Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1036: Million Heroes

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The Luosha princess, Yao Xi.

Lin Lang couldn't think of it anyway. This time, he was insulted by the people of the fairy world and accidentally fell into the encirclement of the underworld million army.

I never thought that it was the princess of the Raksha tribe who was shocked by this matter, a woman with a very high status in the underworld.

With the manifestation of the Million Army, the entire Red Talent Army was completely stunned.

Jiuyu Sky City is fake. They didn't go to Jiuyu Sky City at all. On the contrary, there were millions of underworld forces in front of them.

"Damn, who exactly leaked our marching route to the underworld, and only the high level of Xianmeng could master our whereabouts."

Moshan fairy emperor clenched his fists. Obviously, they have been betrayed by those so-called "own people".

Faced with a million troops, the Red Talent Army is impossible to defeat, not even self-protection.

Today I am afraid it is already a deadly situation!


Starry sky in the distance.

"Knowing my combat strength, I dare to be so close to me, and I'm not afraid that I will take you away?" Lin Lang said with a smile.

"Of course afraid."

Yao Xi smiled and said, "So Princess Ben is also well prepared, you can't get through it."

The voice fell, and Yao Xi walked out of three figures behind him, three of them and one of them.

Such a lineup can definitely be regarded as luxurious, and it is not so easy for Lin Lang to break through the blockade of this group of people.

Lin Lang's eyes flashed: "For me you are really painstaking, I really can't beat them, but I want to go, you are not so easy to leave me."

In the case of one-on-one, Lin Lang has the opportunity to fight against the two emperors, but there are three other emperors who assist him.

But if he wants to go, it is still difficult for these people to stay with him.

"It seems like this, but the question is, even if I give you the opportunity, do you dare to retreat?" Yao Xi smiled, took the money and walked in front of Lin Lang, and several fairy emperors followed suit.

"If you retreat, I'm afraid the hundreds of thousands of red tassels behind you will be buried with you, they can't escape."

What she said was the fact that the Red Talented Army was not surrounded by the underworld army, and it is now too late to leave.

There are millions of soldiers staring at him nearby, as well as several masters of immortal emperors. Lin Lang may have the opportunity to leave, but the red tassel army behind him does not have the fighting power of his kind and cannot run away.

Unless Lin Lang gave up the slim chance of escape, and used his own flesh and blood to win time for the Red Talent Army.

Was it a person to escape, or was it in exchange for the red tassels' retreat.

The heart of Emperor Moshan also sank. Millions of soldiers crossed the border, even though the Red Talent retreated with all their strength, they might not be able to escape.

In this case, the only battle is death!

In front of him, even Moxian Emperor seemed extremely dignified, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

In fact, they also know very well that once they move a little, the millions of troops in front of them will come out.

By that time, they were even less likely to escape.

But the problem is here. The Red Talent does not want to be a lamb slaughtered by everyone. It is impossible for all hope to be tied to Lin Lang alone.

Not to mention whether Lin Lang has this courage and whether he has such a deep affection for the Red Talent Army. Even if Lin Lang's actual combat power, it is impossible to stop millions of heroes in an instant.

"So your decision is to give up the escape or give up the hundreds of thousands of red tassel soldiers."

Yao Xi smiled, but according to the scene in front of him, she couldn't be more cute than cute, more like a spooky witch.

"The princess's face is still to be given, but I have also secured the hundreds of thousands of red tassels behind me."

So far, Lin Lang didn't have any panic, even Yaoxi in the exempt period was a chattering way.


Lin Lang's dull voice resounded through the sky at this moment, and the powerful voice quickly penetrated the entire battlefield.

"The Red Talent listened to the order, this would be the last command I led the Red Tassel, the whole team, the whole army retreated!"

The voice fell.

Behind Lin Lang, an unusually colorful scroll bloomed. The image of the fairy king slowly unfolded behind him. A tyranny fairy on the bitmap crossed the scroll and appeared beside Lin Lang.

This is the map of the fairy king built in his previous life, and now he can summon all the imprints in the map of the fairy king.

These imprints record the skills of that generation of fairy kings. Although they cannot be all, they are basically infinitely close to the level of the Holy Son.

And such a master, there are hundreds of people up and down.

"By these means, it can't stop the Million Army." Yao Xi smiled, she waved her jade gently, and the Million Army rushed out halfway behind her.


Several Xiandi masters who have been standing beside him have also joined the battlefield. At this moment, several immortal emperors plus hundreds of thousands of troops rushed to Lin Lang.

The whole river was like a dense black cloud-like army and Lin Lang's thin figure was in sharp contrast.

Even for a moment, in the eyes of others, Lin Lang's move was more like a mantis.

It is impossible to resist the battle!

