Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1035: Princess Raksha

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The Immortal King realm is divided into five realms, namely the first level, the middle level, and the peak state. The threshold of the first three realms is not high, only the monks need to slowly accumulate the number of avenues in the body.

But the mood is completely different in heaven.

Heaven's state of mind requires monks to communicate with Heaven and Earth Avenue to condense the mark of heaven's heart. The Tianxin Seal will grow into the Tianxin as the monks and the Dadao become more closely connected.

This heavenly heart, that is, the capital that the monk will control the avenue in the future, contains the sacred meaning of the avenue in the heavenly heart, and is the carrier of the avenue.

The mortal world often speaks out the law, and Zhiding Xu is referring to this realm. They control the avenue and display all kinds of incredible means.

For example, the controller of the blood road can make blood under certain conditions, and the controller of the life road can bring people back to life.

Although the monks under the heaven state of mind can also do it, they must rely on spiritual or some kind of power to transform, but the monks in the heaven state of mind can directly transform the avenue into the corresponding spell.

Under such conditions, monks of the heaven state of mind will rarely be restricted by various energies, and can produce more terrifying power.

In the same way, when they condensed their hearts, they can really be called the masters of the avenue. Both their perception and use of the avenue will be improved.

Now Lin Lang is trying to break into this state, but his distance is still far away, and even the Tianxin Seal has not been able to condense.

This will take a long time.

About a few months later, the Red Talent Army received the last command from the Xianmeng Command.

Reinforce Jiuyu Sky City.

Jiuyu Sky City was the closest war fortress to Zhuxun Qunguan before the Zhuxun Qunguan was broken.

This fortress, which is a collection of nine star powers, was also an important hub for Xianmeng army to reserve military supplies and soldiers.

The command received by the Red Talent Army was that Nine Territories Sky City had been captured by the Xianmeng Army and was later besieged by the Underworld Army, which urgently needed reinforcements from other legions.

"Xianmeng wants to recapture the Zhuxun Qunguan, then it must first capture Jiuyu Sky City as a springboard."

Lin Lang, who received the order, also frowned: "However, I haven't heard that the Xianmeng army has recently attacked Jiuyu Sky City."

Lin Lang was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that attacking Jiuyu Sky City could already rise to the level of medium-sized battles, and he could not even receive a little news.

"It's not impossible for the Xianmeng army to attack Jiuyu Sky City. They haven't finished arming, and the army of the Underworld has already besieged them, so the news has not been spread to the outside world.

Emperor Moshan shook his head.

"I hope so."

Lin Lang sighed, there was always some uneasy uneasiness in his heart, and he didn't know where he came from.

After setting up some defenses in the nearby Star Field, the Red Talent Army began to march at full speed and rushed to the Sky City in Nine Domains.


After about two months.

The red tassels rushed to the sky city near Jiuyu, but it was strange that they had not been effectively blocked along the way, at most it was only harassment by some underworld teams.

They looked at the vast city in front of them, towering and steep, not too inferior to the Chongyang Qunguan.

Old days.

It used to be one of the important hubs of Xianmeng. The troops stationed there were not only hundreds of millions, but through the towers, it was still possible to see clearly the murderous war fortifications.

"Where is the underworld army?"

Lin Lang frowned, searching around, but found no shadow of any underworld creature.

It seems that there is no way to be besieged.

On the tower is a black armor general standing behind him with a dark blue flag over a dozen meters high embroidered with a crow squatting on a tree branch.

"It is the banner of the Army of the Crows, and the one standing on the tower must be the leader of the Army of the Crows, Song Song."

Emperor Moshan spoke softly.

"But the Songjun Legion in front?" Moshan Fairy Emperor stood at the same place and shouted loudly.


The black armor general on the tower replied: "But are the warriors of the Red Talent Legion under the city?"

Moshan Fairy Emperor answered truthfully, the two communicated across the air, and he also asked the doubts in his heart at this time.

It ’s not that the Sky City of Nine Territories is besieged by the army of the underworld, but the people in the underworld have n’t even seen them until now.

"The underworld army can't be attacked for a long time, and now it has retreated, and camped in the vicinity of 100,000 kilometers outside the city."

"The situation in the city is not optimistic. In several wars, the personnel was severely wasted. I hope that the stars and the moon will finally come to the reinforcements."

General Songxian laughed, and immediately ordered his men: "The generals will obey the order, open the city gate, and greet the benefactors of the Army of the Ravens."

With the arrival of the red tassels, the raven army also showed great enthusiasm, but the soldiers defending the city did not see much.

And even if they are in the field of vision, each one is seriously injured, embarrassed as if they have just experienced a war.


Only Lin Lang frowned, he waved his hand, and did not let the people behind him approach, but just said: "I will go check it out first, and if there is no problem, you come in again."

