Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1080: Jiang Xinyue's talent

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There are hardly any obstacles ahead.

Basically, without much effort, Jiang Xinyue successfully came to the passage that was about to be closed.

At this time, Shu Jing was still confined near the entrance of the passage, and one foot had stepped into the passage, but it was like falling on the foot, saying that nothing could fall.

She could only watch Jiang Xinyue walking past her, and the force of the passage closing directly ejected her to the outside world.

"It turned out to be your ghost!"

Shu Jing was so angry in her heart that she didn't go into the star guard tower. Instead, it was her companion. The young son of Qingyou stepped into the star guard tower first.

With the departure of Qing You, Shu Jing's fighting power also plummeted. So even though she was so angry in her heart, she didn't dare to attack at this time, and she could only stare at the figures on the star guard tower.


And the other side.

Lin Lang and the emperor corpse are fighting against Yaokong and the two quasi-sons. The battle situation is not fierce.

For them, the two sides are not hatred, there is no need to fight life and death. Moreover, all the friends they escorted entered the star guard tower, and naturally there was no follow-up battle.

Not only they, but the rest stopped.

Now that the star guard tower is closed, the only remaining task is to wait and see what kind of achievements these towers can achieve.

Lin Lang and others did not enter the star guard tower and stood on a low mountain not far from the tower, watching what happened in the tower.

The star guard tower is full of unique avenue rules, most of which are left by the Moon God.

The monks who entered the star guard tower realized that the Avenue of Stars, after reaching a certain level, can actively challenge the battle puppets on each floor, and after defeating the puppets, they can challenge the next level.

After passing the fifth floor of the star guard tower, you will get the blessing of the Moon God, and then get some blessings from the Avenue.

This is the ethics of the Moon God.

The rules are so simple, but whether it can pass the first test of Yuehua God, talent and understanding are the top priorities.


With Jiang Xinyue's talents, passing the assessment of the first floor of the Xingshou Tower is not a problem. After a long time, he successfully entered the second floor of the Xingshou Tower.


The second floor of the star guard tower still couldn't help her. She almost rushed to the fourth floor of the star guard tower, and few of them stood beside her.

And only five days have passed.

It was only then that her speed slowed down slightly. At the fourth floor, not only did the guard puppet's combat power become stronger, but even the rules of the avenue became extremely difficult to comprehend.

Even Jiang Xinyue could not comprehend in a short time.

This time Jiang Xinyue took seven days to fully comprehend the rules of the avenue contained in the fourth floor of the Xingshou Tower.

Blessings of starlight blessed Jiang Xinyue, making her extremely sacred, like a heavenly girl bathed in starlight.

In her mind, there is also a series of chaotic information, some of which are exercises, and some are the correct directions.

This is part of the inheritance of Moon God.


She also felt something unusual. For example, now she can match the Son, but she cannot defeat the Son.

But after ascending to the fifth floor of the star guard tower, she suddenly had some unknown power in her body. It felt like she could use the power in the lunar palace like an arm as a part of the starry sky. .

Under this blessing of power, she and the true Son can also share the same!

The blessing of the Moon God, the guardian of the star!

"Now I just passed the first four floors, and my perception of Yuehua Avenue is close to Xiaocheng."

"So what kind of marvelous effect will it take for me to pass the assessment of the next three layers?"

Jiang Xinyue's eyes flickered, and he also launched an impact on the sixth floor of the star guard tower.

After half a month.

Jiang Xinyue successfully entered the sixth floor of the star guard tower, attracting a burst of applause from everyone below. At this time, there are few monks who can stand beside Jiang Xinyue.

Obviously, the inheritance of Moon God is not so easy to obtain!

A month later.

Jiang Xinyue left everyone behind and climbed to the seventh and last floor of the star guard tower alone.

Here, her Yuehua Avenue has been completely completed, and she has also obtained the identity of the guardian of the star.

Just here.

The seventh floor of the entire star guard tower is enveloped by a layer of overcast clouds, which cannot be penetrated by consciousness or other means.

No one knows what kind of assessment there is in the seventh-story star guard tower, or what kind of opportunities it contains.

However, only Lin Lang knew that on the seventh floor of the star-keeping tower, a true meaning of Yuehua was brewing, which was not only the will of Yuehua God, but also the will of the entire Yuehua Avenue.

