Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1712: The Retreat of the Dark Temple

But on the other hand, Ye Yue admired Yue Chen's strength, character and ability from the heart.

She naturally studied Yue Chen's experience.

From a poor Yue country, it took just a few years to become the overlord of Chuzhou, and he repeatedly frustrated the plan of the dark palace.

She even doubted whether Yue Chen was the destiny son of the Jiuzhou Continent.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why Yue Chen developed so rapidly.

She also thought that if Yue Chen joined the dark hall, it would probably not take long before the dark hall would be able to destroy the Nine Provinces Continent.

"Hehe, this shouldn't be the first time you mentioned it?"

"I only have one word to describe things like you eat inside and out, and that is disgusting!"

"As a human race, you have taken refuge in the demons and worked so hard to destroy your hometown. Don't you regret it?"

"You can look at these guys on the ground who were once loyal to you. After knowing that you are really going to exterminate mankind, what are they doing!"

Yue Chen shouted indifferently, looking at the gray forces that had already messed up on the ground.

At this time, these gray forces were busy running on their lives one by one, and they continued to curse the cruel and viciousness of the dark hall.

"Damn the dark palace, didn't you expect you to come here for real?

Laozi has worked so hard for so many years. You said that you want to destroy the Kyushu mainland. Could it be destroyed? "

"Shit thing, I don't want my son to live under the **** of those demons in the future!"

"Kill out, you must not make wedding dresses for the dark palace. Although we usually do unconscionable business, we can never let our children and grandchildren become slaves of the demons!"

The gray gang warriors continued to curse, and they wanted the opportunity to prepare to flee.

Although they have done a lot of bad things with the dark hall on weekdays, most of them are for the sake of mixed food, or for the cultivation of resources.

Except for the group of lunatics in the dark palace, few people want to really destroy the Nine States Continent and reduce the people to the slaves of the demons.

"Hehe, it's just a bunch of ignorant things, it's not worthy of the power of Lord Demon God!"

"But you are different. You have seen more worlds. You should know that the strength of Lord Demon God is not the ability of the Nine States Continent to contend. You can get more by joining the Dark Temple, and you may even become a Demon God one day.

"With your disposition and talent, Lord Devil God might one day hand over the Nine States Continent to you to rule. Isn't this the wish of your Yue country?

As a monarch, don’t you want to unify the entire continent? "

Ye Yue sneered and continued to bewitched.

Yue Chen didn't show any heartbeat about her words, just stabbed a shot coldly.

boom! The spear stabbed out, but before hitting Yeyue, she had already used a secret technique to escape, leaving only a word.

"We will meet again, and one day you will understand the power of the dark temple and Lord Demon God!"

Yue Chen's face was full of contempt, he who possessed the system, simply despised those so-called demon gods.

In his opinion, the Demon God and the God of War, but they are all powerful demons and human races, and he can reach that level sooner or later.

How could he slaughter his friends and subjects for a vague promise?

"Yue Chen, we have met in mountains and rivers, this saint son will not let you go!"

Black soul scolded anxiously.

The reason why he didn't leave with the others in the dark hall was because he knew very well that he would not have any good fruits back to the dark hall.

So he had made up his mind to leave the dark hall temporarily, at least when he could save his life, he would return to the dark hall.

For the black soul, Yue Chen didn't even have any interest in taking care of it. He knew that the black soul secret technique was extremely proficient, and he might not be able to stay with it.

The black soul is also extremely acquainted, knowing that the current situation is dangerous.

Although Yue Chen may not be able to stop him, but when those war emperors come, the secret technique to deal with him is still more than enough, I am afraid that there will be no chance to escape by then.

Therefore, after putting down the ruthless words, he decisively left Luanjiang Island.

However, in a short time, all the reinforcements of the temple arrived, and none of the gray gang warriors who were present escaped, and they were caught by the temple law enforcement warriors.

Originally, they were severely damaged by the storming of the Donghai Clan, and because of their identity, they were originally afraid of the temple law enforcement warriors, and their strength was weakened by three points before they played against them.

Therefore, the law enforcement fighters in the temple had almost no effort, and captured all the members of these gray gangs.

"Tsk's a pity, I didn't catch those big fish, just caught these few small fishes and shrimps, it's not enough for this uncle to take a lesson!"

The ghost boy smacked his lips, with an unfinished look.

"You kid, be content, these dark hall elders are all slippery like mud loach. Our temple has not caught a few after so many years, let alone this rush!"

"Your kid is blowing so hard, why didn't you catch up with those old things just now when they ran away?"

Elder Tao pierced Guitong's cowhide with a single sentence, making it impossible for Guitong to get off the stage.

"Ahem... Elder Tao doesn't say that. I'm not responsible for protecting your old man?"

Guitong explained embarrassingly.

Before Elder Tao ridiculed him a few more words, a few temple warriors wearing golden armor escorted this ragged figure to the crowd.

It was Liu Xiaolou who was escorted. After flying to Yue Chen, he was a little timid. The eyes that looked at Yue Chen were also full of awe and admiration, like a fan seeing his idol.

"Elder Tao, Your Majesty Yue Chen, this kid said that he knew you two, he said he was a cooperator with our temple, and his subordinates were not sure, so he brought him to ask the two of you!"

The leader of the warrior captain asked respectfully.

"Yes, this is indeed our people, including those neutral warriors, who have helped a lot in this operation."

"You have to check carefully, all these neutral warriors should not be wronged. Take them back to the temple and give out some rewards after the investigation is clear, and then let the people go!"

"Be polite, these are our **** brothers, not the evil forces of the gang!"

Elder Tao nodded slightly and said.

He knew that without the cooperation of Liu Xiaolou and the neutral warriors, Yue Chen's plan would not have been realized so smoothly.

At least approaching the anchor point could not be so easy. After all, if it weren't for these neutral warriors to take the lead in making trouble and cause the situation to be deadlocked, the dark palace would not let Yue Chen come forward to explain, and it was even more impossible for an outsider Yue Chen to approach the anchor point.

In the unlikely event that the elder of the dark hall took away the anchor point, all of their arrangements would be considered to be in the water.

These sporadic gray power gangs are nothing compared to positioning anchors, and they are not worth the visit of several war emperors.

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