Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1034: Meet again

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The Kate Legion is enough to rank in the top ten of the Xianmeng League. There are many strong men under its command, and there is also a three-robber fairy emperor sitting in the town.

Moreover, most of the soldiers in the Kate Corps are Protoss, no matter the top combat strength or the overall quality of the army are far superior to other legions.

"If it is really the Kate Legion, today I am afraid it is not so easy to get rid of." Diao Sheng's heart sank.

They were entangled with a single red tassel and they couldn't get away, let alone a stronger Kate legion.

It seems that the Kate Legion has already arrived here, and most of them have never appeared before, and they are mostly planning to let the Red Talent Legion fight with them and lose both sides.

"Fortunately, these Xianmeng troops are full of contradictions, otherwise they might not be able to get out today."

At this time, he also secretly gathered his subordinates. With an order, the underworld soldiers suddenly retreated like a tide, still maintaining their formation and striding backwards with a big step.

"Where to go!"

Suddenly there was a loud drink in the starry sky, and a Prodigal man from the great shore appeared out of thin air, chasing it in the direction of the retreat of the underworld.

Protoss, Yaoguang fairy emperor.

The fairy emperor who has survived the disaster of the three-dimensional society!

As the commander-in-chief of this legion, Diao Sheng was stopped by Yaoguang Fairy Emperor for the first time. As soon as the two collided, Diao Sheng flew out in response.

This is followed by the Protoss Army.

They also came out of the dark at this time, and some people chased in the direction of the underworld army escape.

Another group of people joined the battlefield and killed the underworld soldiers with the red tassels.


The next thing is relatively simple. With the withdrawal of the main force of the underworld army, those who are deeply trapped in the battlefield can hardly organize resistance forces.

The leader of the Protoss was also an old acquaintance of Lin Lang, who was the protoss of the Protoss and he did it.

Basically it didn't take long for this group of people to become the souls of the two Immortal Legion. After that, the loot was collected.

"Your life is really big. If it weren't for our Kate Corps, it would be nearby, and the Red Talent Army was afraid that the whole army would be wiped out.

"So it should be okay for us to count the merits of this battle." The staff behind Lu Qian held a book and recorded the number of enemies annihilated in this battle.


The Emperor Moshan didn't say much. This time, if it wasn't for the Kate Legion, it wouldn't be easy for the Red Talent Legion to get out.

Counting the merits of war on others' heads is also a reward. But what made him uncomfortable was the arrogant attitude of Jian Qian, and a junior who hadn't even reached the realm of the fairy emperor even directed him with anger.

That's all.


Huang Qian went on to say, "Since this is the case, then you have nothing to do with your Red Tassel Army, you can leave."

Speaking of which.

Even Moshan Fairy Emperor, who had always been gentle, could not help but clenched his fists. The merits of this battle can be counted on the Kate Corps, but the distribution of loot must be contested by the Red Talent Corps.

They were killed and killed by the Red Tassels. After a battle, they didn't know how many people died. Wouldn't it be possible to get back their loot?

Obviously, they did not put their red tassels in their eyes, even the distribution of the final loot kicked them out.

Immortal Emperor Moshan frowned, but still restrained his temper, saying: "The damage of the Red Talent Legion is far greater than that of the Kate Legion, and our loot belongs to us. We still have to get it back."

To be replaced by someone else, I was afraid that Moshan Fairy Emperor would have exploded at this time, but he also knew the identity of Jing Qian, the descendant of the **** clan, and moving him was equivalent to stabbing Ma Honeycomb.

"The red tassels still want loot?" Lugan suddenly sneered. "This time, if it wasn't for our Kate Corps, all of your red tassels would die here."

"You have to understand that we saved all of your lives, and don't even think about giving back. You're so embarrassed to ask for loot."

"It's really funny!"

Lu Qian sneered again and again, even if there was an immortal emperor on the opposite side, he was completely reprimanded by him.

Moshan Immortal Emperor's face was a little unable to hang, just about to break out, the generals of the red tassels on the side were also full of anger, and they wished to rush over and beat up.

But there was a sneer from behind.

"You're so embarrassed to speak out loudly." Lin Lang came from the back and said coldly: "Don't think I don't know how long the Kate Legion has been watching beside.

"Don't you just want to wait for the Red Talent Army and the Underworld Army to fight for your life and death, and then come out to sit back and take advantage of the fishermen."

"Now it's ok, the Underworld Legion retired, and you only jumped out when you divided the spoils. I asked you if the casualties of the Kate Legion have exceeded 100 people?"

Huang Qian was also stunned when he saw Lin Lang for the first time. He had never expected to meet this man who would let him live in the shadows.

It can be said.

From the beginning of the Fengxian War, to the emergence of Lin Lang, Lin Lang is a lingering nightmare for this arrogant man.

