Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 104: Mingzheng Province

"Next, I announced that all supplies from Zhejiang, Tianjing and Zhengzhou Shengling Water were cut off, and all their requirements were ignored by the Yueyue Company."

Lin Lang's voice sounded like a thunder on the ground. It sounded in the ears of the three wealthy merchants, making their emotions, incredibly, breathe quickly.

They never thought that the other party would refuse so simply!

The three places they represent, Zhejiang, Tianjing, and Zhengzhou, are close to overseas ports. They are one of the few maritime hubs in China. The economic aggregate can account for more than ten percentage points of the national economy. . It is for this reason that they have the confidence to ask the company for shares.

But they never expected that their proud capital would have no effect in front of each other.

"The three places in Zhejiang are economically developed first-tier cities. They are used properly, and even the Holy Water alone can reach 100 billion yuan in annual revenue. This is not a small amount."

Mo Bingzhu also frowned and became more confused about Lin Lang's behavior. She also did not understand why Lin Lang would give up such a large piece of fat.

Lin Lang didn't answer what they meant, instead he threw his sleeves and turned his back.

"Security, ask them out."

A faint voice sounded and broke into several men in black from outside the hotel, surrounding three wealthy businessmen in the center.

As soon as the security guards came around, the wealthy businessmen also knew that the other party was going to move, and suddenly their tone softened.

"Otherwise ... how about I lower the conditions, don't share, how about reducing the proportion of profits to four or six cents?" One of the rich merchants said, this is already the minimum condition they gave, they are different from other rich merchants, Forty-six divided, they have full confidence and some capital to eat.

I believe that as long as a little business-minded will readily accept, give them a step down.

"I said, cut off all your supplies from now on, do you want me to break my word?"

Lin Lang turned back expressionlessly, staring at the person.

"What's the promise? It's good if everyone has money to make money. How about it, or the psychiatrist will go back and think about it?" The rich businessman smiled awkwardly, telling the truth that he was totally enthusiastic about this profitable business and didn't want to lose it.

The savvy businessmen do everything they can to save money. Faces, friends, contacts, and wealth are all playthings. For money, they can put down their bodies, and for money, they can do everything.

If you don't make money, you are a businessman!

But in Lin Lang's eyes, wealth is over. When he owns the whole star, he still cares a little bit about money? By that time, let alone money, even a piece of dust underground should be named Lin.

If he didn't want his family to relax, he could even find a place to practice dongtian, retreat for more than ten or twenty years, and be born again. The whole earth is in the palm of his hands.

"Doctors are really not suitable for businessmen!" Said the three wealthy businessmen.

At the end of his speech, Lin Lang swept his sleeves, and the three wealthy merchants immediately rolled out and fell heavily on the street.

The audience was silent, and the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

Although these three wealthy businessmen are not all the richest people in the local area, their identity, wherever they go, is a big man from Jing Cong. Even if he enters the door of Mo's house, Mo must be courteous by three points.

However, it is such a big man, but today he was thrown out mercilessly, losing his face.

Whether this is domineering or reckless, no one describes it, but one thing is certain, if it is not torn the face completely, no one is willing to provoke this demon king.

The other businessmen's breathing was a little heavy, and they had a hunch. I'm afraid that something will happen soon. The three wealthy businessmen in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are easy to deal with. Today, I have suffered such a big loss in Lin Lang's hands. I am afraid the relationship is It broke completely.

He will be greeted with fierce business revenge.

Mo Bingzhu's face was also a little heavy, and the background behind each of the three people was not inferior to the Mo family. Even if the Mo family joined forces, they would have to give up three points, which is difficult to guarantee in the future ...

Although she thought so, she didn't mean to remind her at all, because she was familiar with Lin Lang's personality, but she knew that since she died, Lin Lang never looked down on them as a group of businessmen.

"Perhaps, his strength has reached the level of fearless Mo family."

Mo Bingzhu's heart is a bit complicated. She knows that Lin Lang is Mr. Lin. She also understands that a character who can defeat the guru also has the confidence to raise a hand to destroy a family. Others need to be afraid, but he never does!

Watching the beginning and the end of this farce, Jiang Yu and others were completely stunned. Today this month party was shocked by too much.

Mo Yuze and others were kicked out, but because they were not in a deep relationship, they stayed here, watching Lin Lang's halo even more dazzling.

Until he was thrown out by three wealthy businessmen, the three of them couldn't help raising a hint of weakness in the hearts of them, fearing that it would be difficult for them to look forward to the same age of the same age.

Because in the eyes of the other party, they are a trivial group of people.

"He is Lin Shenyi, a doctor with unparalleled medical skills. He is also the very capable Mr. Lin. He can use his talents to conquer all beings, and the use of force is to deter the mighty man."

"I am afraid that after today, there will be no one left in the entire South Liao Province?"

Nan Liao, who was present, flashed such a sentence in his mind.

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