Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1736: Elemental Seal Synthesis

Otherwise, even if he was crushed by his strength, it would not be easy to deal with the extremely difficult water and fire elemental war sages.

Sword Qi was decayed along the way, even these floor tiles, which existed for thousands of years and were comparable to low-level magic weapons, were shattered in front of this sword Qi.

However, at the moment when Shi Jian's domineering sword aura hit the five-element spirit puppet, the five-element spirit puppet gently waved his hand and punched out a fist shadow.

This boxing shadow shone in five colors, as if it was all-encompassing.

Whether it is the sharpness of the gold element, the vitality of the wood element, the containment of the water element, the violence of the fire element, and the solidity of the earth element are all wrapped in it.

boom! The two energies collided heavily, and Shi Jian's sword aura was not as good as before. Instead, he let out a scream and was directly shattered.

puff! The stone statue in the distance felt like Jian Qi, vomiting a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly became extremely pale.

"Damn... my sword aura and laws... were actually shattered!"

This carved stone seemed to be a lot weaker, and even the realm was somewhat unstable, and it might fall at any time.

Although his domineering sword spirit is powerful, and can restrain most of the martial arts, magic weapons, and supernatural powers, it is not completely without shortcomings.

With domineering sword energy, the state of mind must go along with the dignified dominance.

Although Shi Jian has gained a lot of benefits from his domineering sword aura, he also paid a lot of price in order to maintain his domineering sword aura.

For example, Liu Xiaolou is no more than a warlord. If Shi Jian uses some conspiracy and tricks, he will use some benefits to hire the gray forces to hunt down Liu Xiaolou.

I am afraid that even if Liu Xiaoloufu had a big life, he would have died in the pursuit of the gray forces a long time ago.

However, because of the special principles of practice, Shi Jian knew very well that if he resorted to that kind of conspiracy, his realm would fall, and this allowed Liu Xiaolou to escape.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he was directly shattered by the Five Elements Spirit Puppet, causing his mood to fall, and his realm was a bit turbulent.

"This... the five-element spirit puppet is too powerful!" "Even Shi Jian Zhandi was shattered by a punch, I am afraid we absolutely can't deal with this stuff!"

"Quick retreat... Quickly open the retreat!"

Everyone screamed, although this five-element spirit puppet did not seem to be sane, after defeating Shi Jian, he did not choose to chase him down, but watched Shi Jian flee back to the crowd.

But still running at a slow pace in the direction where everyone is, and it won't take long to meet everyone.

"His Majesty Shi Jian, you are the only one who has played against him. How do you feel about the strength of this thing?"

Yue Chen asked sternly.

Shi Jian pondered for a moment and said: "The second-order war emperor, although slightly stronger than the first-order war emperor, is also limited."

"But now my foundation is not stable, and I can only play the strength of the half-step war emperor in a short time. I am afraid that we will be more ill-fortuned this time!"

Even if Shi Jian wanted to kill Liu Xiaolou with a punch in his heart, he was also very clear that it was a moment of life and death, and he could only help each other with Yue Chen and others.

Get through this difficulty first, and talk about other things after you survive.

While speaking, the five-element spirit puppet took a few steps forward, Yan Gang frowned slightly, and said in a firm tone: "No matter how you hold this thing, you can't let it move on."

"I have the strongest defense, so I will go first. If I can't stop, I'll leave it to you!"

After putting down these words, Yan Gang shot out like a human-shaped cannonball, blasting towards the Five Elements Spirit Puppet.

Boom! Yan Gang slammed a heavy punch at the Five Elements Spirit Puppet. This punch was even more powerful than before when he dealt with the Earth Elemental War Sage, and almost smashed his whole body's strength.

"This punch should be able to do meritorious work, at least it should be able to smash the five-element spirit puppet back a few steps!"

Shi Jian took a pill to heal his injuries while analyzing.

In the eyes of Yan Gang's strength, he was extremely strong in hand-to-hand combat. Neither his strength nor his defensive power could be possessed by the battle saint's strength, and it was not inferior to some battle emperors.

Therefore, he concluded that this punch can shake the pace of the Five Elements Spirit Puppet.

puff! However, in the next second everyone was a little dumbfounded, and saw the body of the Five Elements Spirit Puppet suddenly become transparent, like a water element.

Yan Gang's powerful punch was directly shot through the body of the five-element spirit puppet, and he fell heavily to the ground. He even couldn't retract it because of too much force, and half of his body was embedded in the ground.

"Iwa Go!"

Iwakui yelled anxiously. Although he is sinister, he and Iwagang are brothers, so I can't watch Iwagang suffer.

Shook his fist and hit the Five Elements Spirit Puppet.

However, his strength was much inferior to that of Yankui. The five-element spirit puppet waved at will, and a water column rushed him out dozens of meters like a waterfall.

Then he grabbed Yan Gang who had just struggled out of the floor, slammed Yan Gang with a heavy punch, and directly smashed Yan Gang out, falling to the ground and vomiting a mouthful of blood.

"Damn, this thing is too weird, it can still switch forms, I will go up first, Yue Chen, you will be the next one!"

"Although we have contradictions, when life and death are at stake, I hope that we can temporarily let go of the contradictions!"

Shi Jian sternly shouted.

He is the same human race, even if there is internal fighting between each other, when facing the five-element spirit puppet this kind of alien monster, he still chooses to put down the contradiction with Yue Chen.

Yue Chen nodded slightly and said: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who can't tell the priorities. Besides, our conflicts are not impossible to reconcile!"

After all, even a sinister person like Yankui can charge and fall into battle at this time. Yue Chen thinks that he will never be worse than Yankui, right?

What's more, he now has an idea to deal with the Five Elements Spirit Puppet! After speaking, Shi Jian nodded in relief and rushed towards the Five Elements Spirit Puppet.

Yue Chen was not idle either, and ran towards Yan Gang with a move. At this time, Yan Gang was in a very poor state, with a burnt smell on his body, and a big hole was directly broken by the Five Elements Spirit Puppet behind him. Oozing.

Yue Chen first took out an elixir from the storage ring to help him take it. After a while, Yan just woke up, barely squeezed out a smile, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Your Majesty Yue Chen, for helping. I'm afraid I can't fight again. !"

"But it is my honor to die with a strong man like Your Majesty Yue Chen!"

Yue Chen pulled up a black line on his forehead, and muttered in his heart, "Who wants to die with you?"

But he knew that the situation was urgent now, and he didn't have time to talk nonsense, and hurriedly said: "Give me that fragment, maybe I still have a chance to deal with the five-element puppet!"

Based on Guitong’s guess and the information on the Fragments of the Elemental Seal, he can probably guess that the ancestors of the Liu family sealed the Elemental Seal in the cemetery, probably for this day, if someone changes his corpse, someone can use the Elemental Seal to seal himself. .

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