Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 105: Eat in one bite

After such a thing, the next negotiation was surprisingly smooth. Rich merchants from all over the country had a lesson learned, and they obediently signed a contract with the company.

After finishing this matter, Lin Lang was about to leave. At this time, the people of the Meng family greeted him. First of all, they complimented, and then the Meng family leader introduced the daughter to Lin Lang.

"Hello, my name is Meng Xiyue, and I'm glad to meet you."

The girl stretched out her hand generously.

"Meng Xiyue?" Lin Lang frowned, and did not immediately reach out, looking at the girl in front of him, he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The Meng family leader thought the doctor was dissatisfied, so he rebuked: "What kind of senior doctor Lin is, you little **** girl will go up and shake hands."

Meng Xiyue spit out her tongue and shoved her hand back.

"No, I think of it alone, you look so much like her." Lin Lang shook his head.

The owner of the Meng family nodded. Since it was the other person's personal affairs, he didn't ask much. Instead, Meng Xiyue's little girl came to her interest and asked with a smile: "How is it like? There is only one such cute Meng Xiyue in the world." "

"Not only looks, but the name is also called Meng Xi ... or something." Lin Lang replied that he didn't think of it, but was too lazy to think about it. Anyone who was not deeply impressed should be little people. .

In the words of Lang Lang, all the faces of the Meng family, including the Meng family leader, have changed.

"Meng Xiru, is this the name?" Meng Xiyue asked excitedly.

Lin Lang nodded.

At this moment, all the bodies of the Meng family were shocked, and even the Meng family owner was anxious to ask.

"Now the doctor knows where Meng Xiru is going? Trouble Lin doctor tells us." Meng's face looked anxiously, looking forward to Lin Lang.

It turned out that the Meng family was not so prosperous at that time at that time. At that time, the traffickers were in chaos, and a girl was taken away on the way out of school. From then on, the traffickers took Meng Xiru to evaporate. Nothing was found.

I did not expect that today, in an unintentional remark by Lin Lang, he revealed the whereabouts of the missing daughter. This did not make the Meng family worry.

"She's in Shencheng, and it should be easy to find." Lin Lang replied, and naturally he was happy to talk about what he did.

"I will send someone to look for her, and I will accompany Dr. Lin first."

Speaking, the Meng family leader was about to go outside. Meng Xiyue seemed to think of something, and suddenly she smiled slyly, stopping the Meng family owner from whispering.

"You stinky girl, increasingly lawless, don't think I don't know what you think in your heart." The Meng master laughed and cursed, and then took the Meng family out.

Meng Xiyue burst into a smile, sent her father away, and finally came to Lin Lang's side.

At this time, there was nothing Lin Lin at the Yueyue Conference. He simply let Zhou Shihai arrange a car and prepare to leave.

"Aren't you looking for your sister with them?"

"No, my dad gave me the whole thing." Meng Xiyue laughed.

"Then what do you follow me?"

"Let you help find my sister. I am unfamiliar with Shencheng here, and I don't want to ask who you are, Lin Shenyi." Meng Xiyue said cheekily.

"Just find him."

Lin Lang pointed at Zhou Shihai.

Meng Xiyue's eyes were sullen, and then she slowly said, "He is fat and flat, and he is not a good person at first glance."

Zhou Shihai: "emmmmm ..."

Lin Lang ignored her and turned towards the lengthened Hummer.

Meng Xiyue was a little anxious, her eyes rolled, and she fell to the ground with a bang.

When the meeting was over, Meng Xiyue saw no one to take care of her, and couldn't help narrowing her eyes. When she saw the shadow of Hummer going away, her face turned black.

"Am I so unattractive?" Meng Xiyue could hang her oil bottle on her lips and went out with a black face to stop a taxi.

"It's two thousand. You can catch up with the Hummer in front of us. We will follow wherever it goes."

The taxi driver looked aghast.

"Let you chase after you, stop chasing!"

"Smelly guy, I wanted to talk to you for a while, and you treated me like this, I'll follow you this time!" Meng Xiyue was angry.


Soon after, Lin Lang returned to the hilltop villa. Behind him, Meng Xiyue also got off the bus and hid behind a mountain stone.

Lin Lang glanced lightly behind him, but didn't say much, but when he felt the surrounding area, his expression suddenly moved.

"Come out, don't hide." Lin Lang said lightly.

"You can find me here ..."

Meng Xiyue murmured softly, and stood up from behind the hidden rock.

"Give you one last chance, and I won't kill you until I come out." Lin Lang's cold voice still came.

Meng Xiyue would like to say that this girl is standing in front of you generously. What kind of look do you have, you still can't see me.

But just as she touched her thin lips up and down to prepare to speak, in the haystack under her feet, several big men suddenly emerged.

It happened so suddenly, and Meng Xiyue could not have imagined that someone would come out of her feet, so she stunned and fainted.

"Don't move, rob!"

Several men surrounded Lin Lang in the middle, probably because he was too unskilled in the business. At this time, he subconsciously punched his chest and made a fight.

Is this a robbery, obviously a fight ...

Looking at the embarrassing robbers, the driver of Hummer fell into a trance.

"You will make excuses, and now even the soldiers come to rob." Lin Lang looked at the people with a smile, and with his eyesight, how could he not see the skilled posture of a few people, if it was not trained by the army, Such action.

And it's definitely not a general soldier.

"Someone asked you to come over, so it offends you," said a man Shen Sheng.

"You are talking about He Huaizhong."

Lin Lang snorted softly.

"Since you know it well, please trouble the doctor to take a trip with us." A few people simply did not continue to cover up, or they were so proud that they did not want to cover up at all, and had absolute confidence to win in force.

At this time, each took out a rope, how long it was pulled, like Lin Lang's bag came over.

"He Huaizhong, you are so underestimated, I can eat this bite with one bite."

Eat in one bite?

A few people didn't understand, they thought that the dialect of Liao province didn't care, and they copied it to Lin Lang.

At this moment, Lin Lang slammed his finger and instantly shook the mountain. The villa that should have been clearly visible suddenly changed, covering a layer of mist and mist, blocking the view.

In the mist, a huge golden dragon head suddenly emerged, swallowing several people into his belly in one go.

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