Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 106: Next to Mo's House

"Mr. Lin, I made breakfast for you."

Zhou Manyao wore an apron and stood side by side.

These days, it seems that she has accepted her identity. She has really taken up the role of a nanny, and she does not have a bad taste of cooking. Lin Lang simply acquiesces to her existence.

Of course, her duty as a nanny will not take into account other people except Lin Lang, including Meng Xiyue.

Meng Xiyue fainted in front of the door that day, and the weather was not very good. Lin Lang simply held her upstairs. The little girl woke up without any intention to leave.

The only time I went out was to find her sister Meng Xiru. However, when she got there, she found out that her father didn't give her the full power at all. The two grandfathers had known each other long ago.

Since then, Meng Xiyue has a brand new excuse. She will stay in the villa with a cheeky face to accompany her sister in Shencheng.

In the past few days, Lin Lang also felt the strangeness of the atmosphere. The two little girls did not deal with it at all, and it was not pleasing to each other. If it were not pressed by Lin Lang, it would have been noisy.

If you think about it, one of the two girls lived in the storeroom, and the other lived in the guest room from the beginning. Nothing broke, but I am really sorry for the identity of the two young ladies.

Just this afternoon, after Lin Lang left the villa, the second woman slammed her into a fierce battle. Of course, this was only verbal, and there was no such kind of violence.


Lin Lang left the villa and was unaware of what happened in the villa.

He received a call from Mr. Mo, saying that he wanted to ask him to go there. The car had already reached downstairs, and Mr. Mo had greeted him personally, and Lin Lang did not refuse.

After entering Mo's door, Lin Lang found an acquaintance who was He Huaizhong.

However, today's He Huaizhong is not as casual as the first time he met. Wearing a magnificent military uniform on his body, it looks very heroic. What is noticeable is the epaulets he wears, with a slash on each side. The shining Venus is a rank of colonel.

Only half a step away from the ranks of generals.

"That ... Dr. Lin Shen." He Huaizhong couldn't sit high safely, at this time stood up a bit cramped, rubbed his hands and rubbed his hands.

"It's you." Lin Lang gave him an expressionless look.

This is the conversation between the two, one is the Geng Zhi soldier who is not good at talking, and the other is the arrogant divine doctor, and the atmosphere freezes.


"I don't think I need to introduce it. This is the famous Lin Shenyi. This is the descendant of my old friend, the kid of the He family." Mo Laogan gave a cough to ease the embarrassment.

Slowly, Mo Lao said, "Nothing else, friends from the south sent a packet of good tea to the old man, just as Lin Shenyi was also in Shencheng, so I asked you to come and try something new."

"Come, please sit down."

Mo Lao looked at the seat, and then made tea by himself, which was enough to give Lin Lang face.

The craftsmanship of Mo Lao Tea is very particular, and it is presumably not a shallow research. After the movements like clouds are done, it is already full of tea fragrance. Soon a cup of steaming tea is handed to Lin Lang.

Lin Lang took a sip of his mouth slightly, and nodded secretly in his heart. Even the layman of this tea ceremony drank a lot of taste.

"Nice, bitter mouth, long dry fragrance, really has the effect of quenching thirst." Lin Lang praised.

"Of course it's awkward," Mo Laofu said with a long smile, introducing: "This tea is called Qing Palace, standing on the top of Pu'er tea. It is not comparable to those cloned teas. This is from the real mother plant. Take it off, a box of 105.6 grams of Qing Palace that year, but it sold over one million sky-high prices at auction. "

"You can taste it carefully, this is the best colorless and tasteless tea in the tea."

Mo Lao took a self-diagnosis at his own discretion, gently inhaled the aroma, and then took a closer look.

Lin Lang nodded his head, tasted it with a small mouthful. The name of the Qing Palace is really not bad, and it is no wonder that Mo Lao took it out to entertain.

Tasting tea, tea is the taste of slow tea. Some people say that tea is like life, and you can taste all kinds of life if you taste it carefully.

However, some people are accustomed to it on weekdays. Let them sit on a stool and taste it slowly. It is even more torment than the prison. It is also a cup of tea. Nothing tastes the same.

Watching the two of Youyou's drinking tea, one cup was finished and another cup, He Huaizhong couldn't help but stood up for a moment.

"That ... Lin Shenyi, I can see if that can be discussed." He Huaizhong finished his speech.

After listening to the blame, Mo Lao glanced at the other person. He was thinking of reconciling the relationship between the two through tea. The boy was good and went on a showdown.

But how to say that the other party is also the offspring of his comrades-in-arms who carried the gun together, and asked him that he couldn't ignore it, so he rebuked.

"There is something to wait for after drinking tea, drinking tea is the first priority, this is a great enjoyment of life."

He Huaizhong was also the oldest, and said that he was sitting down with red face and red ears, but his heart did not calm down, but he became even more impatient because of the word of being idle.

But Mo could not speak but he was next to each other. The comfortable chair felt like sitting on a needle.

At the end, after waiting for the bottom of the cup, Lin Lang said leisurely: "You want to ask the people you sent to arrest me?"

"Yes, how are they now?" He Huaizhong hurriedly said that he would not be in a hurry. He wouldn't do this if the missing soldier was an ordinary soldier, but this time he brought out all the special soldiers in the military area. Beware of your meat.

If something happens to these people, he ca n’t explain to the head, and he ca n’t explain to their relatives. How can I explain that they were kidnapped by me and then killed?

Fortunately, Lin Lang's next sentence gave him a reassurance.

"They're all alive." Lin Lang said, he admired more soldiers with flesh and blood, and he was better than the businessmen who broke their heads for a small profit. If he didn't commit it to his head, he wouldn't kill him. of.

He Huaizhong's mouth twitched, meaning that he was still alive in his mind meant that he would not be able to suffer a bit of flesh. Good special soldiers blamed himself for falling into this picture.

"Then can you let them go?" He Huaizhong tempted.

"Let? Why? Let them rob me." Lin Lang snorted. Although those people did not mean to harm him, it was enough to make him dissatisfied.

"If you are dissatisfied with me, you can come to me, I'm the master of the scene, so I asked you to let them go." He Huaizhong said in a deep voice.

Mo Lao hurried out and rounded off the field: "He Xiaozi also impulse offended the therapist for a moment, so he didn't hurt the healer, otherwise I wouldn't need your hands to remove the kid's skin."

"Can you look at the old man and me for my thin face, and not care about him?"

Having said that, Mo Lao did not forget to give He Huaizhong a stern glance: "Smelly boy, he can't come to apologize to the doctor."

He Huaizhong has been in a high position for many years and would rather bend than bend, but he can't ignore the safety of his soldiers. Today is also the first time in more than ten years. No, except for the last medical exchange meeting, this is the second time to ask for help.

At this point he came over and was about to bend over to apologize, but Lin Lang waved his hand to stop it.

"No need."

"This time in the face of Mo Lao, I will let people, I believe this is also the last time."

Let's just walk away.

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