sent to support.


Two other important defensive fortresses were also heavily attacked by Xianmeng, and the pressure suddenly increased.

"Netherworld tribes, who will fight me." A commander of the Xianmeng rushed into the battlefield, the treasure light exploded in his hand, and many of the Netherworld soldiers who surrounded him instantly evaporated into nothingness.

This is a genuine five-robber fairy emperor. It surpasses the ordinary fairy emperor and has a lot of combat power.

At this time, there was a figure flying out of the underworld army, this is a five robbery fairy emperor of the Yanlu tribe, who is very good at fighting.

"We can't stop watching, it's time to help." Fu Yao Xian Emperor smiled and stood side by side with the black gauze emperor, and behind him were nearly ten Si Xian Emperors of Xian Realm.

Lin Lang wanted to dive into the realm of the Underworld. First, someone had to hold down the Underworld army, and secondly, the Emperor on the side of the Underworld could not interfere with his actions.


The empress of the black gauze skirt nodded slightly, and also rushed out of the crowd in the first time. Fu Yao Xian Emperor and the two Si Xian Emperors stayed in place.

Among the three commanding envoys, headed by Fu Yao Xian Emperor, in most cases they need to obey his dispatch.

As the head of this army, Fuyao Emperor also needs to always pay attention to the overall situation and master the battlefield trends.

Naturally, he couldn't make a mistake by himself.

"This little guy, it should be about to shoot." Fu Yaoxian Emperor looked around, but found that Lin Lang had already entered the battlefield in advance.


At the beginning, Lin Lang disguised himself as an ordinary soldier and was hidden in the battlefield.

Surrounded by short armies of the two parties, Lin Lang's face was smeared with black and gray, disguised as ordinary Xianmeng soldiers, and he rushed forward with the army as a whole.

Wait until the moment when Yulongguan is defeated.

The army of the Xianmeng raid has rushed to the range of the Underworld.

At the same time, the side of the underworld also pressed more troops, and basically did not take much time to return the Xianmeng army back to the vicinity of Yulongguan.

of course.

No one noticed that at this time, Lin Lang was close to the edge of the Great Formation, his figure flashed, and then disappeared completely from the sky and the earth.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Lang's actions failed to provoke a half-point rebound, the formation was not broken, and Lin Lang's entry was also not felt.

It's like throwing a grain of sand into the sea. For the whole sea, it's nothing.


For the possession of the night body method, crossing the formation method is actually not difficult. You Ye Shen Fa originated from a sheepskin roll that Lin Lang accidentally obtained when he was in the fairyland.

On the sheepskin roll, there was only one cheat book on body law recorded. At that time, Lin Lang was still weak, and he began to practice with the purpose of giving it a try.

Who knows that in the later period of practice, he actually got the magical ability to ignore the array method. In addition to the previous life, he used this method to hunt a lot of powerful opponents. Night body method.

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