Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1108: The war begins

Fu Yaoxian Emperor waved a big hand, and his heart was already determined. The heads of the surrounding regiments also wanted to refute, and Lin Lang's voice came again.

Lin Lang said: "You don't have to enter the realm of the underworld, you just need the **** of the Xianmeng to stop the underworld army. You will stop the underworld masters for me for a moment."


Some generals also hesitated. Lin Lang's plan did not require much effort from them, and there was not much risk.

"If you can rescue the trapped Allies, you can give it a try." An army commander pondered for a moment.

Some agreed and others questioned that the final result still required three commanders to decide.

at this time.

The three commanders of the Xianmeng Reinforcement are also communicating with each other, calculating the feasibility. In the end, Fuyao Xiandi stood up.

"For the time being, carry out according to his plan." The Emperor Fu Yao waved his hand and displayed a geographical map in front of him.

At the same time, the empress of the black gauze skirt also launched a large formation, isolating all the consciousness of entering and leaving here.

Lin Lang has the means of Lin Lang, but if their army wants to send troops, it needs a specific combat plan.

"All the troops do not need to be assembled, and they attack from the three directions of Panguguan, Yulongguan, and Gusu City according to the position of the barracks."

"The direction of Pangu Pass is commanded by the head of the Xiongba Corps, and the headquarters and the Jiri Corps, the Smog Army, and the Dragon Throat Army... The seven parts are in one, and a quick and accurate raid is required."

"The direction of Yulongguan is led by General Zichen, under your command..."

Fuyao Emperor embarked on a precise operational deployment. Unlike Lone Ranger like Lin Lang, there are too many things to consider before they send troops.

Until the evening.

The generals finally came up with a meticulous combat plan, and the heads of the regiment returned to their camps and agreed to attack at the same time.


at this time.

On the high tower of the Netherworld Barracks, a pair of long eyed soldiers floated their eyes in the air, and their eyes dipped around. At this time, they were staring at the barracks of the Xianmeng reinforcements in the distance.

The body of the Hades of the Netherworld is no different from humans, the only difference is that a controllable blood vessel is connected to the eyes, which can extend out of the eye sockets.

This is their most ugly body structure, but precisely this is their most proud racial talent.

The naked eye can be combined with the consciousness, and the field of vision is much wider than that of most monks. Most of them are used for monitoring positions in the army.

"It's time to practice again."

The long-headed soldier yawned somewhat sleepily, and even wanted to take a nap. After the Xianmeng reinforcements attacked several times in succession, it was daily practice time at this time every day.

For him, this is a very boring job.

"Huh? No, why didn't the Xianmeng reinforcements exercise today?" He was stunned for a moment, wondering.

But at the next moment, the long-headed soldier suddenly saw a large area of ​​distortion in the space near the Pangu Pass in the far distance of the field of vision.

He frowned, and there was an unknown hunch in his heart. Quickly contact your boss and prepare to report the abnormal situation.

But it was too late.

He hadn't waited for the opening, and countless figures appeared in the Pangu customs, the uniforms and armor of the Xianmeng.

On the battlefield, there were loud drums, and the dense army of celestial beings like locusts roared past and drove towards the Panguguan tower.

The Underworld Guardian of Panguguan also reacted quickly, and immediately organized an attack after discovering the Xianmeng army.

The two armies on the tower had already fought together, and all kinds of magical powers collided, making a loud deafening noise.

The earth shivered continuously.

The war over there has already begun!

"Enemies attack enemies!"

The Changmu tribe soldiers quickly rapped and sounded the gong on hand.

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