This is the case with Ke Rao, and Jing Gan did not show any slight resignation. Instead, he raised his head and jokingly said: "I can't think of the son of the Great Leaf Immortal Sect who came to the front line of battle."

"Oh, that's right. It's the high-level Yexianzong seniors who have given up on you. Don't be discouraged, the monks of the fairy world should take the burden of defending the home and defending the country.

Huang Qian's voice is not yin and yang, the first few sentences are still in official tone, but the latter few sentences are entirely for the purpose of satire Lin Lang.

"Do you think the two of us will be the same? I can easily join the Kate Corps as a high-level, and when I return to the Protoss, I will enjoy supreme power and resources."

"Or maybe I stay in Xianmeng. After I break through the realm of Xianmeng, I will immediately become a high-level Xianmeng and become your boss."

"But you are different, as long as the people in the military service do not nod, you should not want to leave Xianmeng in your life."

Huang Gan laughed loudly. He came from the army to be gilded and could leave at any time, but Lin Lang needed to rack up his brains to get the battle achievements. Whether he could leave the Xianmeng was unknown.

"Leave the combat power, you can roll, don't force me to shoot." Lin Langsen's cold eyes fell on Jinggan.

Huang Gan is not afraid of these.

He put his head close to Lin Lang's ear, and said secretly: "For me, you are a slave, I hope you have been fighting for the blood of Xianmeng all your life."

"forever and always--"

This is a very different identity gap between the two. In the Protoss, he is the future power, and there are more dominations behind him, and no one can beat him.

Although Lin Lang was valued by Daye Xianzong, it was nothing to look at the entire human race, and even other clan forces wanted to kill him.

"You really want to force me to shoot?" Lin Lang said suddenly. At the next moment, he didn't hesitate at all, and slapped it on Jinggan's face.

The latter threw out heavily, and his mouth was full of blood, with several teeth twitched, and he struggled to get up and grin.

"You have to accept this fact no matter how you deny it. With me in your life, don't try to leave Xianmeng."

Despite the vague flesh and blood on Lugan's face, which seemed to be a heartache, he still laughed loudly.

"On this point? I tell you, unless you kill me now, you will live in my shadow in the future."

Immortal Emperor Moshan quickly held Lin Lang's arm and motioned him not to be impulsive. If he killed the direct descendants of the ruler here, I am afraid that all of them present would be blameless.

But Emperor Moshan thought much, Lin Lang didn't seem to have the same knowledge as Lugan.

He also just spoke lightly and said, "Then let's wait and see. The little character who lost in my hands has never been qualified to resist."

"The forward army listens, collects loot, and sets off!"

Lin Ling waved her hand gently. As Lugan said, it is not him who really lives in the shadows, but Lugan.

Since eating deflated one after another in Lin Lang's hands, Lu Qiang's heart has been completely twisted, struggling to find his lost dignity.

For such a guy's threats, Lin Lang did not mind at all.



The Red Talent regrouped, ready to go. They embarked on a journey again and rushed towards Zhuxun Qunguan.

"Today's things are probably not easy to handle, and offend them, I am afraid that the Protoss will have to do some small actions."

On the way, Emperor Moshan expressed his worries euphemistically.

This is not to say that he was afraid of doing it, but that he had injured their people with the power of the Protoss, but I was afraid that it would not be so easy to turn it into a jade silk.

"Relax, I'll take care of something. After a while, I plan to leave the Red Talent Army without dragging everyone down." Lin Lang said quietly.

He was completely disappointed in his heart, not to the Red Talent Army, but to Moshan Fairy Emperor, the leader of the army.

Looking forward and looking back, embarrassing task.

The Red Tassel re-entered the journey and experienced many fierce battles along the way. The massive withdrawal of the Underworld in the Chongyang Qunguan battle did not mean that the next battle was smooth sailing.

There are still many planets between Chongyang Qunguan and Zhuxun Qunguan, and the underworld army that had no time to evacuate can find a planet to hide. If there is no carpet-like search by the Xianmeng army, it will be difficult to find.

Therefore, the task of the Red Talent Army has this item, to clear all the underworld monks in the star field along the road.

In the blink of an eye, a few months later, the battle of large and small scales did not sway, and the red tassels pushed all the way, and they rarely encountered opponents who could compete.

At the same time, the ranks of the red tassels have also grown a lot, and when passing through these star fields along the way, they also recruited many indigenous monks to join the army.

Although the military service department of Xianmeng is in charge of conscription, but basically high-quality soldiers are taken away by those first-class legions, it is difficult to integrate into other legions.

The Red Tassel cannot be consumed in the war, it must also be supplemented with fresh blood.

Recruiting troops along the way is already the default rule of the Xianmeng army. In these days, Lin Lang also did not give up his cultivation, and launched an impact on the state of mind.

of course.

Soon after he broke through the peak state, he still has a long way to go before the state of mind.

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