Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1033: Soul of War

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Mo Shanxian Emperor's puzzled eyes seemed to be a bit puzzled. He didn't understand where Lin Lang's self-confidence came from.

You have to know that the red tassels are now faced with two genuine emperors of the two robbers, and the other person is fortunate that Mo Shan tried his best to stop it.

But Diao Sheng is not a simple character. Even if Mo Shan is desperate, he will not be an opponent.

"I have sent a request for help, and I have now contacted the nearest armored legion, and if they march at full speed, they can come over in about three days."

Emperor Moshan Shen Sheng spoke.

"I'll block Diao Sheng, and other things will be left to you." Lin Lang's eyes flickered, fighting alone, he really could not be the opponent of Diao Sheng.

But he was not alone, and there were 200,000 Red Talent soldiers behind him.

"The forward, eight, nine, and ten battalions will come out and follow me." Lin Lang shouted sharply, "The rest of them waited and formed a battle line, following the command of the Emperor Moshan."

"Ning War Soul!"

Thirty thousand forward troops stepped out of the queue, and the mighty fighting spirit rose into the sky, and Peiran's fierce prestige condensed a grim golden wolf head in the sky.

This is the soul of the forward army, and it is also the will of everyone to gather. Controlling 30,000 forwards is already Lin Lang's limit.

"The battle is on!"

When Lin Lang's second order sounded, 30,000 forwards and soldiers moved their hearts freely, at the same time, they operated the exercises, and at the same time performed their moves. Everyone's actions were performed at the same time without error.

If you compare the entire striker to a person, then Lin Lang is the center of their brain, controlling the movement of various parts of the body.

The thing of power is the accumulation of less and more, one person's power is certainly limited, but a group of people gathered together, the power burst out is unimaginable.

This is equivalent to the forward army of 30,000 people pouring all of their cultivation into the forest, which can radiate energy far beyond this level.

The golden giant wolf instantly formed, with a length of hundreds of miles. Its four feet stepped in the void, just like the pillar of Qingtian, shocking the starry sky.

"It's just a beast, but it's still going to turn the sky." Diao Sheng Leng snorted, stepped out, and the power of the second robbery fairy emperor broke out instantly.

His vast diva filled the entire starry sky, the souls were silent, and the world was shaking. Even the 30,000 people in the strikers found it difficult to breathe.

Lin Lang quickly moved the small world in his body, and the overbearing world energy flowed out of his body and flowed to the forward generals.

Until this time, the forward military had the possibility to compete with the two emperors.

at the same time.

Moshan confronted another second-tribe immortal emperor in the Underworld, and the other four immortal emperors of the Red Talent Army also locked their opponents one after another.


As Mo Shan and others rushed to the enemy line, the war broke out instantly. Two hundred thousand red tassels and three hundred thousand underworld troops joined together, and the sound of fighting shook the world.



The golden giant wolf rushed out in an instant, and struck together with Diao Sheng in the endless roar.

Diao Shengnai is the real emperor of the Second Tribulation in the Underworld, and more importantly, he once survived the third eternal disaster without dying.

This situation is very rare. Generally speaking, the energy of destruction under an eternal disaster is enough to kill the fairy emperor of the corresponding state.

Either relying on one's own strength to break through the shackles of eternal disaster, or relying on the rare treasures to die to hide the sky.

Diao Sheng is the latter. Although he is only the second robbery fairy emperor, he can already control part of the power of the three robbery fairy emperor.

Invincible in the same realm!


The figure of the golden giant wolf in the sky was quickly intertwined with Diao Sheng, and the splendid visions of the avenues poured out one after another, and the heaven and earth were also covered with an unknown layer of Dao Yun.

In the starry sky, only a golden streamer can be seen entwined with the rich purple qi. Their speed is so fast that ordinary people can't capture the figure of the two.

This is the terrible fighting power of the fairy emperor.

Visible to the naked eye, lines of terrifying energy poured over all around, and the nearby starry sky was cleared.

As the waves of the two players swayed to the surroundings, the stars in the distance began to quickly disintegrate and explode into drifting dust in the universe.

Those who are not lacking are the planets inhabited by spirits, but under the collision of the masters of the fairy emperor level, the stars disappear instantly.

This is the Immortal Emperor, even if it is not deliberately shot, the fluctuation of their engagement is enough to clear the starry sky.

with no exceptions!


The golden giant wolf was blasted heavily, and the body of millions of miles fell on a star, directly smashing that star.

It can be seen that at that moment the planet was pulled out of a large hole with a diameter of several million kilometers. Through the hole, another star field could even be seen.

This is just the beginning.

When a star is penetrated, it means that the energy of the star's nucleus begins to run out, the surface temperature of the star suddenly rises by tens of thousands of degrees, and all living things instantly evaporate into ashes.

At the same time, the endless thunder hangs in the sky, turning the whole world into a sea of ​​thunder. The violent wind surged, and the tens of thousands of meters of mountain peaks were like paper paste, and they blew away as soon as they were blown, and were instantly broken by the wind.

There is no hope for this planet.

But at the next moment, a huge face suddenly appeared in the sky of this world, wantonly peeping into the vast mountains and rivers below.

"It turns out here."

