Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1753: Benevolence

Yue Chen walked in the forefront and took out a few pills from the storage ring to serve the poisoned guards.

After taking the pill, several guards soon became sober, looking at Yue Chen in awe and gratefulness.

After a long while, an old man with the appearance of a housekeeper asked respectfully: "I don't know what this adult is called?"

With Jia Xu who followed Yue Chen, he could conclude that Yue Chen was definitely an amazing person.

Yue Chen said casually: "It's just a passer-by, I don't know what you are going to do here?"

"Is it also looking for Senior Sacred Heart to detoxify?"

The old man nodded and said, "Indeed, our young master was bitten by a poisonous python and is still unconscious now!"

"That's why I hurried to ask Master Cheng Tong for help. Master Cheng Tong has a kindhearted heart. As long as people go to the mountain, he will help him for free no matter what the poison is. We came here after hearing about his reputation. "

Yue Chen nodded slightly, raised his eyes and looked into the sedan chair, his eyes flashed slightly.

"It was actually bitten by this poisonous python!: His tone was full of horror.

Jia Xu saw his surprise, stepped forward and lifted the sedan chair. After a glance, he nodded slightly and sighed: "It's a soul eater, this thing is rare, and the toxin is extremely violent. It stands to reason that it should have died long ago. Up!"

"How can I survive this time, I'm afraid there is an expert behind me to help?"

Although Yue Chen did not see the specific bite of the poisonous python, he could also see the extraordinary features of this poisonous python, and Jia Xu was proficient in poisoning, especially after he came to the mainland of Kyushu, he almost searched and found it. Poison books.

Therefore, it was only a glance to see that the poison of the young man in the sedan chair came from the monsters of soul-eaters and poisonous pythons.

The level of this monster beast is not high, but the poison has a characteristic, that is, it does not explode at first, but slowly brews in the poisoned person's body.

After waiting for a period of time, it will suddenly erupt, and even the gods will be difficult to save by then, even Jia Xu admits that he does not have the ability to cure this toxin.

And according to his observation, the toxin in the youth is probably dead now instead of simply fainting.

The steward smiled bitterly: "Thanks to the poisonous hand and kind-hearted senior, he and my family are old friends, so once left a pill that is anti-virus."

"So in the event of an accident, we hurriedly served the young master to save the young master's life temporarily!"

After listening to his explanation, a trace of admiration flashed in Yue Chen's eyes.

No matter which aspect of the ability can be exercised to the extreme, it is enough to win his respect.

Especially the poisonous hand, Cixin Cheng Tong, who can also benefit one party, made him take a high look.

"In that case, we might as well travel together, we just happen to be going to meet Senior Poisoner, so we might have some help on the way!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Yue Chen's mouth.

The old butler hurriedly thanked him: "Okay! Thank you, this man...Thank you, this man!"

He was worried about what to do on the road ahead. After all, they had been targeted by the poisonous beasts in the mountains. The attack was definitely more than a wave of simple attacks, and the road behind would only be more difficult.

He was even thinking about whether to invite Yue Chen to go with him, but he didn't expect that Yue Chen would take the initiative to raise this matter, but he was very excited.

Yue Chen didn't talk any more nonsense, leading Jia Xu and others to follow the team, there were two poisonous beasts as a town, and the poison within a few kilometers could feel the power of Yue Chen and others.

Let alone follow, one by one hides far away, for fear of being caught by Yue Chen and others.

However, in a short time everyone came to the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was extremely empty. Only in the center was a very simple thatched hut. It seemed weak and windy. It seemed that a stronger wind could uproot the thatched hut.

There are a lot of colorful flowers planted around. From the color, I am afraid that these flowers are not kind, each of them is highly poisonous.

"Senior Cheng Tong... the younger is Li Wen, come here to see you at the order of my grandfather!"

Li Wen took the lead and said.

He is the most anxious among this group of people.

After all, this Baita City is his home, and if it is destroyed, he can only leave his hometown.

If it were Yue Chen and others, even if they could not successfully get rid of the poisonous gas in the seal, the big deal would be to go home. At most, some self-blame in their hearts would be nothing, after all, they had done their best.

The old man who looked like a housekeeper also yelled a few times, with a rather anxious tone.

After a while, an old man walked out of the thatched hut. His height was not much higher than that of the ghost boy. He carried a big gourd on his back and looked very funny.

The hair on her body is lavender, and even her eyes are purple, which looks a little strange.

"It turned out to be your kid, what is your grandfather's request for me?"

Cheng Tong saw a hint of joy on Li Wenhou's face, after all, his relationship with Li Longshan was very good.

Li Wen was about to speak when he suddenly heard a scream from inside the sedan chair.

"Puff... It hurts me to death..." Everyone looked at the sedan chair for an instant, and Cheng Tong shouted: "You wait for me to treat someone before you talk about us."

Speaking of stepping into the sedan chair, Yue Chen and others also followed with interest.

The toxin of the Soul Devouring Poison Python was almost unsolvable, and Yue Chen was still a little skeptical about Cheng Tong's detoxification.

Jia Xu has a learning attitude. Although the system has infused him with a lot of knowledge about detoxification and poisoning, he has also learned a lot about toxins the day after tomorrow.

But Jia Xu will not let go of any opportunity to learn! Cheng Tong first walked to the young man in the sedan chair, and after a few random glances, he directly took off the gourd behind him, and took out a poisonous python covered in purple with light yellow spots from it.

Yue Chen was a little dumbfounded: "This... isn't this detoxifying?

Why did you take out a poisonous python again? "

"Isn't it ready to take another bite?"

In his opinion, the young man is not far from death. If he is bitten by another poisonous python, he may be able to directly handle the funeral.

The old housekeeper was almost crying, and said in an imploring tone: "Senior Cheng Tong, what are you doing? We are asking you to help, not to murder!"

Cheng Tong glared at him, and said impatiently: "If you don't want him to die, just get out of me, or leave it to you for treatment?"

"Lao Tzu kindly brought out your treasured treasure to save your life. I didn't expect that you still don't know what's good or bad. I'm really mad at me!"

Hearing this, the old butler was helpless, so he could only stand aside obediently, but his eyes were full of worry.

Jia Xu's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Wonderful, this detoxification method is really wonderful!"

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at him, showing puzzled expressions.

Jia Xu explained.

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