Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1752: Cracking method

"That's why your ancestors of the Bai family came up with a method of sealing, wanting to directly spend the time this Demon Emperor spends time in the long river of history, but I didn't expect it except for some accidents!"

Xia Yu said his analysis, and his face was a bit ugly.

As for Yue Chen and others, although this matter has nothing to do with them, all of them are extremely nervous at the moment, and they are very clear about the meaning of Xia Yun's words.

Poison attribute devil emperor, it is not difficult to kill, after all, this devil emperor is not too strong for frontal combat, as long as he is not given a chance to poison, he can be suppressed steadily.

But the problem is that after the slaying of the poison, the strong may still be able to contend, but ordinary people simply cannot resist this degree of poison.

In case of an outbreak, I am afraid that the people of the entire Baita Kingdom will be buried with the Devil Emperor in all likelihood.

"Wenhe, you are also a master at poisoning, is there any way to crack it?"

Yue Chen suddenly seemed to think of something, then turned to look at Jia Xu and asked.

Jia Xu thought for a moment, and did not rush to answer Yue Chen, but went straight to the Li Family Ancestor Temple to investigate for a while, and then released the poison in the five poison flags to search here.

After the six poisons came to the Li family's ancestral hall, they crawled around with excitement like chicken blood. As poisons, they can keenly perceive that there is definitely a large amount of poison gas for them to absorb, but because of the seal. The reason cannot be found.

Jia Xu said: "If I have an idea, I have one way, which is to absorb the poisonous gas through these poisons, and then slowly digest or discharge it."

"This can prevent poison gas from harming the White Tower country, but now there is a problem, that is, this poison gas cannot be exported, and these poisonous beasts can't swallow it."

"You must find a master of poisoning and let him derive the poison gas to dissolve it!"

"But before this, I am afraid that a strong person will continue to instill true qi to stabilize the seal. After all, I can feel that the seal formation has been shaky, reaching the edge of damage, if it is not waiting for a master to find a poisoner, the seal will be broken. , Then it will fall short!"

After hearing this, Li Longshan showed a hint of joy, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded and said, "Is it necessary to trouble Your Majesty Yue Chen for a trip?"

"This seal needs me to maintain. I'm afraid I can't walk away, but I know a poisonous expert, who is in the territory of Baita Kingdom, and I am also a good friend. I believe he will not sit idly by!"

Li Wen also excitedly said, "Are you Senior Cheng Tong, "Bad Hand and Loving Heart"?

Senior Cheng Tong is also a strong man in the half-step war emperor, he is definitely no problem! "

Li Longshan nodded and said: "Yes, Cheng Tong Zhansheng is not only good at poisoning, but also good at detoxification. If anyone in this radius of thousands of miles can crack the poison of this Poison Devil Emperor, I am afraid this is the only one!"

Upon hearing this, Yue Chen nodded and shouted: "In this case, let's not hesitate, let Li Wen lead the way, let's go to the place where Senior Cheng Tong is now!"

Yue Chen knew that the current situation was urgent, so he didn't want to delay any time. Under the leadership of Li Wen, everyone went to Cheng Tong's direction again.

Even Yue Chen disliked Li Wenfei's slowness and directly dragged his neck to fly.

After a long while everyone came to a mountain.

This mountain is extremely desolate. Although it is not the spring season, the weather is not bad, and the general mountains are somewhat green.

Only this mountain is extremely desolate, not to mention animals, there are not even a few trees or grasses, but there are a lot of bright colors, which look like poisonous plants.

There are even a lot of monsters jumping up and down, looking extraordinarily infiltrating.

"What the **** is this..." Guitong smacked his tongue.

Although he was used to seeing all kinds of steep terrain, he had never seen such a place full of poisonous weeds and insects.

Li Wen explained: "This place is called Duze Mountain. It was originally filled with poisonous insects and beasts and no one wanted to come. Later, after Senior Cheng Tong came to my Baita country, my grandfather gave this place to Senior Cheng Tong."

While they were speaking, everyone had already walked up the mountain. Since this time they were here to ask for help, they naturally couldn't fly up in a big way. This seemed disrespectful to Cheng Tong.

Therefore, Yue Chen and others chose to climb slowly. Although the speed was a bit slower, there was Li Longshan in the Ancestral Temple of Baita City, and there would be no trouble for a while.

"Wait, is there someone in front of me calling for help!"

With sharp eyes, Xia Yu said suddenly as if seeing something.

Everyone looked in the direction she was pointing, several people in front were carrying a sedan chair, and several warriors were guarding it.

But they ran into some trouble. Several toads the size of a person yelled to surround them, and their tongues kept popping out.

A few warriors are just the strength of the military commander, and they can only reluctantly support the left and the right. Both the strength and the number are at a disadvantage, and I am afraid that they will be besieged in a short time.

"All human races, save them once!"

Yue Chen shouted.

Although he doesn't like to be nosy, everyone is a human race. It would be too cold-blooded and ruthless to see that this kind of effort is ignored.

Jia Xu nodded slightly, waved the five poisonous banners in his hand, and two huge toads appeared in front of everyone.

Gu Gu... Gu Gu... A pair of toads called out twice, suddenly jumped up, jumped out for a few miles, and landed heavily on the ground, just in front of the besieged people.

He just turned his head and glared at the little toads. The toads that were tall alone retreated like a nemesis, and didn't dare to stay here any longer.

After all, although both sides are toads, the difference in strength is too huge! As a result, the little toads on the poisonous mountain did not have the courage to fight against the poisonous beasts.

Guru! Although the poisonous toad frightened away the little toads, for these warriors, there was not a trace of relief in their hearts, but the fear multiplied.

Without him, this poisonous beast toad is countless times stronger than the little toad before it, no matter its size or power, but standing here, a few warriors feel that they are already numb.

I am afraid it has been poisoned.

"It's over... I'm afraid we're dead... = It's just to hurt the young master... Not only did he not get cured, but he died!"

The head of the guard captain was crying and desperate.

In his opinion, the pair of poisonous toads was here to devour himself and others, and now he and others can be said to be bound to death.

However, after waiting for a long time, he didn't see any attacking actions from the poisonous toad, but looked at them lazily, as if he couldn't take any interest at all.

"This... what's going on?

Does this monster still eat people? "

The captain of the guard asked in doubt.

The next second he saw the poisonous toad look flattering and flattering, jumping back to Jia Xu's side.

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