Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1732: Fierce battle

"Reminder: This task is a multi-loop task. If the previous link cannot be completed perfectly, it will affect the subsequent tasks."

At the same time, Yue Chen heard the message of the Fragment of the Seal of Elements in his hand.

"Item: Fragment of Elemental Seal (Wood Attribute "Introduction: Elemental Seal is a prop used to manipulate elemental creatures after the ancient human race forged the elemental world. This item is a fragment of Elemental Seal. If there are five After the fragments are fused, you can manipulate the elemental creatures below the war emperor."

Yue Chen's face changed slightly, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that the seal of the element he was inevitable would be so easy to get his hands.

Although only one-fifth of the fragments, but the remaining four-fifths he knew very well that it should be in the body of the other four elemental war saints.

Thinking of this, Yue Chen looked at the other four elemental war sages, Shi Jian and others.

At this moment, Shi Jian was a little embarrassed, his body was scorched black by the fire element, and his original neat haircut was also extremely messy by the two elemental war saints.

But he didn't suffer any substantial damage. On the other hand, the two elemental war sages were constantly stabbed by the sword energy burst from the long sword in Shi Jian's hand, screaming again and again.

Seeing that Yue Chen had finished the battle, Shi Jian was also a little anxious, and he no longer kept his hands at the moment.

Law: Domineering sword! Shi Jian's face showed a bit of fierceness, and he looked like a hero, and he shouted angrily: "Go to hell, take the sword of this emperor!"

The dragon pattern long sword in his hand was also cut out. Although Yue Chen and the others were far away, they could feel the feeling of this sword.

"Damn...this thing actually makes me feel like I want to surrender..." Guitong gritted his teeth, holding his legs on his knees and not letting him kneel down.

At this moment, Yue Chen's face was not very good, although he was not as reluctant as Guitong, but when Shi Jian was out of the sword, he actually had a hint of wanting to surrender.

However, this mess of thoughts was thrown out of his mind in an instant, but he was still shocked by the power of Shi Jian's law.

"Sure enough, no one who can become a strong emperor is a simple character!"

Yue Chen said with emotion.

Zhou Yu nodded slightly in agreement: "Indeed, when I was studying the history of Kunlun Kingdom, I was a little curious about why so many civil servants and generals were extremely loyal to Liu, and Shi Jian, a man who had just entered Kunlun Kingdom without any foundation, was able to usurp the throne. "

"After all, usurping the throne is not only about strength, but also for the support of civil and military officials and the people's support. It stands to reason that Shi Jian is not in touch with any of them."

"Now it seems that he relies on the hegemonic power of his own practice and can forcefully suppress those who oppose him!"

Everyone nodded one after another and agreed with Zhou Yu's analysis.

Yue Chen and others are far apart, and it is not the goal of this domineering sword that is affected in this way. The water and fire elemental war sage facing the domineering sword will naturally be more powerful.

For a time, the two warlords actually forgot to resist and defend, and they looked like they were slaughtering their necks, and their bodies were penetrated by domineering sword energy.

The flame on the Fire Elemental War Sage instantly extinguished, without even screaming, it turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared without a trace, and a fragment-like thing fell to the ground.

The water elemental war sage also ended in the same way. The original endless water flow was cut into two directly, and no longer closed.

Even its face completely made of water showed a trace of humanized surprise, and then it turned into a pool of clear water in everyone's sight and dissipated completely.

Only one piece of metal fragments and a piece of jade-like fragments were left.

Shi Jian took a step and picked up the two fragments on the ground, weighing them in his hands, with a hint of curiosity.

Even if he was the Lord of War Emperor, he didn't see what these two things were.

"Yangang, you have to speed up, even the kid Yue Chen has solved it!"

Yan Kui looked at Yue Chen who had finished the battle and looked like watching a play, and couldn't help being angry.

At this moment, Yan Gang is blasting with the earth element.

The two seemed to be fighting in a turn-based manner. Iwagang first slammed a heavy punch and hit the earth element heavily.

Boom! This punch directly smashed a big hole on the Earth Elemental War Sage, and countless stones and loess were smashed down.

Naturally, the earth element was unwilling to show weakness, and also blasted out with a punch, smashing Yangang's body with a giant fist with a spike. This huge force directly smashed Yangang into the soil, but Yangang was unharmed.

"Happy, it's been a long time since I fought so heartily!"

Iwa just smiled.

Then he shook his head and said helplessly: "I can't play with you anymore. Brother Huang has urged me to end the battle soon!"

As he said, he shouted angrily, smashing the earth element like a human-shaped nuclear bomb, and his fists slammed on the earth element like a violent storm.

The huge earth elemental war sage did not have the power to fight back at all, and was fisted back and forth again and again by his mad dog-like combination. This fist did not have the slightest fancy, and some were only suppressed by strength and defense.

Boom! Boom! The Earth Elemental War Sage was smashed back dozens of steps, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, fell to the ground and turned into a pile of loess, leaving only a fragment in front of Yan Gang, who was picked up by Yan Gang.

As Iwa just finished the battle, the Golden Elemental War Sage also came to an end.

Although the gold element is considered the strongest existence among the five elements, whether it is offensive or defensive or speed is almost uncertain, but the gold element warlord is not against one person, but a group of people.

Before he could make a move, he was entangled with dozens of magic weapons, martial arts, and supernatural powers.

These attacks are different, and some are control types, which directly control the actions of the gold element, making him a living target that can only be beaten on the spot.

Some are magic.

Some are physical damage, and traces are constantly drawn on the gold element body, even if it is tough, it can't withstand the ravages of dozens of warlords.

We must know that to be the king of a country, apart from blood, no combat power will be weak.

Even the most inconspicuous Long Dajiang, if he was allowed to confront the same realm warlord of the gray forces, at least he would be able to fight one enemy two, and one enemy three.

Not long after the earth element collapsed, the gold element warlord screamed and fell to the ground and turned into metal residue.

As for the broken pieces, it was also picked up by a monarch.

"Everyone, since we have defeated these few elemental war saints blocking the way, let's hurry up and go deeper!"

Shi Jian shouted.

He always felt inexplicable palpitations in his heart, and it seemed that something bad would happen.

Knowing that the Zhandi strongman's ability to control his own body has reached the state of minimizing, it is absolutely impossible to feel strange inexplicably. The only explanation is that he may really be in trouble.

In his opinion, his biggest trouble is Liu Xiaolou.

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