Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1714: Zhongzhou Kuang Shao

Shen Wansan's character is extremely stingy, or it is a careful calculation.

The resources that each department in the empire should use will not be less, but Shen Wansan will not give more for the extra part, which is extremely detailed by him.

Therefore, the days of all departments are tight. With this dividend, at least Shen Wansan can be generous in auditing, which is a good thing for everyone.

Especially Ma Zongjin, the old man, is even more glorious, unlike the old-fashioned appearance before.

After all, his courtesy department is regarded as the least valued part of Yue State. Yue Chen itself is not a character sticking to etiquette, and other gods and generals are also extremely free and easy, which has caused his ritual department funding to be tight.

Now that he has dividends, Ma Zongjin is already calculating how to expand the ancestral temple of the Yue State and how to carry out the ethical education movement in Yue State.

After all, in addition to the original Yue State's territory, there are still many newly occupied territories in Yue State's territory.

The ethical etiquette of the original country on those lands made this old-fashioned man extremely uncomfortable. If it were not for the limitation of money and ability, he would have been prepared to launch a ritual movement drastically, so that these new citizens who joined the Yue country could understand the country’s ethics. etiquette.

Just when everyone in the Yue State was full of expectations, Elder Tao arrived as scheduled and stumbled into the Golden Temple from mid-air.

However, his condition is not very good, his cheeks are full of redness and swelling, and there are residual palm prints, and he looks miserable when he has just been beaten.

"Elder Tao, what's the matter with you?"

Yue Chen was a little puzzled.

Elder Tao waved his hand and said with a guilty expression: "I'm fine, but the promised dividend may not be in your hands until later!"

"At least you have to wait for Palace Master Lin Yan to return from Zhongzhou, I'm afraid you won't get the dividends for a while!"

His tone was full of guilt, and he didn't even dare to look up and look at Yue Chen.

"It's okay, but Elder Tao, what trouble have you encountered?"

Yue Chen asked with concern.

Everything is working normally for Yue Guo now, even if there is no dividend, the dividend is just icing on the cake.

But Elder Tao's current state made Yue Chen faintly feel bad, and a little bit angry.

In other words, Elder Tao is also his friend, and he has also greatly helped Yue Guo. Without Elder Tao's support, I am afraid that it would not be easy for Yue Guo to get to where he is today.

In almost every action, Yue Chen can get a lot of internal news about the temple from Elder Tao, so now seeing Elder Tao being injured, there is a burning anger in his heart.

Elder Tao sighed and was about to say something when suddenly there were several clamours outside the hall.

"The old thing surnamed Tao quickly get out of me, don't you dare to disobey this young man?"

"It's just a **** elder, don't say Lao Tzu slaps you a few times, even if I kill you?"

Yue Chen frowned slightly, and from these very arrogant words, he faintly guessed the cause of the injury on Elder Tao's face.

Before he was angry, the figure of a young man stepped into the hall, behind him was a guard with a guard expression.

"Your kid is Yue Chen?"

After seeing Yue Chen in a dragon robe, the young man asked unceremoniously.

At the same time, he stretched out his fingers and pointed to Yue Chen's face, without putting Yue Chen in his eyes at all, with an arrogant appearance.

"I am Yue Chen, are you?"

Yue Chen replied with suppressing anger.

Had it not been for Elder Tao who had been winking at him, I am afraid he would have been tempted to teach the youth in front of him.


You don't deserve to know Ben Shao's identity. The only thing I have here is to tell you that the dividends of this live broadcast of the spirit world don't have to wait. It has already belonged to Ben Shao! "

"As for this share, Ben Shao is also going to buy out. Do you think a level 8 magic weapon is enough?"

Youth Road.

"Hurry up and pick it up for Ben Shao, don't forget to say thank you!"

He randomly searched through the storage ring to find a broken eighth-level magic weapon, and fell to the ground like a beggar.

This eighth-level magic weapon is a long sword, but the blade of the long sword is already out of shape. If you don't observe it carefully, I'm afraid most people will think it is a saw.

Like this kind of magic weapon, there is no way to use it at all, and even the value of a seventh-level magic weapon can't compare with it. It is completely to humiliate Yue Chen.

Crunch! Yue Chen clenched his fists and made a violent noise, and he couldn't control his anger and wanted to make a move.

Elder Tao hurriedly persuaded: "This is the son of Dian Hou among the six deputy masters of Zhongzhou, Master Hou Feng!"

Then he whispered in Yue Chen's ear and said: "Let's tolerate him for a while, and when Palace Master Lin Yan returns, we will naturally seek justice for us."

"The Hou family is also a big power in Zhongzhou. It's not something we can easily offend. For the time being, it's just forbearance!"

"After all, the dividends of this live broadcast of the spirit world are too tempting. This is the first time that dividends have been so much profitable. These people are naturally jealous!"

Yue Chen released his fist. Before he could speak, Hou Feng spoke again: "Damn, I asked you to pick it up, didn't you hear?"

"Do you have to slap you a few times so that you can understand?"

Speaking of this, he raised his slap, looking like he was about to draw on Yue Chen's face.

Be yelling! In the next second, an unknown object suddenly hit Hou Feng's head. Unexpectedly, Hou Feng, who was at the elementary level of the battle sage, was hit on the head.

Yue Chen originally thought it was a general who couldn't hold back his anger, so he took action to teach Hou Feng.

Unexpectedly, the next second Ma Zongjin, who was very old, cursed, rolled up his sleeves and rushed in the direction where Hou Feng was.

"You little **** doesn't understand a bit of etiquette, don't think you are a **** from Zhongzhou, I, Yue Guo, will lower you!"

"After all, you are just a war saint. Do you have any throne?

Are there any titles?

Is there a temple position? "

"I don't think you have any. You actually dare to be arrogant in my Yue country, and you dare to deprive my Yue country of shares. It's just looking for death, it's simply dignified!"

"My Yue country is a seventh-level empire, and the status of the monarch is one level higher than that of general war saints, don't you know?

What's more, His Majesty Yue Chen has repeatedly made great achievements for the Holy Temple. If it weren't for His Majesty Yue Chen to sneak into the dark hall this time, the Nine Provinces Continent would have been destroyed in the dark hall's hands long ago. "

"For such a great contribution, even the Deputy Hall Master Lin Yan of the Chuzhou Temple is polite to His Majesty Yue Chen. Where do you come from, dare to be arrogant?"

Ma Zongjin's reprimands were like a series of guns, and he didn't give Hou Feng a chance to react. He rushed to Hou Feng in the next second, raised his slap and prepared to slap it.

It's a pity that he is old, and Hou Feng is also a strong warlord. He didn't react for a while. Now that he reacted, Ma Zongjin had no chance of sneak attack.

He had just approached Hou Feng when he was suddenly blown away with a punch.

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