Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1711: Dumbfounded black soul

He thought that he had fooled Yue Chen with a few casual words, Yue Chen had already regarded this as the secret weapon of the dark palace, so he didn't care.

Hearing his explanation, the elders of the dark hall nodded slightly, and did not stop Yue Chen from approaching the anchor point.

Although the anchor point is extremely important, but in their opinion, Zhou Chong, a warlord, how could it be possible to steal the anchor point in front of several of them?

Even Black Soul and Ye Yue were enough to crush Yue Chen.

"Everyone also sees such a magic weapon, this is the secret weapon that the sirs of the dark palace have prepared for us!"

Yue Chen patted the anchor beside him and said.

At this moment, because the anchor point absorbed most of the blood of the dead gray forces, the original faint blue light became stronger, even with a bit of blood.

Yue Chen estimated that as long as he absorbed half of the blood of the gray gang warriors present, he would be able to be activated.

Of course, it will be put underground if it really works.

When these gray gangs and the Didonghai Clan were about to consume each other, it was when the Dark Palace began to act.

"Master Zhou Chong, what secret weapon is this, can you explain it in detail?"

"If the Lord of the Dark Hall has not forgotten our brother, then we will naturally not spare our lives, and we will naturally die for the Dark Hall!"

"Everyone is right?"

Guitong shouted suddenly.

This is what he discussed with Yue Chen.

"Yes, what we are worried about is being treated as abandoned children in the dark hall. If there is hope, we will naturally not retreat!"

"We were licking blood on the edge of the knife. It's nothing to die, but we have to let the brothers die, right?"

"Yes, as long as there is hope of victory, even Lao Tzu's first death in battle is worth it!"

A group of gray gang warriors also screamed under the encouragement of Guitong.

In their opinion, this is a chance for the dark palace to give them a downhill, so that neither side will be too embarrassed.

Yue Chen nodded, as if satisfied with everyone's enthusiastic performance, "Since everyone said that, I will tell you!"

"This is the secret Black Soul Son told me. I don't know Black Soul Son, can you tell me this secret?"

Yue Chen turned to look at Black Soul, blinked at him and made a suggestive action.

The black soul knows it, and sternly shouted: "This is not a secret, because it is closely related to everyone's lives. Naturally, my black soul will not hide it."

"Just say it!"

His face was full of joy, thinking that Yue Chen was going to give the credit to himself again.

Yue Chen smiled and said: "Since the Black Soul Saint Child agrees, then I will say it!"

"This machine is called a positioning anchor, and it is a treasure of the Demon God. Its function is to locate the existence of the Nine States Continent. Then the Demon God can connect the Nine States Continent and a certain continent of the Demon Clan, and then the Demon Clan's army can drive straight into our Nine Provinces Continent. ."

"At that time, the descendants of everyone here will become the food and playthings of the demons, and they will live forever in the purgatory full of pain and torture until the entire continent human race perishes!"

"As for all of you sitting here, it's just a sacrifice to this anchor point. Don't you find that after so many brothers died and injured, the light on this anchor point is stronger?

Even bring a bit of blood! "

As Yue Chen finished speaking, everyone's expressions froze instantly.

Whether it is the elders of the dark hall or a group of warriors, they all showed incredible expressions.

"Black Soul, it's all good things you did!"

The first Ye Yue to react was angrily cursed, her eyes full of anger, wishing to swallow the black soul around her.

Originally because of the failure of several missions, her status in the heart of the Demon God had been lowered a lot. She wanted to make up for her position in the heart of the Demon God by relying on this mission, but she did not expect that Yue Chen would directly break her plan now.

Several dark hall elders also looked at the black soul with murderous eyes.

"No... I didn't say... I didn't say anything..." Black Soul hurriedly stammered in defense, sweating profusely.

He felt that he was really wronged.

I originally wanted to rub some credit, but I didn't expect the credit to be rubbed. Instead, I rubbed a piece of shit.

Originally, his position in the dark hall was in jeopardy, but now it seems that it would be a good thing not to be executed, let alone the position of the saint child.

"Yeyue, it's important to solve the situation on the scene first, don't care about the waste of the black soul!"

An elder looked at the agitated warrior on the ground, and spoke to Ye Yue.

"I see!"

Ye Yue replied, barely squeezing out a smile to look at Yue Chen, "Little friend Zhou Chong, I think you have misunderstood, Black Soul Saint Child is just joking with you."

"We all see your gang's contribution to the dark temple in our hearts, how can we sacrifice you?"

She did not dare to act rashly at this moment.

After all, Yue Chen is only a few minutes away from the anchor point, if Yue Chen suddenly violently violently destroys the anchor point, then she can't afford this responsibility.

"Hehe, Saint Yeyue, tell these little tricks of yours to these idiots on the ground who threw their heads and shed blood for the dark hall!"

"Although I am not very smart, Yue Chen, I still understand the character of your dark palace, and even the gang loyal to myself can murder, don't call me an outsider!"

Yue Chen sneered and sneered. After speaking, he simply took off the human skin mask and put the anchor point into the storage ring.

"Elder Tao, hurry up and call for the support of our temple!"

Seeing Yue Chen revealing his true body, Guitong shouted loudly as he didn't hide it anymore.

"no problem!"

Elder Tao responded and took out a mirror-like magic weapon from the storage ring. After inputting the true energy, the magic weapon was activated and shot a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth.

After seeing the beam of light, the temple powerhouse who was watching outside Luanjiang Island did not dare to hesitate, and flew towards Luanjiang Island.

In each of the four directions, a strong emperor led the team, and the five strong followers blocked all escape routes.

"Damn, why did Yue Chen get in here?"

Ye Yue shouted angrily.

"The temple has been surrounded, Ye Yue, you don't want the small things like Tier Nine, you should go!"

An elder shouted.

In the next second, several elders launched Secret Techniques in front of Yue Chen, and aftershocks of battle erupted in all directions of Luanjiang Island.

"Yue Chen, I will never forget this hatred. Now Jiuzhou Continent is the grasshopper of the Queen of Autumn. It has been targeted by Lord Demon God and there is no way to survive!"

"If you are wise enough, you should take refuge in the dark temple. I will keep the position of Saint Son for you, and even me can be yours!"

Ye Yue glanced at Yue Chen with resentment in her eyes, and said.

She hated Yue Chen from the bottom of her heart. If it weren't for Yue Chen's appearance, I am afraid that she would have upset the Jiuzhou Continent long ago.

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