Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1733: Transaction fragments

As long as he can kill Liu Xiaolou, his position as a monarch can be secure.

After hearing his words, everyone was about to continue entering. Yue Chen flashed a sly in his eyes and said: "Wait, you guys should have burst this kind of fragments just now, right?"

"If it doesn't work, it's better to trade it to me!"

Hearing this, everyone started talking.

They all saw the five elements exploding these fragments, but they didn't know what it was.

"Yeah, what is this must be let us know, right?

Isn't it a treasure? "

"That's hard to say, this is something exploded by the elemental creatures at the peak of the battle saint, I don't think it will be worse, right?"

"Maybe it is the material of the artifact, then we are at a big loss, and we must give us some compensation!"

Everyone talked a lot.

With the example of Yue Chen finding out artifact materials from waste varieties, even if they knew that this thing might not be of much use, they wanted to get a share of the pie.

After all, if it is really an emperor soldier, then there will be no less visions and brilliance at the moment of manifestation.

Shi Jian said helplessly: "It's just some waste products, there is not even a trace of energy in it. I am afraid that it is difficult to forge low-level magic weapons. It should be a crystal nucleus that has exhausted all its energy, right?"

As he spoke, he took out the two fragments he had obtained and showed them to everyone.

Yan Gang also took out the fragments he had obtained and said: "It's really useless. If any of you want it, give me a ninth-level magic weapon. This thing is yours!"

The monarch who picked up the metal fragments also took it out. He originally thought it was a treasure, but he didn't expect to find that it was a waste product after getting it, and he was extremely disappointed in his heart.

Just when everyone was dubious, Yue Chen suddenly said: "Since these are all scraps, how about selling it to me Yue Chen?"

"Since I got the materials for the artifact, I think my luck is still good. You make a price, if it is not too exaggerated, I will take it!"

As soon as these words came out, Shi Jian and the others were startled, and then they showed a hint of smile and joy.

This thing is useless in their hands, if you can exchange some benefits from Yue Chen's hands, it's not bad.

After all, Yue Guo now has many good things that are coveted by other countries, such as textbooks commonly used in all grades, which is simply an intangible treasure.

It is of great benefit to the cultivation of the next generation, but it is a pity that most of them can only get some low-level versions, although they can also practice, but there is no follow-up practice.

This has caused a very embarrassing thing. If you don't practice, then the secret book is of no use in your hand. If you practice, if there is no follow-up, you can't let the genius that you have worked so hard to cultivate to study in Yue country, right?

Not to mention the various teaching materials, such as talent stones that can test talents, they have very few obtained through various means.

"Give me a complete set of Yue Guo's teaching materials from low level to high level, and then a thousand stones to test his talent, this thing is yours!"

Shi Jian was the first to speak.

He didn't want to delay too much time in this regard, and he was extremely coveted for Yue Guo's education system.

Yue Chen did not hesitate at all, nodded and said: "After I go out, I will send Yue State Education Ministry to Kunlun State as soon as possible!"

With Yue Chen's assurance, Shi Jian did not hesitate at all, and threw the two fragments in his hand to Yue Chen.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the Elemental Seal Fragment (Water Element) and Elemental Seal Fragment (Fire Element system prompt sounded instantly, and Yue Chen turned his face to look at Yan Gang.

He doesn't worry about the metal fragments in the hands of everyone, as long as he pays a certain price, he can get it.

But Iwakuni and himself have always been hostile, I am afraid that this piece of debris will be difficult.

"Iwagang, Iwakui, what do you want, if I can satisfy you, I will definitely not refuse!"

Yue Chen shouted sternly.

Yan Kui thought for a moment, and a sly smile came up at the corner of his mouth and said: "It's natural to say that the contradiction between our two countries is still in the vixen Qiao Qianqian. If you are willing to persuade Qiao Qianqian to marry me, then this matter is naturally easy to discuss!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yue Chen sneered: "Impossible, Empress Qiao has her own life, and whoever is willing to marry is her freedom. Let alone I have no right to interfere. Even if I can interfere, I will not force her to marry. you."

When the words came out, everyone burst into laughter, and Yankui's expression was full of contempt and sarcasm.

Because a woman fought with Yue Chen.

As a result, being pressed and beaten by Yue Chen for a long time, it was simply embarrassing to the extreme.

Yan Kui snorted angrily, and was about to reject Yue Chen's request, destroying this fragment and did not intend to make Yue Chen cheaper.

Suddenly Iwa just opened the mouth and said: "Play with me for a long time. I haven't tried a hearty battle for a long time. After I go out, you and I will have a good fight and let me move my muscles and bones."

"Whether it is winning or losing, I will give you this fragment, how about?"

Yue Chen focused his head and said: "Yes, I can promise this condition!"

Although he and Iwa Go are hostile camps, he still trusts Iwa Go's character very much.

Although Yan Gang is a bit dull and a bit of martial idiots, he has no interest in other things except fighting and training, but it is better than the sinister Yankui.

Yan Kuiqi's face mumbled for a long while in Yan Gang's ears, but Yan Gang didn't pay attention to him at all. He looked self-conscious, closing his eyes and concentrating.

"As for what you want, you can also ask! Yue Chen turned to look at the people who possessed the golden element fragments.

Because the golden element war emperor was defeated by these monarchs together, there was no clear attribution, and it was evenly distributed to everyone.

"This... how about returning our previous ninth-level magic weapon?"

A monarch tentatively asked.

Yue Chen sneered twice, with a look of disapproval.

Although he knew in his heart that the seal of the elements was definitely considered to be the top of God's soldiers, and it could also manipulate elemental creatures. Although it was not as good as a divine weapon, it was considered a third of the divine weapon.

Compared with the mere dozens of nine-level magic weapons, it is a world of difference.

But if you promise to produce dozens of ninth-level magic weapons, I am afraid that someone with a heart can see that they are eager to gather these pieces, and they will inevitably guess something.

Therefore, Yue Chen was not in a hurry, but rather confidently said: "Your idea is too greedy! Even if this thing can be combined into an emperor soldier, it is probably **** in the emperor soldier."

"And with these dozens of ninth-level magic weapons, I can almost buy a low-level imperial soldier, so why bother to collect these pieces?"

"Furthermore, I have at least a 99% chance that I cannot get the Imperial Soldier. Why take this risk? Are you right?"

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