At the beginning.

Lin Lang was ascending the seventh floor of a star guard tower together with Jiang Xinyue, but it was a pity that he practiced the Dark Avenue, which was completely opposite to the light represented by Yuehua Avenue.

Therefore, it is impossible to break through the seventh floor of the star guard tower, and the true meaning of Yuehua also fell into the hands of Jiang Xinyue.

And this life.

Lin Lang gave up the dark avenue, renovated the light, and logically entered the seventh floor of the star guard tower, and obtaining Yuehua true meaning was not a problem.


The true meaning of Yuehua contained in a star guard tower is unique, and he also cultivated a brighter avenue higher than Yuehua Avenue.

He did not intend to compete with Jiang Xinyue.

Until three months later.

With a loud noise, the star guard tower shook violently, and the mist covering the seventh floor surface also dispersed.

The crowd looked far away. Although they failed to climb to the seventh floor of the star guard tower, they also wanted to see what was there.

It's a pity that they didn't like what they had hoped. At the next moment, they only heard a loud noise, and the smoke from the seventh floor of the star guard tower rolled.

at the same time.

A figure flew out of the seventh floor of the star guard tower, and his body was covered with stains. The figure was so powerful that it rushed directly to a mountain.

Lin Lang responded quickly and was also prepared. He took a volley and strode in front of the figure in a few steps, his arms stretched out.

Jiang Xinyue steadily caught Jiang Xinyue flying out.

At this time, the two fell to the ground, Jiang Xinyue's mouth overflowed with a thin bloodshot, she reached out and wiped off.

She also had several pieces of clothing all over her body, her long beautiful legs were half exposed, and they were covered with black and gray hair. The hairpins on her head were also blown away, leaving only a head rope tied.

Where is the fairy rumors of Guanghan?

"You are hard enough." Lin Lang smiled. She could feel that Jiang Xinyue looked dirty, but in fact she didn't have too much injury.

"If you don't fight, how do you know where your limits are." Jiang Xinyue gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and she was in a good mood.

Although she looks a little bit terrible, she is still full of ambition and courage.

"how about it?"

Nearly a thousand people looked at this scene with boiling water. Jiang Xinyue really succeeded and was the only arrogant to climb the seventh floor of the star guard tower in this team!

The question that everyone is most concerned about is what kind of chance is hidden in the seventh floor of the star guard tower.

"The seventh floor of the Xingshou Tower is also an assessment, and the assessment content is far more esoteric than the previous one."

"As for the reward, I didn't pass, and I don't know how." Jiang Xinyue shook her head gently.

It was only her own knowledge that she failed to pass the seventh floor of the star guard tower, and she was even less likely to say what Yuehua really meant.

Seeing Jiang Xinyue's answer, the crowd did not continue to question.

But in any case, Jiang Xinyue rushed to the seventh floor of the star guard tower is also an indisputable fact, no one can hide her light.

"I really can't imagine that the disciples of Jiaoyuezong's generation are so good. There is already a fairy of Lingbo, and now there is a fairy of Guanghan who is not worse than Lingbo in all aspects."

"Jiaoyuezong is on the rise!"

Everyone was full of praise.

"This generation of saints is like a lot of hair. What is the achievement of ascending to the seventh floor of the star guard tower. The outside world is more numerous than her powerful Tianjiao."

A sharp and piercing female voice came, and it was Shujing who spoke.

This time the star guard tower was opened, and she was the most frustrated than her. Not only did she not get any chance, but was kicked out at the moment near the passage.

Instead, her friend, Qingyou, successfully entered the star guard tower. It's just that he is not a monk of the Avenue of the Light, and even the Son, he stops at the fifth floor.

"Little mother-in-law, you still have so much rhetoric in this part, is it so difficult to admit that others are strong?"

Xu Fei on the side also sneered at the opening.

Shu Jing didn't have much fluctuation on her face, she just sneered and said, "Don't be too happy, your achievement is far worse than Sister Lingbo Fairy."

"To tell you the truth, Sister Lingbo is now a half-step star attendant. You can be promoted to star attendant only after the opening of the Moon Palace. Do you deserve to compete with Lingbo fairy?"

Shu Jing disdained her face, and after talking, she did not stay too much and turned and left.

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