"The method Cheng Tong Zhansheng prepared to use was to use one toxin to destroy another toxin. The one he held in his hand was called the Domineering Python, which was extremely poisonous."

"The reason why it is called a tyrannical python is because of its tyrannical nature, it cannot coexist with other poisonous pythons, and even likes to swallow other poisonous pythons."

"So its toxicity has inherited this, and it can directly swallow the poison of the Devourer Python, leaving only the toxicity of the Tyrannical Python!"

Upon hearing this, Guitong said in a puzzled way: "Then there is still toxicity in the body, isn't it useless?"

"What is the difference between getting rid of one kind of toxicity and getting another kind of toxicity?"

Jia Xu said helplessly: "The toxins are also very different. Some toxins are difficult to get rid of, just like the poison of the soul-eating poisonous python. Now it has penetrated into the heart and it is difficult to take out."

"But the poison of the Tyrannical Python is different. Although it is extremely domineering and violent, it only takes three minutes to kill a strong warrior after being completely poisoned, but it is not that troublesome to expel it!"

After listening to this explanation, everyone nodded, understanding why Cheng Tong wanted to treat like this.

Cheng Tong looked back at Jia Xu, his eyes full of appreciation, as if he had met a friend, and immediately started his own treatment.

He first put the Tyrant Python Fang in his hand on the young man. The Tyrant Python had an extremely grumpy temper, and he bit it without any hesitation. He was then taken back into the gourd, and the young man bitten by the Tyrant Python had a blue face. It relieved a lot in an instant, and after a few seconds, it turned into a normal face. This is the reason why the toxin of the soul-eating poisonous python was removed.

However, before the butlers showed joy, the situation changed dramatically again! The youth's face suddenly became black and black, and it was even more permeating than what he had just looked at. Qiqiao even began to seep blood outside, which looked extremely terrifying.

The housekeeper was even more frightened. He swallowed his mouth and said, "What's the matter with Cheng Tong? How did our young master become like this... It was not all right just now..." Cheng Tong gave him a glance and said: "Very Simply, the poison of the Tyrannical Python has been attacked, and now you can take it back. You have already solved the poison of the Devourer Python!"

Hearing this, the butler had an expression of crying but no tears. Before he could speak, Cheng Tong suddenly showed an innocent smile on the old face of a child's successful prank, and took out a pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the young man.

The black on the young man's face dissipated in an instant, his breath gradually stabilized, and the blood flowing out of the seven orifices also slowly stopped.

"The person has been cured. This is an anti-drug pill. If you hold it along the road, there will be no poison to harass you."

"Hurry down the mountain, don't touch the flowers and plants here on the road, they are poisonous!"

After Cheng Tong handed an elixir to the old butler, Qian Xingwan ordered it again, and then turned to look at Yue Chen and others after watching a few people go down the mountain.

"Xiaowen, who are these?"

Cheng Tong looked at Yue Chen and the others and asked.

At this moment Yue Chen still looked like he was wearing a mask, so Cheng Tong did not recognize him.

Li Wen introduced: "This is the battle saint Yue Chen, the one my grandfather often mentions!"

"This young lady is the direct descendant of the God of War of Jinhuzhou on the Qingping Continent, Miss Xia Yu, and as for these two are the subordinates of Battle Sage Yue Chen, one is called Jia Xu, who is also a Poison Master."

"This is called Guitong!"

After listening to Li Wen's introduction, Cheng Tong's eyes were full of surprise. Obviously, he did not expect that Yue Chen would come here, and there was a descendant of the God of War by his side! "Tsk tusk... I have long heard that His Majesty Yue Chen is a strong man, but I didn't expect to bring a beautiful woman to my Baizhou tour!"

Cheng Tong ridiculed himself familiarly.

Yue Chen showed a look of helplessness, but he just saw Cheng Tong joking with the housekeeper, he knew that Cheng Tong's personality was probably similar to Elder Tao.

As the so-called people gather in groups, and can be friends with Elder Tao’s friend Li Longshan, their character is not that kind of pedantic existence.

Yue Chen believed that if it were not for the ancestral hall, Li Longshan's performance would not be any better than Cheng Tong.

But Yue Chen didn't mind, instead he rushed to be kind of kind.

This is also one of the contacts that Elder Tao brought to him. Without Elder Tao, I am afraid that his journey would not be so smooth.

Although Yue Chen didn't care in his heart, he didn't notice Xia Yu's pretty face in the corner was reddening, and the expression on Yue Chen looked a little different.

Although she is obsessed with archaeology and is an out-and-out otaku, she is not without emotion.

Which girl doesn't cherish spring?

She is also in the first grade of love, and it is inevitable that she has some different thoughts in her heart.

"Senior Cheng Tong joked, the kid is here to ask for something serious this time!"

Yue Chendui smiled.

Cheng Tong was startled, looking at Li Wen's nervous expression, he was a little puzzled: "What is the business, could it be that the old guy Li Longshan had an accident!"

His tone is also a bit anxious. You must know that he is withdrawn and has few friends. The only one who can be regarded as a friend is Li Longshan.

Li Wen shook his head and nodded again, not knowing what to say for a while.

Yue Chen replied for him: "Yes, but neither is it!"

"The current situation is not just that Senior Li Longshan is about to have an accident, but the entire Baita Kingdom is about to have a catastrophe!"

"And now the only hope to be saved is you, Senior!"

Hearing this, Cheng Tong was startled and puzzled: "What the **** is going on, please talk about it carefully. If I can help, I will not be stingy!"

Although the Kingdom of White Tower is not his hometown, he has been in the Kingdom of White Tower for many years and naturally has some feelings. Seeing what Yue Chen said so seriously, he was also a little worried.

Yue Chen said: "Miss Xia Yun has done a lot of research on archaeology. In the ancestral hall of the Li family, she discovered that a demon emperor was sealed in it, and she was about to break through the seal."

"If it's just a simple Devil Emperor, we will naturally not come to trouble seniors for your help, but this Devil Emperor is a poisonous Devil Emperor. If you blew yourself up, you should also be aware of the consequences. It is no exaggeration to say that I am afraid this White Tower Kingdom. It will be over."

"But we also came up with an idea, that is to use poisonous beasts to cannibalize and digest the poisonous gas. Now the only obstacle is how to derive the poisonous gas from the seal. Only then do we want to trouble the seniors.

Hearing this, Cheng Tong sighed and said with a helpless expression: "If it's something else, I'm afraid I can still help, but I really can't do anything about it!"

Upon hearing this, Yue Chen asked with a puzzled expression: "Senior Cheng Tong, what do you mean?"

Cheng Tongyou said: "It's true that I have poisonous gas attacking my heart. The whole meridian is full of poisonous gas, but I am just lingering. Although there will be no life-threatening for a while, I dare not approach the powerful poisonous gas."

"Not to mention facing the poisonous emperor, I can only add chaos to you, I am afraid that the other party can detonate the toxin on my body with a single thought!"

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