Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1707: I cover you

The black soul gave Yue Chen a triumphant look, cast a look that made him feel relieved, and smiled: "I'm here with the black soul, so I can definitely cover you with nothing!"

"How can I say that my black soul is also a magnificent saint, and it is not comparable to ordinary people. As long as you follow me well, your benefits will be indispensable!"

For this subordinate who has given him a lot of face, Black Soul is very favored in his heart. If it is not for the special situation now, he is ready to take Yue Chen directly into the dark hall himself.

In his opinion, Yue Chen relied on the ability of Flicker to win the entire Tiger Soul Club. If he used this skill to fight against Yue Chen, he would not suffer such a big loss.

Of course, if he knew that the reliance he was preparing to fight against Yue Chen was actually Yue Chen himself, the expression on his face would be extremely exciting.

"Thank you, Black Soul, your subordinates will definitely perform their duties!"

Yue Chen said with a flattered look, but he was snickering in his heart, even more contemptuous of the wisdom of the black soul.

After many losses, Black Soul has reached the point where he is in a hurry to go to the doctor.

"When you're going to charge, don't charge too far, just follow me!"

The Black Soul suddenly said as if thinking of something.

He knew very well that these gray forces were all tricked cannon fodder, and for Yue Chen such a capable fighter, if he died in the hands of the Didonghai Clan like those cannon fodder, it would be too bad for him.

Yue Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Black Soul really valued himself so much, "Yes, his subordinates must follow Black Soul Saint Son before and after, but how many friends do you think?

""These are the future team members of our Black Soul Sect, and are your diehard loyalists, Your Highness Black Soul! "

Yue Chen forced a smile and said, although he is safe now, Elder Tao and others are still at risk of exposure.

If you encounter the Didonghai Clan with the strength of the battle saint, it is easy to force their strength out. Now that the elders of the dark hall are gathered, Yue Chen is very clear that the slightest flaw will be revealed, and the disaster will be destroyed.

"It's easy to say, just bring it all!"

"Since I am a loyal loyal to the black soul, I will naturally not let you lose, and I will cover it all."

The black soul said triumphantly, his tone full of pride.

After Yue Chen and Ye Yue's repeated blows, his self-confidence has been exhausted. Only in front of Zhou Chong, who was pretending to be Yue Chen, his confidence renewed.

By the time Yue Chen summoned Elder Tao and the others to his side, a group of pioneers and other gray forces had already begun to break into the cave under the command of Ye Yue.

The head of the dark hall elder took out a weird magic weapon from the storage ring.

This magic weapon is tens of meters in size and emits a long blue light, which is almost the same as the blue light of the towers of the heavens. Yue Chen can see at a glance that this is a magic weapon used to locate two planes, which is his mission goal. .

"His Royal Highness Black Soul, don't know what treasure this magic weapon is?"

Yue Chen pretended to be ignorant and asked.

"This...this...this is the secret weapon of our dark temple. The Donghai Clan is extremely bloodthirsty and tenacious in combat. This is to prevent you from being unable to attack for a long time and causing too much loss, so it was taken out!"

The black soul was startled first, and then said perfunctorily.

Although with his appreciation of Zhou Chong, it doesn't matter even if he tells Yue Chen this to Zhou Chong, who is pretending to be Zhou Chong, but after all, there are still so many gray forces. Wouldn't it be bad if the news spread?

The corner of Yue Chen's mouth evoked a contemptuous sneer, "It turns out that it is the Black Soul Saint Child who has considered it thoroughly."

After taking a casual flattery, Yue Chen quietly flew to Liu Xiaolou in the crowd and shouted: "Xiaolou, you go and inform the brothers who have already contacted, so that when they break into the hole, don't make too much effort and perfunctory. That's it!"

"These people are extremely wicked people, there is no need to risk helping them!"

He was very clear that the Donghai Clan's counterattack strength would never be weak. After all, the secret that can only be known by the Holy Temple as a battle saint, the danger on Luanjiang Island will never be low.

With these gray forces, I am afraid that the loss will not be small.

But the neutral warriors and rangers are all brave and righteous. If they are deceived by these gray forces, it would be bad to take the initiative to rescue these gray forces.

That's why Yue Chen reminded him.

"Understood, thanks to Big Brother Zhou Chong for helping save people!"

Liu Xiaolou said gratefully.

Immediately he separated several younger brothers and went to different groups of neutral warriors to pass the news.

At this time, the battle between the Dark Palace and the Didonghai Clan has become fierce.

The gray forces on the side of the dark hall were brave enough to take the lead under the generous rewards promised by the dark hall. These people were originally desperate and wicked people. As long as they had benefits, let alone selling their lives, they would be willing to sell themselves to the dark hall.

As a result, morale was high for a while, and the Didonghai tribe who fought in defeat steadily retreated.

It hovered down from the hole and rushed down hundreds of meters in less than ten minutes. Although it was nothing compared to the bottomless hole, it was still good news.

Almost every second, thousands of Didonghai tribes were killed and fell to the bottom of the cave.

This cave is like a tiankeng, with a diameter of several kilometers alone, otherwise it would not be possible to spread so many troops.

Although as these gangs advance deeper and deeper, their speed has gradually slowed down, and the counterattack of the Didonghai Clan has gradually become fierce, but the advancing speed has been steadily moving forward.

Yue Chen watched the battle for a while and gained a new understanding of the Didonghai Clan.

Although this race has severely degraded vision and intelligence due to its long-term survival in the cave, it has almost become a creature that only acts on the basis of instinct, and is far worse than their relatives, the Sea Clan, at the level of civilization.

But the strength is not weaker than the strong human races and sea races of the same level.

Their bloodthirsty and craziness made up for the lack of martial arts to a certain extent.

Sometimes the already seriously injured Didonghai Clan even yelled at these gangs to charge, knowing that this injury is deadly enough for ordinary Humans or Sea Clan.

"Brother Zhou Chong, I have notified all the neutral forces. Those leaders have agreed to your plan and will help us and respond to us at critical moments."

"But when are we going to resist the dark temple?"

Liu Xiaolou sneaked up to Yue Chen and asked.

"No hurry, this is just the beginning!"

Yue Chen's tone was not irritable and slow.

Now it is far from the moment to shoot, these gray forces have not really felt the pain, but have taken a lot of money on the cave sea clan, and even immersed in the dream of easily obtaining the reward of the dark palace.

But Yue Chen knew that this matter was definitely not that simple.

After all, if it's just a counterattack of this level, the dark palace will be able to solve it by randomly deploying a few strong people, and then directly treat these gray forces as sacrifices.

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