The voice fell.

Lin Lang took the lead in rushing to the sky, and after a few breaths, he landed on the tower of Sky City in Jiuyu.

"Your Excellency is Song Jun, the head of the Legion of the Crows?" Lin Lang frowned, his eyes glancing up and down.

General Songxian also seemed to be confused by Lin Lang's inexplicable sentence. He was stunned and said, "Is there any problem?"

"Of course."

Lin Lang smiled and said: "There are no more than 300,000 people in the city in total. I want to know how your Yin Crow Corps can defend the Jiuyu Sky City with their own strength."

"You said this."

General Songxian shook his head and said, "It is naturally impossible to hold Jiuyu Sky City alone with the power of the Crow Legion. Before that, several other Xianmeng Legions attacked rashly, and the whole army was wiped out. Under the Crow Army. "

"It turns out so."

Lin Lang showed an expression of sudden enlightenment and continued: "So the Army of the Crows did not fight at the time."


Songxian nodded, and when he looked at Lin Lang, he couldn't help being frightened by the latter's step-by-step eyes.

"Since there is no battle, why do you have the breath of the underworld." Lin Lang pressed his eyes tightly to the latter.

Any words may deceive people, there is no lack of advanced cosmetic techniques, but everyone's eyes can't deceive people.

Song Hong was definitely not the eyes of a general who had led the army for many years, and lacked that kind of majesty and murderousness.

in contrast.

This is a pair of smart and charming eyes, whose eyes are like clear ripples, pulling the heartstrings.

Song Yan was slightly stunned, and then he put his hands behind the ears, gently brushing his hands, and the black hair like a waterfall fell instantly.

His face turned into a beautiful woman at this time. The facial features were neat and three-dimensional, especially those smart eyes, which seemed to circulate in Qiu Bo's soul.

In the same way, her figure is also extremely good, and a light blue chest-wrap dress can not conceal the graceful posture.

When Lin Lang looked back, his vision was immediately covered by a dense underworld army, and the pressure was divided into neat battle formations.

What he stepped on was not the tower, but a starry sky.

Where is this Jiuyu Sky City? It is clearly a vast flat ground, with millions of underworld troops standing behind.

At this moment, Lin Lang finally understood that this huge underworld army had been waiting for a long time, waiting for him to take the initiative to enter the trap.

This is clearly a straightforward conspiracy that can no longer be straightforward, and the movement of the Underworld Million Army cannot be noticed.

And it stayed in the neighborhood for a long time, and even established a fantasy like reality.

But what is ridiculous is that, this Yangmou that everyone can see through, the Xianmeng senior still sent the Red Talent Army to come.

The high level of Xianmeng is absolutely intentional. It may use the entire red tassel as bait, or it may only target Lin Lang alone.

However, in any case, the Xianmeng people also absolutely revealed the marching route of the Red Talent Legion to the Underworld, otherwise they intercepted halfway so accurately.

Lin Lang, or the entire Red Talent Legion has become a discarded child who can be discarded at will by Xianmeng senior officials.

"Lin Youye, the leader of the younger generation in the fairy world, Princess Ben has been waiting for a long time."

The underworld woman smiled brightly.

Lin Lang's eyes were calm and he did not show any panic. He just said indifferently: "I am alone, it is worthwhile to alarm the Underworld Millions."

"Naturally worth it." The woman from the Underworld smiled softly and said, "It's enough to remove a genius with a dominant posture, and it is enough to ensure that there will not be a war between the Xingming and the Two Realms in the next dozen or so Yuanhui.

"You said that your weight is not worth the interception of millions of troops."

She smiled and said, "I forgot to introduce, this princess is a princess of the Luocha tribe, Yao Xi, and also came specially for you."

"Princess of the Raksha tribe?"

Lin Lang's eyes flashed differently from other races in the underworld. The Raksha tribe is the race most similar to humans. This is not only reflected in appearance but also in their culture.

For example, there are ten major families within the Yanlu tribe, and there are thousands of bone emperors of the Gu tribe. Each of the Shura tribes rides alone and believes in personal strength.

But the Raksha tribe has only one dynasty and one emperor.

Each generation of King Raksha was succeeded, the old generation of King Raksha retreated to the second line, and then there were the civil and military officials of the Raksha tribe.

It is not impossible for the Raksha people to call it the Raksha Kingdom. Apart from the rebels, there was only one emperor who ruled the world.

Under such prerequisites, Princess Raksha's weight is not low. Offending her is no different than offending the entire Raksha tribe.

In terms of identity, even the son of the master is lower than Princess Raksha.


There are only two types of people in the Raksha tribe. One is like a princess Raksha in front of her. The other is extremely ugly and disgusting, both men and women.

This is the rumor of the beauty of the Raksha tribe.

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