Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1731: Vulcan projection

As soon as the voice fell, Serena had finished casting the spell, wiped off the sweat from her forehead, her face turned pale.

"Your Majesty, the magic has been completed. Because there are several elemental people, the five elements are more active, so I took advantage of the trend to invite a ghost of Vulcan."

"Although it is just an afterimage, it should be more than enough to deal with this wood element!"

Serena was relieved.

Following her voice, a portal made of flame suddenly appeared above the wood element, and a big, burning scarlet hand stretched out from the portal.

Crunch! The portal creaked as if it could not bear this huge force, and the Vulcan Projection also accelerated its pace.

A moment later, a projection that was as powerful as a **** appeared in front of everyone, a red-red luxury armor, burning with the flames of the gods, even the fire element was inferior at this moment.

Especially the tall body is enough to compete with the wood elements, even faintly beyond a few points.

"Your Majesty, I will use the Vulcan projection to attack, but your Majesty, you and the gods will also assist you. After all, this is just a projection, which can only exist for a few minutes at most."

"If I can't kill the wood element within a few minutes, I can't call the projection again in a short time."

Serena reminded.

In the next second, Vulcan Projection drew a long sword burning with indestructible flames from the void, and rushed towards the Wood Elemental War Saint with an angry shout.

Even if the two are tens of meters away, the branches of the Wood Elemental War Sage have already begun to burn, and there is a painful roar in his mouth.

Cang! The Vulcan projection long sword cut out, and a flame sword gas shot out from the sky and the earth, turning into the **** of the sea of ​​fire wherever it went.

Roar! Roar! The Wood Elemental War Saint roared a few times as if he felt a catastrophe, and waved the branches and vines crazily to stop the sword.

It's a pity that his vines and branches didn't even touch the flame sword aura, so they were scorched by the scorching heat of the gods, and they crackled on the ground and turned into coke.

boom! The Wood Elemental War Sage was bombarded by the sword aura, but the tens of meters tall body was like a piece of white paper at the moment, flying out lightly and hitting the corner of the tomb heavily.

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him!"

Yue Chen shouted.

Since Serena had created such a good opportunity for herself, he would naturally not delay, and the silver spear in his hand shot out waves of powerful thunder and lightning towards the wooden element warlord.

boom! The thunder and lightning were like blue dragons, and every bombardment was accompanied by the screams of the Wood Elemental Warlord. Even the skin of the Wood Elemental Warlord was scorched black, almost completely wounded.

"Your Majesty...this guy wants to use the same old way to recover himself!"

Guitong said with sharp eyes.

The Wooden Elemental Battle Saint knew that he was not the opponent of Yue Chen and the others on the front battlefield, and began to fight a war of attrition, the green light on his body flickered, and he wanted to repeat the old trick.

If he healed all his injuries, wouldn't Yue Chen and the others work in vain?

Serena said: "Don't worry, this recovery is definitely not as easy as before. As a wood element, what I fear most is the attack of the two elements of thunder and fire. Thunder can cut off his vitality, and fire can destroy his drive."

"Even if it is a recovery, it is impossible to recover as quickly as before!"

Sure enough, although the green light on the Wood Elemental War Sage was even greater this time, the effect was minimal.

The branches and vines that were burned into coke by the flame recovered extremely slowly. After all, they were uprooted, and there were many scars at the end of the wound that had lost their vitality and turned into black charcoal.

Even if the Wood Elemental War Sage worked hard, it only regained the length of two or three meters, which would not help the battle at all.

There was also the scorched black wound that was struck by Yue Chen's thunder, and there was no sign of recovery, as if it was completely necrotic.

"Selena, the fatal blow depends on your Vulcan projection!"

Yue Chen said with joy on his face.

He didn't dare to know very well that the wood elemental warlord was too big. Although his attack was tyrannical, it was difficult for him to cause any wounds to the wood elemental warlord through the thick bark.

Only the size of the Vulcan Projection is almost the same as that of the Wood Elemental Warlord, and it can burst out an attack capable of slaying the Wood Elemental Warlord.

"Well, your Majesty don't worry!"

Serena agreed.

In the next second, the Vulcan Projection roared again and again, and the long sword in his hand swung continuously, slashing towards the wooden elemental war sage that was dying in the corner.

boom! boom! As the fire elemental sword aura bombarded it, the wood elemental war saint's aura became weaker and weaker. At the beginning, he could wave his branches to resist, summoning the green wood elemental energy to restore him.

After three or four sword auras, he didn't even have the strength to resist and recover, and he gradually weakened to the ground, and his body was also ablaze with flames.

Crackling! With the sound of burning wood, a reminder sound came from Yue Chen's ear, as well as the upgraded yellow light flashing across Selena's body.

"Congratulations to the host's god, Serena, for beheading the wood elemental man of the top of the warlord...rewarding **** coins...rewarding experience...rewarding items..." "Congratulations to the host's **** who upgraded Serena to the third tier of the battle!"

The accumulation of a large amount of experience directly promoted Serena to the third rank of the battle saint.

After all, Serena was basically working in the fight against Wood Element this time. Yue Chen only played a supporting role. With or without his help, Serena could kill Wood Elemental War Saint.

It just takes a little longer.

Other gods will only watch the show here, and no help at all.

"Ghost boy, go and see what kind of crystal nucleus will burst out of this elemental creature with the strength of the war saint!"

Yue Chen shouted.

The ghost boy excitedly rushed towards the huge burning body of the Wood Elemental War Saint, slashing left and then with the big sword in his hand, and it took a long while to fly back with a palm-sized object like a shard of jade.

"Your Majesty, this thing should be a burst of crystal nucleus, but it seems to be different from what we have seen before."

Guitong said with some doubts in his tone.

He has also seen the appearance of elemental crystal nuclei, which are generally round with a certain element color, like this kind of fragment, he has not seen it.

A trace of doubt flashed in Yue Chen's eyes. He picked up the fragments in his hands, and the sound of the system came from his ears.

"Activation mission: Lord of the elemental world."

"Task description: The host has obtained one-fifth of the elemental seal. If you get five pieces of the elemental seal, you can synthesize a complete elemental seal, and then you can conquer the elemental creatures and gain command of the elemental creatures."

"If you want to fight against the demons, you must restore the glory of ancient humans. The elemental world can produce a large number of middle and lower-level soldiers. As the grassroots and main force against the demons, it can reduce the casualties of the human race and is an inevitable goal."

"The first step of the mission: collect the complete elemental seal, and you can start the second step."

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