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With the opening of the star guard tower, everyone moved at this moment, and at the fastest speed in his life, a swarm of bees rushed towards the star guard tower.

The opening time of the channel is limited, and it can only last about half a minute, so every moment seems precious.

Jiang Xinyue and others are naturally no exception. At the first time when the channel opened, several people rushed out in an instant.

Approaching the star guard tower requires someone to escort. Lin Lang was standing in the front row, and Zheng Wentong and Xu Fei were waiting.

"Why are you at the front?"

Xu Fei stared at his eyes, and his face was not very beautiful.

Originally, he also planned to take the opportunity to take the limelight and personally **** Jiang Xinyue into the star guard tower, but he was preempted by Lin Lang.

"Why, is there any problem?"

Lin Lang glanced at him lightly.

"Don't make trouble, the top priority now is to enter the star guard tower, and I will talk about other things later." Jiang Xinyue hurriedly cut off the flames that the two had just risen.

"I want to see what he has the ability to lead the team into the star guard tower." Xu Fei snorted.

Lin Lang has been in the team for a long time, but he rarely shots. The only time was when he beat Xu Fei in Heishuitan.

Because of this, Xu Fei was always dissatisfied, thinking that Lin Lang was the one who was injured only after he was eroded by darkness and seriously injured.

As for Lin Lang's true strength, he has always been disdainful, even if Jiang Xinyue suspected that Lin Lang was the mysterious man who helped them surrender to the starry sky monster.

"Okay, Brother Lin, please lead the way ahead, trouble!" Jiang Xinyue said.

Lin Lang didn't care too much. He turned around, his speed blooming like the wind, and led everyone to fly toward the star guard tower.

The front is still crowded with people. From time to time, with the fierce battle of their own people, they want to cross the battlefield, they also need to use their own power to make a passage.

Because the dispute between Xu Fei and Fang Cai also delayed them for a little while. At this time, they were basically left behind.

They were just a few miles ahead, and they were immediately intercepted by other monks.

Two arrogances at the level of quasi-sons, one left and one right, attacked Jiang Xinyue's team.

These strengths of course cannot defeat Jiang Xinyue's group, but even if they can persevere for one second, it is enough for their own people in front to get the chance to enter the star guard tower.

"It's just two quasi-sons."

Zheng Wentong sneered a few people and shot one after another. The huge wave of supernatural power directly broke up the two prospective sons.

A few figures appeared again in front of them. They came from other teams, but their purpose was surprisingly consistent.

Stop Jiang Xinyue!

They joined together in unison, only to delay the pace of Lin Lang and others.


Lin Lang snorted softly, his palm gently flicking, and suddenly set off an indescribable terrible storm, with great power.

The monks who flew over, like dusting dust, instantly flew hundreds of thousands of miles away.

With the collaboration of Lin Lang and several people, this team almost looked at each other on the battlefield. Few people could stop them, even for half a second!

Several breathing rooms.

Everyone has killed near the star guard tower, and here, it is also the battlefield where various strong teams compete, and the strength of each team is not much weaker than them.

Jiang Xinyue swept away and found that Shu Jing and others were hovering nearby. She was not in a good mood and just wanted to rush into the star guard tower.

Because she found that the passage opened by the star guard tower had begun to close. This means that if they do not enter before the star guard tower closes, they will wait another month!

"Crazy brother, please ask your team to stop her." Shu Jing and others were only a bit quicker than Jiang Xinyue's group. Obviously she also noticed the figure of Jiang Xinyue and others.

Although she only showed a trace, there was only a team in front of her.

But on this front, which is not too long, their chances of entering the star guard tower are also much greater than those of others.

It can be said.

Shu Jing is only one step away from the star guard tower, and the chance is greater than 90%. And if she does not send out madmen and others, her chance to enter the star guard tower is 100%!


Lin Lang and others are still rushing forward, and at this time Shu Jing's team has quietly moved closer.

As a temporary general commander of this team, Mad Frenzy ran straight in front of Jiang Xinyue, and several masters rushed to Lin Lang and others.

"Damn, Sure enough, Shujing didn't feel good about them!" Zheng Wentong hated, but he didn't expect Shujing to have the power to deal with them.

This made it clear that they did not intend to let them enter the star guard tower.

In addition to hate, madness and other people have also rushed over. He is exactly as his name is, the offensive is like a lunatic, and the shot is violent and fierce.

There is no hesitation at all!

Similarly, his cultivation is not simple, basically can be counted as the first echelon under the Son.

"I see what you should do now." Apart from Xu Fei's hatred, there was also a hint of joy.

If he tries his best, he should be able to temporarily stop the madness, but now, he intends to stand by.

But what he did not expect was that Zheng Wentong jumped out of the team for the first time. In order not to delay Jiang Xinyue's progress, Zheng Wentong basically gave up his chance to enter the star guard tower.

Actively stop madness.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Xinyue and others also thundered and shot down the other people who rushed over.

But just for a moment, the channel in front was closed half. As for Shu Jing, he has half stepped into the passage at this time and is about to enter the star guard tower.


Jiang Xinyue was anxious in her heart. After Shu Jing's distraction, she would certainly not be able to keep up with the star guard tower if she continued at this speed.

Similarly, she was not willing to miss this opportunity.

At the same time that such an idea came to mind, Jiang Xinyue spawned two silver wings behind him, planning to stand out from the crowd and break through the battlefield alone.


A generous palm was pressed against Jiang Xinyue's semi-exposed shoulder, and a force like electric current passed directly through her body.

At this moment, she was thinking about who was so daring to press his shoulder.

"Don't resist, I will take you there."

A gentle voice rang in Jiang Xinyue's ear. At the next moment, Jiang Xinyue flew high and left the big army directly.

at the same time.

Lin Lang also saw the secret calculation of their Shu Jing, at this time a foot has crossed the channel, about to enter the range of the star guard tower.

"How can you do what you want."

Lin Lang snorted.

He grabbed Jiang Xinyue's shoulder with one hand and hurried forward. The other hand is pinching the seal, and the invisible avenues spread rapidly.

At this time, Shu Jing only felt that she was hitting a thick wall in front of her, and her feet seemed to be grasped by countless hands.

"Who is counting me."

Shu Jing snorted coldly, and the tide of spiritual power surged wildly, trying to break free of the **** under her feet.

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