Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1079: Promote Star Guard

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But it was only at this moment that she discovered that she was not only wrong, but also wrong. She exhausted her strength, but found that she couldn't get rid of it.

At her feet, she was tied with two or two immortal catkins.

In this case, even if he wanted to move a bit, he seemed unable to do anything.

"Who is counting me!"

Shu Jing's face was hazy, and she watched a competitor pass by, even the latter showed a contemptuous look.

In this case, Shu Jing's mentality also burst, and she walked to the gate of the Xingshou Tower but couldn't get in. Probably there was nothing more suffocating than this.


the other side.

Lin Lang grabbed Jiang Xinyue's shoulder all the way forward, simply, they did not encounter much obstruction.

But this is just now.

When they were really close to the core of the inner circle, a few figures flew around to a few people, blocking the way.

"Guanghan Fairy, stop, we don't want to hurt you." One of them said lightly.

Jiang Xinyue also clearly recognized the origins of these people, a saint child master from the Tusi, Yaokong.

The other few people are also quasi-sons from other forces, the specific name of Jiang Xinyue is not known.

She has never had much contact with these people, let alone grudges. This time she was stopped, mainly because she wanted to reduce the number of competitors for their friends.

Everyone is their own, so there is nothing to say.

"It's a little trouble now."

Jiang Xinyue's eyes narrowed, and a son and two quasi-sons came together. I am afraid that such a lineup could not be blocked by Lin Lang alone.

At this time, the passageway is already closed, and I want to enter, I am afraid there is only the last chance.

Success or failure depends on whether the two of them can break the blockade in the first place.

Xu Fei and others were trapped in the rear. Seeing this situation, they could not help but sneer secretly: "I think there is any way this time."

If the impact on the star guard tower fails this time, Lin Lang is the biggest responsible party. Even if Jiang Xinyue does not say anything, Lin Lang will certainly be alienated from his heart.

In their gaze, Lin Lang hurried forward and patted Jiang Xinyue gently on the shoulder.

He said: "You just fly with all your strength, and leave the rest to me."

While his words fell, Jiang Xinyue also turned into a shadow, ignoring everyone in front of him, and rushed forward.

She didn't understand where Lin Lang's self-confidence came from, but she could choose not to question it.

Even she herself did not understand where this unreserved trust came from.

"Perhaps he really has a way." Jiang Xinyue shook her head. Since Lin Lang chose to create the best environment for her, at this time there was only the last chance left, she must go all out!

At the same time, Lin Lang's arm shuddered slightly, and a figure flew out from behind him, rushing directly to the Tusi Shengzi demon void not far away.

"This is... a complete Emperor's Corpse? How could he have this kind of thing," Yaokong froze, just like a dazed Kung Fu, the Emperor's Corpse had already rushed in front of Yaokong.

Last resort.

Yaokong had to fight with this emperor corpse released by Lin Lang. On the other side, Lin Lang also greeted the other two master sons.

Xu Fei in the distance also froze, and he could not think of it anyway. In this case, Lin Lang even summoned a complete emperor's body.

You know, things like Emperor Corpse are extremely rare.

In most cases, the strong of the level of immortal emperor basically has eternal longevity, there is no saying of birth and death, so this group of people are either destroyed in the eternal disaster.

Either it is cut off by the opponent in the battle, and all related things will be erased, including the Soul Planet. Their resurrection ability is very terrible, so in the real battle, even the body of the fairy emperor is rarely left.

Xu Fei and others did not expect Lin Lang to have a well-preserved corpse.

Under normal circumstances, an emperor's corpse can dominate in the realm of the fairy king, but it is nothing in front of the true master of the child. But the problem is that the corpse released by Lin Lang actually has complete rules of imperialism, and when fully activated, it is no weaker than the Son.

Lin Lang and the emperor's body shot at the same time, and even Yaokong was temporarily dragged down.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Xinyue rushed all the way,

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