Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1708: Crypt Dragon

In this way, the pressure and the risk of being seen through by these gray forces can be reduced, so why drive these gray forces to charge and trap?

Therefore, Yue Chen guessed that the counterattack of these Didonghai Clan is just beginning, and it will not take long for these gray forces to feel the real pain.

Sure enough, within half an hour.

At this time, a group of gangs had pushed the battlefield several miles into the cave, and the original deep cave was also clear. Under the illumination of everyone's martial arts and torches, the bottom of the cave could even be seen.

At this time, everyone looked happy, and even many people had relaxed their vigilance and felt that winning was inevitable.

After all, compared with these gang forces, the strength of the Sea Clan's counterattack was too insignificant.

After such a long battle, these gangs have lost only a few hundred people, and the Didonghai tribe may have killed tens of thousands, although most of them are the low-level Didonghai tribe.

However, just when everyone was overwhelmed, suddenly bursts of loud bangs came from the cave.

Boom! Boom! The gravel in the cave was constantly trembling, and even a small-scale collapse occurred, and a lot of loose soil fell into the cave.

"What is this?

Even the cave is crumbling? "

"What are you afraid of, these cave sea clan are not powerful existences, besides, there are sirs in the dark hall!"

"That is, no matter what he is, I dare to kill as long as I dare to show up!"

Although everyone was a little worried at first, they gradually recovered their composure after seeing the strong man in the dark palace above their heads.

"Elder Tao, do you know what this is?"

Yue Chen turned to look at Elder Tao behind him and asked.

Among them, only Elder Tao had a better understanding of the situation in Luanjiang Island and had read the information on Luanjiang Island.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be a giant dragon, but it has been tamed by the Didonghai Clan!"

Elder Tao whispered.

As his voice fell, the monster that caused the rumbling and vibration in the cave gradually revealed his body.

A giant dragon with its huge fleshy wings flew out from the cave.

"I'm going... this thing is a bit too ugly, right?"

Guitong said with a disgusting look.

The appearance of the dragons in front of them is different from that of ordinary dragons. Although ordinary dragons are evil creatures with grumpy tempers, they are at least extremely powerful and awe-inspiring.

But these dragons do not have the mighty scales and dragon horns, instead they are covered with a layer of sticky skin, and the seas are constantly ticking down with acidic mucus.

The mucus dripped on the ground, arousing a burst of unpleasant green smoke, and even a few unlucky gangs were dripped on their bodies by the mucus, and they were directly dissolved without even screaming.

The eyes of these giant dragons are degraded due to the perennial underground life like the Didonghai Clan, only a large mouth of the blood basin and sharp fangs are more obvious.

The appearance is extremely ugly, but the strength is not inferior to that of the ordinary dragon. The strength of the battle saint level combined with the rider of the cave sea clan riding on his back caused huge losses to the gang.

However, four to five hundred people died in the hands of these underground dragons in a short period of time, with various causes of death.

In addition to being killed directly and dripping with acidic mucus, many people were blown to the ground by a hurricane fanned out by the wings of a giant dragon in the cave, which was extremely miserable.

"Everyone in the dark hall, please help!"

"Yes... this giant dragon is not something we can fight against... the lord of the dark hall, please help!"

"Retreat quickly...or we will all die!"

For a while, everyone shouted, wanting the help of the elders in the dark hall, but unfortunately these elders looked indifferent.

These gang members seemed to them to be consumables, and they wouldn't feel distressed even if they were all dead, let alone the ravages of a few battle saint dragons.

"Big Brother Zhou Chong, what should we do now?"

Liu Xiaolou panicked.

Originally, he still had some composure, but after seeing this extremely powerful underground dragon, his composure was completely broken.

After all, he is just a warlord.

In front of these giant dragons, it was like a dregs that could be blown to death at any time, but Yue Chen was different. He wanted to kill these giant dragons with his strength.

"Now you go and notify the neutral warriors, set off a riot against the dark palace, and leave the rest to me!"

Yue Chen asked.

Liu Xiaolou immediately complied, and separated a few people and went to the location of the neutral warrior.

After a while, Yue Chen saw the results.

Several neutral warrior teams retreated one after another, disturbing the military's mind while retreating.

"The dark palace wants to use us as cannon fodder, so my brothers should retreat as soon as possible, leaving the green hills without worrying about firewood!"

"Yes, if life is gone, what's the use of more bounty?"

"The elders of the Ming Ming and Dark Temple are able to save people but they are watching there. They clearly want us to die. I don't think we should stay here!"

With the retreat of these neutral warriors and the words that disturbed the military's mind, the warriors of the gray gangs were naturally not stupid, and they immediately withdrew from the cave.

After everyone left the underground cave, the underground cave sea clan also stopped chasing and killing them, and gradually retreated into the underground cave.

"Because these underground caves and sea tribes live in underground caves all year round, their skins can no longer withstand too strong sunlight, and there is no conflict with our human tribe, especially since there is also a war emperor strong in their tribe."

"That's why the temple sealed off the location of this island out of many considerations, and although these cave sea tribes look fierce, they don't want to destroy our human race like those relatives in the sea."

Elder Tao looked at the Didonghai Clan who had withdrawn and said.

Yue Chen nodded slightly, judging from the performance of the Didonghai Clan, it was not as cruel and bloodthirsty as imagined.

If it is a real sea clan or demons, even the human clan's army will take advantage of the victory at this moment, and kill as many enemy troops as possible.

However, the Didonghai Clan gave up this chance of calmly pursuing and gave a group of gray forces time to escape.

After withdrawing from the cave, the gangs quarreled.

"What exactly is going on?

Why are these strong guys unwilling to take action? More than a dozen brothers in our hound gang were killed by those monsters! "

"Really, I would have known it a long time ago. I almost lost my life. If I lose my life, how many rewards can I have for it?"

"I'm afraid we are just a group of tool people, but the real strong ones are not moving at all!"

In addition to some dissatisfied people in the gang, a large number of neutral warriors dispersed under Yue Chen's gesture, spreading dissatisfaction.

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