And it turns out that with the help of Lin Lang alone, he really can't stop so many masters of the underworld, and only those fairy emperors are enough to entrap his deity.

Although the hundreds of fairy kings have strong combat power, there are many masters in the underworld army. Those underworld generals have found their opponents one after another.

The remaining dozens of masters who walked out of the fairy king figure tried to stop the half a million underworld troops.

This is simply impossible!

It was at this time.

Various treasures emerged behind Lin Lang, with seven-color dice spinning in Yingying rotation, and a fairy door order with holy light as pillars.

The seven-color dice show the fate thread, to a certain extent, they can change the fate curve of many underworld masters, making their actions slower.

The Xianmenling is urged to the greatest extent, constructing the realm of time and space, dragging the world and tens of thousands of miles into an unknown space.


In this unknown space, there is an abnormally active gravity avenue that prevents everyone from progressing, and there is also a speed avenue that limits the speed of travel.

Under the simultaneous action of the two magic weapons, half a million troops were dragged into the quagmire instantly, and it was extremely difficult to break through the defense line arranged by the forest.

They quickly formed a battle front, constantly smashing the isolated space created by the Xianmen Order, and the layers of space and time barriers quickly collapsed.

Lin Lang alone, really dragged down the pace of hundreds of thousands of troops, although he could not resist the attack of the underworld army.

But at least, it is enough to delay their travel to the slowest speed, and fight for the most time for the red tassels to retreat.

"General Lin."

The red tassel was moved up and down, and even some people were moved to cry, even the clamoring men like Hu Qiu, at this time there was a drop of crystal tears in the corners of their eyes.

They knew very well that, in front of the Underworld Army, no one in the fairy world could stop them except the five emperors who were above the Five Tribulation.

Not to mention Lin Lang.

A small pinnacle fairy king, and many of them even cultivated higher than Lin Lang.

But it is such a fairy king in the pinnacle realm, but it is to stop the hundreds of thousands of forces in the underworld, and accomplish what is impossible for everyone.

One person is blocking the millions of troops, what a spirit!

"If I become an immortal emperor one day, I will take revenge for General Lin, and personally edge these miscellaneous underworld!"

"We can't leave General Lin to fight alone and fight alongside him."

The generals of the Red Talent were all moved.

"The Red Talent listened to the order, and the rear team changed to the front team, retreating." Moshan Xiandi's voice also seemed extremely dull.

His low voice sounded in everyone's mind at this moment: "Everyone retreats, immediately!"

"Don't let General Lin's efforts go in vain. Every time we fight for an extra minute of evacuation, General Lin's hope of escape is greater."

"After this battle, I will permanently resign as the commander of the Red Talent Army, and Lin Youye will take up the post, whether he is alive or dead!"

Moshan Immortal Emperor is also a well-known immortal emperor. He has led the Red Tassel Army for nearly ten thousand years.

And when his voice fell, many soldiers of the Red Talent were almost in tears, Zheng Jun quickly retreated, without a few breathing skills, they had completely disappeared in the sky.

They all understand the truth, but with this kind of thing, no one can maintain the absolute reason of the mind.

Lin Lang stopped several immortal emperors at the same time, a man holding a sword and several immortal emperors fiercely fighting, while Yao Xi stood on the other side with a smile.

"It's really masculinity, I would rather put myself here, and let the soldiers retreat."

Yao Xi smiled and said, "You are the most interesting and silly one I have ever seen."

Lin Lang snorted without speaking.

"It's better to do this. I can give you a chance first, depending on whether you can grasp it."

Yao Xi smiled.

In fact, at this moment, her heart was also full of abnormal feelings. Growing up so big, she also met Lin Lang, a **** man, for the first time. This kind of spirit even gave her a heart of admiration.

Inexplicably, she was a little soft.

"Yao Xi, Yao Xi, what are you thinking about in your heart?"

quickly. Yao Xi reacted and secretly cursed herself. Yes, although Yaoxi is a princess of the Raksha tribe, she is by no means a little girl who has never been in the world. On the contrary, there are no fewer than a hundred masters who have died in her hands over the years.

"Asan, cut off one of his arms."

In the presence of the Emperor Tiancan, he had no chance of victory,

Go to the underworld, cut the old monster together, news of Lu Hongying,

Three hundred years of dormancy

What I did n’t do three hundred years ago, Immortal Emperor controls madness, bone boy

"I'll go."

Crush the Son

The extinction of souls saved thousands of people.

Ye Xuanzong

The God of War returned, and the hostile forces watched this situation scared and apologized, but the result was not directed against them.

A person,

They abandoned me at the beginning, but I want to tell them that Lao Tzu is not a deserter but a hero, even if that battle is defeated.

Dozens of people

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