Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1706: Top Ten Pioneer Candidates

"Yes, thank you Brother Zhou Chong!"

Liu Xiaolou said excitedly.

He knew that this was Yue Chen preparing to rescue other neutral warriors, so naturally he did not hesitate at all.

Then he slipped quietly to the camp of neutral warriors.

At this time, Ye Yue saw that everyone was almost there, and cleared his throat and shouted: "Next, I announce the ranking of the top ten pioneers in the dark palace!"

"The Soul Slaughter Club, the Five Lakes and Four Seas Gang, the Tiger Soul Club..." Ye Yue said a long list of the names of various gangs.

After saying the names of a few gangs, Liu Tong, the former steward of the Tiger Soul Club, looked at Yue Chen in awe and hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness Yeyue, I have something to say on behalf of the Tiger Soul Club!"

Ye Yue glanced at him somewhat puzzledly and nodded slightly.

The black soul next to him was a little surprised and said, "No, why are my black soul cultists by the side of the Tiger Soul Club?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Yue's mouth, and said sarcastically: "It is estimated that your Black Soul Cult was too weak, so it was destroyed, right?"

"Perhaps it is taking the initiative to surrender to the enemy. Anyway, following a master like you will not end well. It is better to take the initiative to surrender to the enemy!"

"Anyway, it's impossible that your Black Soul Sect defeated the Tiger Soul Club and became the master of the Tiger Soul Club, right?"

These words spread to Black Soul's ears, making Black Soul's gloomy complexion even lower, but he dared not say anything more.

Yeyue now holds the power in the dark hall, and no one but a few elders can suppress it, so he naturally does not dare to touch the mold.

"It's such a night moon saint, our tiger soul will now be renamed Black Soul Cult!"

Liu Tong said with a pleased smile.


Ye Yue was startled, and his expression became a little uncontrollable in the next second.

She had just mocked the Black Soul, but looking at the current situation, I am afraid it is not the Tiger Soul that has conquered the Black Soul Sect, but it seems that the Black Soul Sect has defeated the Tiger Soul Sect.


Why do you want to change your name? "

Ye Yue said dissatisfied.

Liu Tong was a little dumb, and when he was about to explain, Yue Chen said, "Sage Yeyue doesn't know something. Although our Black Soul Sect is not good at fighting, we rely on our respect for the Black Soul Son!"

"Under my persuasion, these members of the Tiger Soul Society are extremely yearning for the Black Soul Sect and the Black Soul Son, so they changed their name to join my Black Soul Sect!"

He smiled calmly, and everyone present didn't see any strangeness in him.

Even the Black Soul didn't see any flaws, but a little bit of guilt and excitement in his heart.

"I didn't expect that the Black Soul Cult that I had been stocking was so loyal to me, and could persuade Tiger Soul to join me in such an organization!"

"It seems that this kid Zhou Chong is an individual talent, this sage child definitely wants to save him!"

Black Soul thought to himself in his heart.

Originally, the Black Soul Sect was only done by him casually, and since its establishment, he hasn't paid any attention to it anymore, and he has ignored several leaders who died in the hands of the temple.

Otherwise, with his identity supporting a little bit, the power of the Black Soul Sect will not be as miserable as before.

Now seeing Yue Chen's impassioned and flattering words, Black Soul's thoughts have also changed.

"Yes, it's worthy of being a talent cultivated by my dark soul!"

Black Soul praised shamelessly.

Seeing that everyone in the Tiger Soul Society, Black Soul, and Zhou Chong, who was pretending to be Yue Chen, said so, Ye Yue couldn't question anything anymore, she could only nod her head and said, "Yes, now the top ten pioneers are your Black Soul Cult!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of discussion among the crowd.

"Isn't it?

I also heard this week that a scum with the strength of a warlord also deserves to be the top ten vanguard? "

"It's just by shaking your lips and bulging your tongue, what's the real skill?

I'm not convinced! "

"Shadow, I don't think this game is fair. If you look at your strength, what kind of **** is the Black Soul Cult?"

For a while, everyone was upset, and there were some people who didn't think it was too big to watch the excitement, and they were even more yelling.

Even if the Black Soul Sect was proposed as the top ten pioneers, these people would not be selected.

But even so, being able to block others is like fun for these people.

This is the kind of person who hurts others and disadvantages oneself.

"Sage Yeyue, the younger one is named Zhang Jiao, and she is asking to challenge the leader of Zhou Chong. If I lose, I am willing to be beheaded, but if Zhou Chong loses, please disqualify him!"

A young man walked out of the crowd, pointed at Yue Chen and shouted.

Although his strength is not strong, he is also a strong at the peak of the King of War. He is only a short distance away from the breakthrough, which is naturally much stronger than Zhou Chong.

If it was Zhou Chong, he would have been thinking about how to escape, and even thinking about how to beg for mercy.

But for Yue Chen, it was just a punch by himself, he could kill Zhang Jiao directly! But he also has his own scruples.

"Zhou Chong, what do you think about this, do you face it?"

Yeyue is not too troubled to see the bustle on the road.

He is naturally happy to see what can make the black soul eaten. If the black soul's subordinates are defeated, or even beheaded on the spot, the black soul will not look good.

The majesty in the dark hall will only be further reduced, which is a good thing for her.

"I..." Yue Chen hesitated.

He can naturally kill Zhang Jiao easily, but his identity will probably be exposed at that time. After all, as long as he shows the power that Zhou Chong can have, he will be suspected at a very high probability.

When the time comes, the previous plan will fall short. With the vigilance of the dark temple, I am afraid that I will leave this anchor point in an instant, and it will be difficult to grasp it again.

Without waiting for him to speak, an angry voice suddenly erupted.

"Since you want to die so much, this saint son will fulfill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black soul blasted out a punch, smashing at Zhang Jiao.

There is a huge difference in strength between him and Zhang Jiao, and Black Soul is also a rare genius. This punch blasted Zhang Jiao without the slightest resistance, and he was instantly smashed into dregs by darkness in midair.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The Black Soul flew to Yue Chen's side, looked up and down a few times, then patted Yue Chen's shoulder and said: "Yes, you are doing a good job, as long as you are loyal to my Black Soul, no one will want to hurt you!"

After speaking, he turned to look at a group of warriors and asked: "Which of you still wants to come out and find death?

Are you dissatisfied with Zhou Chong being one of the top ten pioneers, stand up for me? "

The person he saw bowed his head instantly and dared not say anything.

In other words, he is also the saint son of the dark hall, which is not comparable to ordinary people, and he is also a high-powered existence in the dark hall.

Even if it is now being emptied by Yeyue, it is not that these gray forces can offend.

"We... we have no objection... to support Master Zhou Chong!"

" the Black Soul Cult!"

"If anyone dares to have an opinion on Brother Zhou Chong, I will be the first one to let it go!"

The leaders of a group of gray forces hurriedly showed their loyalty, as if they were not the ones who were questioning just now.

Ye Yue looked at Black Soul helplessly, and shouted: "Since everyone has no objections, then I will announce the rules this time."

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