Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1735: Five Elements Puppet

Yue Chen frowned. He didn't expect Shi Jian to be so obsessed with beheading Liu Xiaolou, but since he promised to shelter Liu Xiaolou and the system had issued a mission, he naturally couldn't sit by and watch Liu Xiaolou be beheaded by Shi Jian.

"His Majesty Shi Jian, I think we should put aside the controversy for now. Just now Xiaolou said that the ancestors of the Liu family inside have been corpses. With the strength of the ancestors of the Liu family, I am afraid it will not be easy after the resurrection."

"I think we should quickly open up this passage and leave, and we will discuss this after we go out!"

Yue Chen pointed to the blocked retreat behind his back and said.

On the one hand, he wanted to divert the topic and not continue to struggle with Liu Xiaolou's life and death.

On the other hand, he was indeed a little worried about the ancestors of the Liu family after the corpse was transformed. You must know that when the ancestors of the Liu family were alive, they were powerhouses of the war emperor level. Even if their strength is slightly weakened after death, they may not be able to deal with everyone present.

"Hehe, this is just a lie that the kid Liu Xiaolou made up, do you think I will believe it?"

Shi Jian pouted his lips, looking contemptuous, and didn't believe what Yue Chen and Liu Xiaolou said.

In his opinion, this was a lie that Liu Xiaolou deliberately fabricated because he was afraid of death. He wanted to panic and didn't have the time to pay attention to him.

Liu Xiaolou emotionally said: "Brother Yue Chen, go quickly, I can't drag you down, his ancestor has really been resurrected, and there are fluctuations in the five elements in his body."

"I guess he is at least the strength of the war emperor, not you can deal with it, the big deal is that I die in the hands of Shi Jian, and the ancestors will avenge me!"

Liu Xiaolou gritted his teeth when he said this, he didn't want to drag Yue Chen to stay here with him, after all, Yue Chen was an idol he admired very much.

Yue Chen shook his head slightly and said: "Since I promised to save you..." Before he could finish speaking, Yue Chen suddenly heard an explosion that resounded through the world, and the stone gate linking the main tomb with Yue Chen and the others had already been bombed. Fei, now even a large part of the wall has been smashed.

A strange humanoid came out of it.

This humanoid creature looked like an old man, and the eyes inside a pair of pupils were not as simple as ordinary people's eyes. Instead, they flashed five colors of vertical eyes, like a dragon's eye.

Although the walking pace was extremely slow, Yue Chen and others felt a huge pressure from him.

"This...Is this the corpse changed?

How do you feel that it is not much different from normal people? "

Yue Chen was a little puzzled, his eyes looked at Guitong.

After all, this is the only person present who is proficient in this knowledge.

Guitong smacked his tongue: "This...I haven't seen such a situation for so many years. After all, the corpse tricks are all blue-faced fangs, which are very different from ordinary people."

"This thing seems to be true and human, but I know a few rumors, but it's hard to tell whether it's true or not."

"I once heard a senior in the industry said that the stronger the stronger, the more likely it is to become this strange thing after death, and there are some special existences, and the appearance is not much different from that of human beings."

"This thing reminds me of a breed called the Five Elements Spirit Puppet, but the Five Elements Spirit Puppets I have seen have only a single attribute, and there is no intelligence, and there is a big gap with this old thing!"

"Even a normal corpse transformation can't be like this. I guess this old guy has been conspired before his death, and even gradually transformed into an elemental creature, only then will he become this thing after death!"

"I feel that this thing should be similar to the elemental man in essence, it is an extreme elemental creation!"

After listening to Guitong's analysis, Yue Chen's eyes flashed with light, as if thinking of something.

"It's not much different from the elemental creatures. Is the reason why the ancestors of the Liu family sealed the seal of the element in the tomb so that those who enter later can get the seal of the element and then suppress themselves?"

"No wonder even this kind of baby is not spread down, it turns out that it is for this reason!"

Yue Chen secretly said in his heart.

After Yue Chen's analysis, he also dispelled the previous doubts.

After all, the seal of elements is extremely precious. In Yue Chen's view, no matter what funeral customs there were at the time, it was impossible to bring this thing into the grave for no reason.

You must know that this is a top imperial soldier, and can manipulate elemental creatures.

For an empire, it is equivalent to a huge increase in the strength of the masters of the war emperor, and there are a huge number of middle and lower-level soldiers that can be consumed.

If it were not for the necessary reason, Yue Chen felt that no empire would give up this treasure.

"Hehe, what a **** five-element spirit puppet, this emperor will deal with this thing first, and then deal with you slowly!"

Shi Jian said with disdain.

For his own strength, he still has great confidence, even if the ancestors of the Liu family are really resurrected, but it is only the strength of the emperor, and he is not much different.

As for the escape of Yue Chen and others, it is even more nonsense. The tomb passage has been sealed, and when the sealed tomb passage is not known for how long, no one dared to use secret methods to escape to fight for their lives.

Furthermore, he was the only one he wanted to kill, Liu Xiaolou, Yue Chen and others knew the secret method, but Liu Xiaolou didn't, so he boldly carried his sword to the Five Elements Puppet.

Cang! Shi Jian’s long sword came out of its sheath slightly, cutting out a sword aura that pierced the sky. Yue Chen and the others also felt a great pressure from a long distance away. This sword seemed unremarkable, but compared to the previous one. The power of the water and fire elemental warfare was several times greater.

Yue Chen even felt that he had an illusion, as if there was a magnificent palace in front of him, Shi Jian was standing on the top of the palace in a dragon robe, and everyone around was shouting long live in the mountains, respectfully bowing to Shi Jian.

Even he himself has an urge to bow down.

"Damn... Give me a break!"

Yue Chen gave a low drink, and the thunder light all over his body was considered to have escaped from the environment, and he looked around.

Only Zhou Yu, Jia Xu and others were pale, and they barely escaped from the illusion at the same time as themselves, and the faces of other gods and generals showed struggling expressions.

"It's horrible, the power of Shi Jian's law is so powerful, we just glanced at it from a distance, and it actually has such power!"

Yue Chen said in surprise.

The reaction of the other monarchs around was even worse. Several weaker ones had already begun to kneel on the ground, yelling at the same time, such as Long live His Majesty Shi Jian.

The corner of Shi Jian's mouth evokes a trace of complacency, and he is satisfied with the reaction of Yue Chen and others. His law is domineering, and he is particular about going wild and surrendering all the people.

Therefore, when fighting against other martial arts and magical powers, if the gap between the two is too large, the opponent's martial arts, magical powers, and magic weapons that can even be forced to disintegrate directly.

Just like the previous battle against the water and fire elements, the saint relied on the characteristics of the overbearing sword.

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