You must know that these people were originally dissatisfied with the loss. After all, the people who died under the Didonghai Clan were their direct descendants, otherwise they would not bring chaos to Jiangdao.

Now that the casualties are heavy, it is also a blow to their strength.

For the gangs of these gray forces, only benefits are real, and everything else is imaginary.

Don't look at the current respect for the dark hall, it's just because the dark hall can give them enough benefits.

If one day the dark hall can't bring out the benefits, or someone can bring out more benefits than the dark hall, then their betrayal is only a matter of one second.

The expressions of several dark hall elders gradually became gloomy. Originally, they thought that these gray forces were just talking about them, but they actually dared to run back.

The burrow that had taken a long time to be laid was once again occupied by the burrowing sea clan, and a lot of strength and spirit were lost.

"Damn...who allowed you to retreat?"

An elder headed scolded.

He originally thought that his reprimand could scare these gray forces like mice to fear, and then continued to charge desperately.

Unfortunately, he underestimated humanity and overestimated his prestige.

In front of his own life, none of the gray gang members listened to his orders, but looked at him with angry eyes one by one.

Even if he is a strong warlord! But the Fa doesn't blame the public. If a person dared to glare at him like this, he would definitely be killed directly by him in order to emulate you.

Now everyone is looking at him with such angry eyes, but he is not sure what to do.

"Be quiet, everyone, our dark palace is not sitting and watching everyone's death, but there are other plans..." Yeyue explained, but her explanation was so pale in the face of the facts, she didn't believe his explanation, but started talking.

"It seems that there is definitely a conspiracy in this dark hall. I thought carefully about how such a good thing could happen. Even if we people can go back half alive, then based on the benefits promised by the dark hall, I am afraid that we can't afford to hollow them out. ."

"No, doesn't the dark palace want us to go back alive at all, just want us to fight these monsters to the end?

Then they are taking advantage of the fisherman's profit?

"I'm afraid that's the case. These people are just cannon fodder in the dark house of others. Fortunately, we have been brave enough to kill the enemy one by one. In the eyes of others, they are just clowns!"

Each neutral warrior also began to talk in the crowd about the gossip or unfounded guesses he had received.

However, under this kind of tension, these unrelated conjectures can be believed by many people.

Ye Yue's brows frowned slightly, and she didn't expect that things would develop to this point, and it was a little beyond her control.

Black Soul smirked secretly in his heart, but his face also put on a serious look.

It didn't matter to him whether the mission was successful or not. After all, the Demon God had already set his sights on this world. In his opinion, the destruction of the Nine Provinces Continent was a certainty.

Moreover, his status is noble, he is the son of the dark temple, even if the Nine Provinces are destroyed, he can still live well, and he does not expect to build any merits in the dark temple now.

So this mission failed, and it was Ye Yue who was ashamed and punished, so he was happy to see Ye Yue’s mission fail.

"His Royal Highness Black Soul, I think Saint Yeyue seems to have been suppressing you, don't you want to use this opportunity to reverse the position of both parties?"

When Black Soul was looking at Ye Yue's jokes with joy, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind, turning his face to see that it was Zhou Chong who Yue Chen was pretending to be.

Hearing heard that he was a little dissatisfied with being suppressed by Ye Yue in the dark hall, he was about to scold him, but thinking that Zhou Chong could persuade Tiger Soul to join the Black Soul Sect, it proved that he still had some ability.

So patiently said: "Do you have any ideas?

Is it to deliberately humiliate this son? "

"You have to know that you are a member of the Black Soul Cult, but the subordinate of my Black Soul, even if you are fawning on Ye Yue now, you can't become Ye Yue's confidant!"

Yue Chen immediately showed a look of fear, shook his head and said: "His Royal Highness Black Soul, you have misunderstood, how can I betray you if I am loyal to you?"

"It's just that I suddenly have a plan. If the leaders of these gangs continue to work for our dark palace with a small move now, wouldn't this credit be counted on your Highness the Black Soul?"

"At that time, your position in the eyes of Lord Demon God and elders will naturally overwhelm Ye Yue, who is not doing well."

"Even if we fail, the sirs will not put this account on your head. Instead, you will feel that you are loyal to the dark temple. As for the responsibility, it is naturally that the lady of the night moon is not doing things well."

"I don't know what the saint son wants?"

Yue Chen's words were extremely bewitching, and he successfully captured the black soul's psychology.

He was initially dissatisfied with Ye Yue's suppression of himself, but there was nothing he could do, especially after repeated blows, he had already lost confidence in him.

Seeing Yue Chen saying so now, it ignited like a flame in his heart.

"Okay, just do what you said!"

Black Soul nodded his head.

Immediately flew to the side of the elders and Ye Yue.

At this moment, the faces of these people were a little ugly, and the people watching the trouble on the ground didn't know what to do.

Several elders suggested using violence to suppress these gray gangs, but unfortunately they were boycotted by everyone.

After all, although violent means can make these gray forces surrender on the surface, it is inevitable that they will not work hard, which will slow down the speed of the entire operation.

Moreover, after using violent means, even if these gangs are stupid, they know the evil intentions of the dark hall, and it is inevitable that they will think about escape.

"Several elders, and Saint Yeyue must be worried about these gang troubles, right?"

The black soul looked happily. He didn't know where to find a black feather fan, and gently shook the feather fan and approached a few people like a wise man.

Ye Yue thought he was ridiculing herself, so she didn't have a good temper: "Do you think that if the mission fails, Lord Devil will favor you more?"

"Don't forget that you are also a member of this task. You will not be able to run away and you will have to bear the responsibilities. At least I will tell Lord Demon God about your negativity and sabotage!"

"When the time comes, you will wait for punishment!"

Hearing Ye Yue's words, Black Soul took a breath and paid more attention to Yue Chen.

Looking at Yeyue's posture, if she didn't take the initiative to speak up, she would inevitably join her in a passive slack in front of Lord Demon God after she went back, and might even push herself the responsibility of failing the mission.

The closest contact between the Dark Hall of the Nine Provinces Continent and the Demon God is Ye Yue, I am afraid that there will be no one who can speak good things for himself!

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