"Subordinates obey!"

The warrior captain shouted respectfully, and then left Liu Xiaolou and turned to leave.

"Zhou Chong...No...It's Your Majesty Yue Chen..." "Are you really Your Majesty Yue Chen?"

Liu Xiaolou said incoherently.

He couldn't believe that he was so close to the famous Yue Chen in the Nine State Continent.

Although Yue Chen has many black fans, there are also many fans, and countless young girls regard Yue Chen as their idol.

This is even more true for neutral warriors like Liu Xiaolou. After all, most of them are dissatisfied with their empire, so they chose to become neutral warriors.

But he has no good feelings about the evil organization of the Dark Hall.

On the contrary, it is Yue Chen who is very topical, but the man in the wind who has been praised by everyone in terms of strength and character has become their spiritual idol.

The lifelong dream of countless warriors is to become a strong man like Yue Chen who can shelter one party.

"It's me, thanks to your cooperation this time, otherwise, I won't be able to destroy the plan of the dark palace so easily!"

Yue Chen patted Liu Xiaolou on the shoulder, who was even more flattered.

"Then...then are you telling the truth?

Are these dark temples really ready to destroy our Kyushu continent? "

Liu Xiaolou asked after a moment of excitement.

Yue Chen nodded affirmatively, "It is indeed true. The treasure I put away is the magic weapon that the Dark Palace is preparing to locate the Nine Provinces Continent. It is a positioning anchor."

"Once they let their plan succeed, the mainland of Kyushu will really be destroyed!"

Immediately, he took out the anchor point from the storage ring and handed it to Elder Tao. It was useless for him to keep this thing, instead he would be looked at by the dark hall.

It is better to leave it to the temple for safekeeping. If it can be placed with the Zhongzhou God of War, I am afraid that the dark temple will never have the opportunity to make this anchor point idea.

"This is a jade tube in the spirit world, if you have anything you can contact me!"

Yue Chen took out a spirit world jade tube from the storage ring and handed it to Liu Xiaolou. This was also his commendation for Liu Xiaolou's outstanding performance in this mission.

After Liu Xiaolou accepted the jade tube and exchanged a few words with Yue Chen, he turned and left excitedly.

"Your kid is now more and more skilled with this set of methods to win people's hearts!"

Elder Tao said with emotion, he saw that Yue Chen valued Liu Xiaolou's prestige among neutral warriors.

Leaving a good destiny can be used in the future.

"As the monarch of Yue State, I must also consider Yue State!"

Yue Chen smiled.

In the next second, Elder Tao suddenly showed a gossip expression and asked: "But what kind of ecstasy did your kid pour into Ye Yue in the dark hall to make her feel so reluctant to give up to you?"

"When life and death are at stake, I will pull you into the dark hall. I'm afraid this girl is thinking about you in her heart, so she can't forget it!"

"If you want me to say that you might as well use your charm, if you pull Yeyue out of the dark temple, it will be a great thing for you, for the temple, for Yeyue, and for our Nine States Continent."

"You have one more beautiful and beautiful concubine, and our temple and the Jiuzhou Continent are also missing a big worry, as for Ye Yue..." Seeing Elder Tao's chattering gossip, Yue Chen couldn't help but rush to it. After a headache, I quickly interrupted: "Elder Tao, I know you have experience, but Yue Chen can't do this kind of thing!"

Only then did Elder Tao stop, looking at Yue Chen with a sigh, as if he was a younger generation who couldn't understand things.

After a while, it suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and said: "By the way, the dividends of the spirit world live broadcast are coming soon. Your idea is really good. This spirit world live broadcast has developed through these times, plus you Yue Guo A tool forged by Ou Yezi that can store magic weapons."

"This live broadcast of the spirit world can be said to be a business of Rijindoujin. Your dividends are worth hundreds of ninth-level magic weapons, and it can even be converted into several emperor soldiers!"

"Your kid is making a fortune!"

His tone was joyous, after all, the relationship between Elder Tao and Yue Chen was irreversible, and it was a good thing for him to be able to make a fortune when Yue Chen came.

Moreover, the more Yue Chen dividends, the more proof that the temple earns, and that he, who is under pressure to carry out the live broadcast of the spirit world, can also get more benefits.

You should know that when the live broadcast of the spirit world was just launched, the criticism and pressure on Elder Tao was also huge.

In the nine temples in Kyushu, apart from the Lord Zhongzhou who did not express an opinion, and Chuzhou supported Elder Tao, the other temples all criticized Elder Tao's idea.

Some are just discussing in private, but temples like Liaozhou, which are dissatisfied with Elder Tao, have repeatedly attacked Elder Tao on the inside of the temple.

Now that they see such a huge dividend, not only do those people have no reason to criticize Tao themselves, they are probably all regretting their decision.

Thinking of Elder Tao's mouth, he couldn't help but put on a somewhat triumphant smile, rushing to be proud of his wise decision.

I am afraid that he has little hope of becoming a strong emperor in his life, and he is unlikely to become the lord of the palace.

But with this credit, at least the position of an honorary palace master is indispensable, and it can be regarded as satisfying his lifelong wish.

"Thank you Elder Tao, I will give half of the first dividend to the Chuzhou Temple!"

Yue Chen's heart was naturally joyful, and his tone was full of gratitude.

He knew very well that without the strong support of Lin Yan and others in the Temple of Chuzhou, the plan of live broadcast of the spirit world would never be successful.

He still understands the return of the peach, so before Elder Tao refuses, he turns into an afterimage and disappears into Elder Tao's sight.





Five days later, the Golden Luang Temple in Hongyan City, Yue Kingdom! Yue Chen was sitting on the dragon chair. Almost all the civil and military officials of Yue State, who were qualified to enter the hall to discuss matters, stood on both sides of the hall, and everyone smiled.

Today is the day when the temple agreed to send dividends. Although Yue Chen didn't care about such a large amount of finances entering Yue State, Li Si and others would naturally not let go of this opportunity to show Yue State's strength.

Shen Wansan took a list and walked out of the queue happily: "Weichen congratulations to your majesty, our Yue country has really added a windfall this time. Because of this dividend, the budget for next year will be at least a good level, and many plans are okay. Implement."

"For basic education, we have doubled the amount of pills we distributed to students, and in accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Education, we are preparing to start training for specialty students."

"It seems that many students have already shown their talents in alchemy, refining tools, etc. Now is the critical time for cultivation. If they are properly cultivated, the supply of medicines and magical treasures from the Yue Kingdom will be able to reach a higher level within ten years! "

In addition to him, the directors of other departments also looked happy, and Yue State-owned money represented that their departments could also be much more relaxed.

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