The huge face opened his mouth, and the figure of Diao Sheng appeared on the planet at the next moment. At the same time, the ground beneath his feet exploded suddenly, and a huge golden figure flew onto Diao Sheng's body instantly.

A great war once again inspires, Lin Lang controls the soul of the war, the will of the thirty thousand red tasseled soldiers is united, and it is also infinitely close to the power of the three emperors.

This battle was played for three days and three nights, and the two sides did not win or lose. On the other side, Moshan Immortal Emperor showed great power, but actually started to suppress his opponent.

The armed forces of the two sides are also fighting fiercely, with swords, swords and swords intensively fighting each other, and the sound of fighting is shaking.

The battle situation also became extremely anxious.

In the battle of the fairy emperor level, unless the difference in strength is too large, otherwise it is difficult to distinguish the winner. Like Lin Lang and others in front of him, both sides have injuries, but they can heal in a short time.

"Seven Life Dice."

Lin Lang floated seven dice behind his head, spinning rapidly in the void. At the same time, the Avenue of Destiny spread out and began to gradually affect the fighting trend.

The Avenue of Destiny can influence the direction of war in a way that monks cannot perceive, and this effect is also irreversible.


Diao Sheng also found out that he had the magical power of familiarity with light cars, and at this time, he began to deviate. After his calculations, he could hit Lin Lang perfectly.

But the final result was so slight deviation, almost passing Lin Lang's body.

All negative random events will happen to Diao Sheng.

Seven-color dice is already beginning to influence the fate of Diao Sheng. But in the battle of the fairy emperor level, even if there is only such a slight deviation, it is fatal!


The golden giant wolf turned into a flash of lightning all around, passing through Diao Sheng's body.

No scars were left, but the skin on the surface of the mink's body was strangely cracked.


Immediately afterward, Diao Sheng's chest burst into a skylight, which was released by his body, penetrated through the skin and flesh, and shot directly into the depths of the universe.

This is not his magical power.

"Also let you appreciate the power of War Soul." Lin Lang sneered, all his thoughts sink into the War Soul, and turned into the most violent way, spray out thinly.

At this time, the golden giant wolf seemed to have evolved, the body surface radiated a soft seven-color light, and the flow was alive, the auspicious breath filled the world, like a holy beast.

In the light.

The golden giant wolf doubled in size again, and a pair of wide wings grew on his back, and the light of the avenue shone to the sky.

Diao Sheng also chose to shoot. Behind him emerged a boundless dark space, a dead void, and blossoming white splendens grew out of thin air.

In a few breaths, the white splendens covered the whole world, the flowers swayed, and the pink pollen flew out.

If you look closely, the flowers are like a road, exuding different levels of energy.

"go with."

Diao Sheng stomped abruptly, endless pollen condensed into a dozen whirlwinds rising up to clear the space.


The golden giant wolf ran in the void, and his back wings turned into two long knives, and the face of the forward soldier appeared faintly above.

The blade flashed across, directly chopping the pollen whirlwind in front of him, castration unrelentingly, and bombarded Diao Sheng heavily.

The light knife formed by the other wing circled along the starry sky and dropped the back of Diao Sheng.

Two pieces of light wing passed through, and a large amount of blood was spilled from Diao Sheng's body, and the whole person was cut into three sections.

at the same time.

The body surface of the golden giant wolf also exploded one after another. In a loud noise, the golden giant wolf snarled and flew backwards.

Lin Langru, who controlled the soul of the war, was hit hard. He spit out a blood and stepped back a few steps to stabilize his body.

This collision is almost at the level of the Three Tribes Immortal Emperor, and neither side has obtained any benefits.

"Fight again!"

Lin Lang settled his footsteps, and the five elements and natural avenues in the body poured out, transforming the surroundings into a space full of life.

The declining forward generals and soldiers who were originally decayed at this time are also like a long drought and a cold forest, and the spirit and spirit are climbing to the top again.


In a roar that shook the stars.

The golden giant wolf stepped on the void, the endless stars above his head, his head shouted, and the sound wave quickly spread towards the endless void.

On the other side, Diao Sheng, who had only one head left, began to condense his body quickly from below his neck.

He stared at Lin Lang with some embarrassment, and then looked around. In addition to the 30,000 forward troops led by Lin Lang, the rest of the Red Talent soldiers were also struggling to fight.

The monks of the underworld are falling at all times. Until this time, they only have about 200,000 people.

The other place is the battlefield between the immortal emperor of the Red Talent Legion such as Moshan and the immortal emperor of the Underworld, and there is still anxiety over there.

"A good battle soul formation, I can't think of a small red tassel army that has such a combat capability. It seems that I still underestimated them."

Diao Sheng's eyes flashed. He thought that the Red Talent Army was just an ordinary second-rate army, and he could easily eat it with his own strength.

But to his surprise, the Red Talent Army was able to persevere under such an attack for so many days and fight fiercely.

At this moment, Diao Sheng also deeply realizes that the Red Tassel Army in front of him is by no means a soft persimmon that everyone can handle. Even if he still has the confidence to eat the other party, I am afraid that he will have to pay a huge price.

"No." Just as Diao Sheng's heart made his choice, his thoughts flashed, and he was keenly aware that an army was hiding in the nearby starry sky.

"No, it's the Kate Legion of the Protoss, they are nearby." In the heart of Diao Sheng, there was an inexplicable uneasiness.

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