Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1737: Suppress the Five Elements Spirit Puppet

Yan Gang was startled first, and then hurriedly took out the fragments from the storage ring and handed them to Yue Chen, "Since Your Majesty Yue Chen is confident, then give it to you to try again!"

Yan Kui, who was on the same hand, curled his lips and said with disdain: "Your kid is being fooled by Yue Chen again. He has a **** idea, but he is just rushing to the doctor!"

"That's some tattered pieces, what's the use?"

Even if he was seriously injured at this moment, and in a critical state, he still did not forget to mock Yue Chen.

Yue Chen ignored him and took out the other four fragments from the storage ring. When the five fragments appeared at the same time, each fragment bloomed with a gleam of brilliance, representing their respective attributes.

In the next second, five fragments combined into a complete big seal, exuding majestic elemental power, and fell into Yue Chen's hands.

The seal of the elements is several times larger than the general seal, and the whole body is flashing alternately in five colors, exuding the majestic elemental power.

Although just holding it in his hand without instilling any true energy, Yue Chen also faintly felt that he could even order elemental creatures below the strength of the warlord, and even a single thought could kill these elemental creatures.

The sound of the system also arrived as expected.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the seal of elements!"

"Item: Seal of Elements!"

"Item introduction:" The ancient human race uses the five top elemental crystal nuclei to create the elemental seal, which can manipulate, kill, and seal the elemental creatures. It needs a lot of true energy as support! "

Then came the sound of the system prompting the task to be completed.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the first ring of the master mission of the elemental world and successfully collecting the complete elemental seal.

""Task Reward: A drop of Essence Blood. "

Yue Chen looked at the simple introduction and the prompt sound of task completion, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but clenched the mark of elements in his hand.

But the next second his face became a little gloomy.

Although according to the introduction of Elemental Seal, he can manipulate elemental creatures, and the Five Elements Spirit Puppet is also within his scope of manipulation.

But he probably guessed it. It was already the limit to control an elemental creature with the strength of a war saint with his true energy, not to mention the incomparably powerful five-element spirit puppet.

I am afraid that the exhaustion of his true energy will only cause some trouble for the Five Elements Spirit Puppet at best.

Boom! When Yue Chen was in a daze, a loud noise suddenly erupted. Yue Chen looked at it, Shi Jian was directly blasted out by the scorching punch of the Five Elements Spirit Puppet, and fell heavily to the ground.

However, Shi Jian did not dare to delay. After spitting out a mouthful of old blood, he flew in the direction of Yue Chen and shouted: "Yue Chen, it's up to you to do it. Now you are the only one with the strongest strength left!"

At this moment, he was already at the end of the crossbow, and he really didn't have the ability to fight the Five Elements Spirit Puppet.

Yue Chen nodded slightly, shook the seal of the element in his hand and said: "I understand, but this is no way to consume it. Even if we go one by one, we will inevitably be killed by the Five Elements Spirit Puppet in the end."

Speaking of him, he pointed to the monarchs who were madly opening their way. Shi Jian blocked the five-element spirit puppets on the front line. Naturally, these monarchs were not eating dry food. They crazily chopped the stone slabs and steel plates that blocked the retreat with their weapons.

However, the effect was minimal. The ancestors of the Liu family seemed determined not to let anyone out alive. They not only blocked the retreat with layers of slabs, but also used layers of steel plates in the middle, all of which were used to forge nine-level magic weapons. Reinforce with some means.

Although not comparable to God's soldiers, it is still much better than the nine-level magic weapon in the hands of the monarchs.

Although it is not completely indestructible, it takes a lot of time, and what Yue Chen and others lack most now is time.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to escape?"

Shi Jian was a little displeased.

He didn't want to spend a long time fighting here, but let Yue Chen flee.

Yue Chen shook his head and said: "Not so, even if I can run alone, but I still have so many subordinates, how can I escape?"

"Look at the thing in my hand, you are going to find the seal of the elements, or the seal of the ancestor of the Liu family!"

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention, Yankui beat his chest even more angrily, wishing to slap himself a few times.

"Damn... this thing is a treasure, if it can be dedicated to the ancestor, at least it can increase the ancestor's combat effectiveness by 30%!"

"How to get this guy Yue Chen, it's **** it!"

Yan Kui scolded angrily, wishing that he could not take it directly from Yue Chen.

If he knew it was a baby, he would have to buy it back from everyone, even if he hadn't said anything, it was a pity that it was too late to say anything.

Yue Chen had already held it in his hand, and he knew that he would not be able to take it back again.

"I understand!"

The ghost boy was wise and said: "I understand what you mean, your Majesty. Anything like this kind of corpse will have very deep obsessions in his heart, so it will be restless!"

"This old thing has to hold this elemental seal in his hand even if he died, which proves that he loves this thing very much. As long as we return this elemental seal to this old thing, maybe he can let us one!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded and gave thumbs up to praise Guitong's wit.

"Yes, it must be the truth, let's return things to him, it's a big deal to get nothing, it's better than losing our lives, right?"


Your Majesty Yue Chen hastened to return this thing to this old thing, let's leave now! "

"Unexpectedly, there is such a method of cracking. Guitong brothers are really clever. Have you considered coming to our country to be a military teacher?"

Only Liu Xiaolou's face was a little weird, he wanted to speak but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, he had the lowest status and the weakest strength among all the people present, and he couldn't even talk.

But listening to everyone calling one's ancestors one by one with old things and old things, it was inevitable to feel a little awkward.


Yue Chen coughed awkwardly, and said helplessly: "It's not what you think. This elemental seal can seal and kill elemental creatures. This five-element spirit puppet is also a kind of elemental creatures. Maybe we can use the elemental creatures. Print against him!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Yue Chen with delighted eyes, and was speechless for a long while.

It seems to be asking, why don’t you rush to kill this thing?

Yue Chen reluctantly explained: "Whether it is to kill or seal, the true energy required is too huge, I am only a fourth-order battle saint, the true energy gap is too big, and you need your help!"

Everyone was awakening like a dream, and even many people realized that Yue Chen was only the fourth-order strength of the battle saint.

Yue Chen's eye-catching performance has always caused many people to ignore his strength and treat him as a strong man at the peak of the battle.

"So that's the case, then let's not delay, we should seal this thing as soon as possible!"

Stone Nut broke.

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